
Učenje in poučevanje nemščine kot tujega jezika v drugem triletju osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Schenk, Maruša (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Večjezičnost je v današnjem svetu visoko cenjena. Z znanjem dodatnih jezikov posameznik razvija svojo jezikovno zmožnost in medkulturno kompetenco. Nemščina je pomemben jezik v mednarodnem poslovanju in bližina Avstrije Sloveniji omogoča mnogo priložnosti na področju gospodarstva, zato je učenje nemščine v slovenskih šolah smiselno. Zgodnje učenje jezikov v osnovni šoli je za učence dodana vrednost, še posebej zaradi njihovega neobremenjenega usvajanja in omogočene daljše časovne izpostavljenosti tujemu jeziku. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo položaj nemščine kot tujega jezika v drugem triletju v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Z letom 2013 je drugi tuji jezik vstopil v drugo triletje v obliki neobveznega izbirnega predmeta in učencem je bilo omogočeno, da se od 4. razreda naprej učijo nemščine. Pri našem raziskovanju smo se posvetili izvajanju pouka nemščine s perspektive učiteljev. Zbrali smo stališča o zgodnjem poučevanju nemščine šestih učiteljic in enega učitelja nemščine, z delovnimi izkušnjami v 4., 5. in 6. razredu. Povprašali smo jih o njihovih učnih pristopih in metodah, vključevanju kulture v pouk nemščine, njihovi izobrazbi, občutku kompetentnosti ter o najpogostejših težavah, s katerimi se soočajo. Z uporabo polstrukturiranih intervjujev smo ugotovili, da so učiteljice naklonjene zgodnjemu učenju tujih jezikov, uporabljajo raznolike pristope in metode ter v pouk vključujejo kulturni vidik. Izpostavijo pa nekaj sistemskih težav, vezanih na izvajanje neobveznega izbirnega predmeta, kot so heterogenost skupin, čas izvajanja, število učencev in status nemščine. V zaključku smo strnili naše ugotovitve v šest točk, ki služijo kot predlog izboljšanja pouka nemščine v drugem triletju. Raziskava bo pripomogla k razmisleku o položaju nemščine v drugem triletju slovenske osnovne šole in spoznanju, da je znanje dodatnih jezikov v poznem otroštvu koristno.

Keywords:zgodnje učenje nemščine, nemščina v drugem triletju, neobvezni izbirni predmet, nemščina, učenje in poučevanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Schenk
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158557 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199055619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Learning and Teaching German as a Foreign Language in Primary School Years 4, 5 and 6
Multilingualism is highly valued in today's world. Knowledge of additional languages develops the individual’s language ability and their intercultural competence. German is an important language in international business and Slovenia’s neighbouring country Austria offers many opportunities in the field of economy, therefore learning German in Slovenian schools makes sense. Early language learning in primary school is an added value for pupils, especially due to subconscious acquisition and longer exposure to a foreign language. In this master thesis, we present the position of German as a foreign language in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade in Slovenian primary schools. With the year 2013, the second foreign language was made an optional elective and it became possible for pupils to learn German from the 4th grade onwards. In our research, we focused on the implementation of German lessons from the teachers' perspective. We collected the views of seven German teachers with work experience in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade about early German language learning and asked them about the approaches and methods they use, the integration of culture in German lessons, their education, their sense of competence, and about the most common problems, which they face. Using semi-structured interviews, we found that German teachers are in favour of early foreign language learning, use diverse approaches and methods, and include the cultural aspect in their lessons. They also pointed out some systemic problems related to the attributes of the optional elective subject, such as the heterogeneity of the pupils, the implementation time, the number of pupils and the status of the German language. In our conclusion, we summarized our findings to six points, which serve as a proposal for improving German lessons in Grades 4 to 6. The research will help to reflect on the position of German as a second foreign language of Slovenian primary schools and the realisation that knowledge of additional languages in late childhood is useful.

Keywords:early German language learning, German in primary schools, optional elective subject

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