
​Povezava med navezanostjo v bližnjih odnosih in tveganjem za samomorilno vedenje pri mladostnikih, hospitaliziranih na oddelku pod posebnim nadzorom psihiatrične bolnišnice
ID Leben Novak, Lara (Author), ID Drobnič Radobuljac, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poštuvan, Vita (Comentor)

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Uvod: Samomor je eden vodilnih vzrokov smrti v obdobju mladostništva. Napovedovanje samomorilnega tveganja pri mladostnikih je zelo zahtevno, saj gre za preplet številnih varovalnih dejavnikov in dejavnikov tveganja, ki zajemajo nevrobiološke, socialne, psihološke in razvojne značilnosti. Mladostniki so zaradi številnih razvojnih sprememb še bolj ranljiva skupina, saj sposobnost reševanja težav pri njih še ni popolnoma razvita. Varna oblika navezanosti je eden izmed temeljnih virov pomoči za mladostnike. Teorija navezanosti zagovarja dejstvo, da je občutek varnosti, ki ga otroci razvijejo v družinskem okolju, osnova za razvoj nadaljnjih interakcij z ljudmi. Otroci tako razvijejo notranje delovne modele sebe in drugih na podlagi zgodnjih interakcij in izkušenj s svojimi starši. Negotova navezanost predstavlja dejavnik tveganja za razvoj duševnih motenj, vključno s samomorilnim vedenjem. Namen, cilji: Namen raziskave je bil natančneje preučiti povezavo med navezanostjo mladostnikov na osebe v vlogi staršev in tveganjem za pojav samomorilnega vedenja z vidika pridobljene zmožnosti za samomor in preveriti napovedno vrednost navezanosti na trajanje hospitalizacije na oddelku pod posebnim nadzorom. Preiskovanci, metoda: V raziskavo so bili vključeni mladostniki, stari med 11 in 18 let, ki so bili zaradi resne samomorilne ogroženosti hospitalizirani na oddelku pod posebnim nadzorom. Izključitveni kriteriji za sodelovanje v raziskavi so bili intelektualna manjzmožnost, vpliv akutnega psihotičnega dogajanja ali prepovedanih psihoaktivnih snovi in zavrnitev sodelovanja v raziskavi. Preiskovanci so odgovarjali na nabor vprašalnikov: ECR-RS, ACSS, PSS, LITE-S. Rezultati: Izogibajoča dimenzija navezanosti na mater (b = 0,23, 95 % CI (0,05, 0,45)), očeta (b = 0,21, 95 % CI (0,05, 0,40)) in na oba starša skupaj (b = 0,32, 95 % CI (0,11, 0,58)) je preko mediatorja PZS povezana s samomorilnim vedenjem. Prav tako je tudi anksiozna dimenzija navezanosti na očeta povezana s samomorilnim vedenjem preko PZS, vendar negativno (b = –0,17, 95 % CI (–0,36, –0,02)). Negotova navezanost na očeta je bila statistično pomembno povezana z mladostnikovim poskusom samomora kadarkoli v življenju (?2(1) = 5,85, p = 0,02). Negotova navezanost na očeta tako napoveduje skoraj 3-krat večje obete za poskus samomora mladostnika v njegovem življenju kot pa negotova navezanost na mater. Navezanost na starše ni napovedni dejavnik trajanja hospitalizacije. Tudi ob uvedbi posameznih spremenljivk kot moderatorjev te povezanosti (osebnostna motnja, depresivna motnja, nasilje v družini, izkušnja zlorabe) napovedna vrednost ni bila statistično pomembna. Na trajanje hospitalizacije vplivajo drugi dejavniki. Razprava: Izogibajoča dimenzija navezanosti je občutljivejši napovedovalec resnejšega samomorilnega vedenja kot anksiozna dimenzija. Posamezniki z različnimi dimenzijami navezanosti se med seboj ločijo po tem, kako doživljajo in vzpostavljajo odnose z drugimi, kako se spopadajo s težavami in regulirajo čustva. Mati in oče nudita svojemu otroku različno obliko čustvene podpore in ga opremita z različnimi strategijami spoprijemanja, kar se lahko odraža tudi v samomorilnem vedenju. Trajanje zdravljenja na intenzivnem psihiatričnem oddelku je odvisno od kombinacije različnih psihosocialnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na končni izid zdravljenja.

Keywords:samomorilno vedenje, navezanost, pridobljena zmožnost za samomor, mladostniki, starši
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The association between the attachment in close relationships and the risk of suicidal behavior in adolescents hospitalized in a psychiatric intensive care unit
Introduction: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death during adolescence. Predicting suicidal risk in adolescents is challenging due to the interplay of numerous protective and risk factors, encompassing neurobiological, social, psychological, and developmental characteristics. Due to various developmental changes are adolescents an even more vulnerable group, as their problem-solving abilities are not fully developed. Secure attachment is one of the fundamental sources of support for adolescents. Attachment theory advocates that the sense of security developed by children in the family environment, with support, forms the basis for the development of subsequent interactions with people. Children thus develop internal working models of themselves and others based on early interactions and experiences with their parents. Insecure attachment represents a risk factor for the development of mental disorders, including suicidal behavior. Purpose, Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the connection between adolescents' attachment to the parents and the risk of suicidal behavior from the perspective of acquired capability for suicide and if attachment is an important predictive variable for the duration of hospitalization in a special care unit. Subjects, Method: The study included adolescents who were hospitalized in the special care unit, due to serious suicidal risk. Adolescents aged between 11 and 18 were included. Exclusion criteria for participation in the study were intellectual disability, the influence of acute psychotic events or illicit psychoactive substances, and refusal to participate in the research. Participants answered to a set of questionnaires: ECR-RS, ACSS, PSS, LITE-S. Results: Adolescents' attachment avoidance to mother (b = 0.23, 95 % CI (0.05, 0.45)), father (b = 0.21, 95 % CI (0.05, 0.40)), and both parents together (b = 0.32, 95 % CI (0.11, 0.58)) are connected to suicidal behavior through the mediator PZS. Similarly, the attachment anxiety to the father is also linked to suicidal behavior through PZS, but negatively (b = –0.17, 95 % CI (–0.36, –0.02)). Insecure attachment to the father was statistically significantly associated with any suicide attempt by the adolescent in their lifetime (챓²(1) = 5.85, p = 0.02). The odds ratio for attempted suicide was almost three times higher for adolescents who were insecurely attached to their father compared to adolescents who were insecurely attached to their mother. Attachment to parents is not a predictive factor for the duration of hospitalization. Even with the introduction of individual variables as moderators of this association (personality disorder, depressive disorder, family violence, experience of abuse), the predictive value was not statistically significant. Other factors influence the duration of hospitalization. Discussion: A higher level of attachment avoidance is a more sensitive predictor of more severe suicidal behavior rather than attachment anxiety. Individuals with different attachment dimensions differ in how they experience and establish relationships with others, cope with problems, and regulate emotions. Mother and father provide their child with different forms of emotional support and equip them with different coping strategies, which can also be reflected in suicidal behavior. The duration of treatment in an intensive psychiatric unit depends on a combination of various psychosocial factors that influence the final treatment outcome.

Keywords:suicidal behavior, attachment, acquired capability for suicide, adolescents, parents

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