
3D tiskana taktilna reprodukcija umetniškega dela
ID Klokočovnik, Jure (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrskega dela je bila izdelana reliefna reprodukcija umetniškega dela s pomočjo 3D-tiska. Glavni namen raziskave je bil izdelati taktilno reprodukcijo umetniškega dela Avtoportret v belem, avtorice Ivane Kobilce, s pomočjo 3D-tiska in jo predstaviti slepim in slabovidnim, z namenom raziskave razumevanja oziroma taktilnega prepoznavanja motiva. Za 3D-tisk smo uporabili več različnih materialov, in sicer; termoplastična filamenta (PLA (polimlečna kislina) in ABS (akrilonitril butadien stiren)) ter tekoči fotopolimerni material V4, podjetja FormLabs. Na osnovi navedenih materialov smo izdelali preskušance, nekatere med njimi tudi obdelali z uporabo teksturnih razpršil in ugotavljali odpornost le-teh na vodo, olje in detergent. Izbrani motiv se je s pomočjo 3D modelirnih programov preoblikoval v 3D-objekt. Tako reliefna reprodukcija kot reliefni 3D tiskani preskušanci z različnimi teksturami so se predstavili slepim in slabovidnim na delavnici, kjer se je sočasno izvajala anketa o prepoznavi motiva. Vsi anketiranci so prepoznali motiv slike, kjer jim je dodatno opisovanje motiva bolje razjasnilo njegovo razumevanje. Rezultati so pokazali, da lahko naknadna obdelava delov površin s teksturnimi razpršili bistveno pripomore k lažjemu razumevanju reproduciranega taktilnega motiva in lahko dobro nadomesti potrebo po vključevanju dodatnih klasičnih tiskanih tekstur za lažje prepoznavanje motiva. S tem smo dokazali, da je 3D-tisk primerna tehnologija za izdelavo taktilnih reprodukcij in da ob ustrezni naknadni obdelavi posameznih delov motiva lahko dosežemo informacijsko bogato taktilno reprodukcijo, ki omogoča slepim in slabovidnim lahkotno razumevanje in prepoznavanje motivov umetniških del.

Keywords:taktilna reprodukcija, reliefna reprodukcija, 3D-tisk, odpornost 3D tiskanih materialov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Title:3D Printed Tactile Reproduction of Artwork
In the scope of this master thesis, a relief reproduction of an artwork was created with the help of 3D printing. The main purpose of this research was to create a tactile creation of an artwork, Avtoportret v belem, from Slovenian painter Ivana Kobilca, with 3D printing and then present this to a visually impaired group, to find out the level of understanding of the motif and influence of post-production on the final touch. Moreover, there was a study done on the resistance of PLA (Polylactic acid), ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), V4 resin from FormLabs and post-production texturing techniques to water, oil and detergent. With the help of 3D modeling software, the chosen artwork was transformed into a 3D model. Both 3D printed relief reproduction and textured samples were made, which were used to test the understanding of the motif with the visually impaired focus group. All of the respondents did recognize the motif on the artwork, although a more detailed description vastly improved their understanding of the artwork. Additionally, the texturing of the surface would also greatly contribute to the understanding of the motif. With this research we proved that 3D printing is a suitable technology for making tactile artwork, furthermore, with the correct conversion of the artwork into a 3D object we can enable the visually impaired to feel and understand the artwork.

Keywords:tactile artwork, relief reproduction, 3D printing, resistance of 3D-printed materials

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