
Učinki vadbe in vadbenega svetovanja na izražanje genov v endometriju neplodnih žensk z debelostjo : doktorska disertacija
ID Šuštaršič, Ana (Author), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Burnik Papler, Tanja (Comentor)

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Glavni namen doktorske disertacije je bil ugotoviti povezavo med vadbo in vadbenim svetovanjem in izražanje genov v endometriju v času vgnezditvenega okna pri neplodnih ženskah z debelostjo. Ugotavljali smo razlike v gibalnih sposobnostih, telesnih značilnostih, psihičnem počutju ter zdravstvenih in presnovnih dejavnikih pred in po vadbeni intervenciji. Hkrati smo s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov analizirali tudi dolgoročne učinke vadbe in vadbenega svetovanja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 43 merjenk s potrjeno primarno ali sekundarno neplodnostjo. V eksperimentalni skupini je bilo 28 merjenk, starih 32,4 ± 4,0 let, s povprečnim ITM 37,66 kg/m2. Vadbena intervencija je potekala 12 tednov na Fakulteti za šport, kjer so bile opravljene meritve gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti, na Kliničnem oddelku za reprodukcijo UKC Ljubljana pa je bila opravljena analiza zdravstvenih in presnovnih dejavnikov. V kontrolni skupini je bilo 15 žensk, starih 33,2 ± 3,4 leta, s povprečnim ITM 32,82 kg/m2, ki niso bile deležne vadbe in vadbenega svetovanja. Podatki so bili statistično analizirani v programu IBM SPSS 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, ZDA). Raziskava je pokazala, da ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik v izražanju genov pred in po intervenciji. Ko smo rezultate primerjali s predhodno objavljenima raziskavama o izražanju genov v receptivnem endometriju, smo ugotovili, da prav tako ni bilo značilnih razlik glede na vadbeno intervencijo v izražanju genov, ki so bili višje izraženi v receptivnem endometriju v predhodnih raziskavah. Hkrati pa smo ugotovili, da so bili geni, ki so bili nižje izraženi v receptivnem endometriju v predhodnih raziskavah, po uspešni izgubi telesne mase statistično značilno nižje izraženi tudi v naši raziskavi. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je 12-tedenska kontinuirana vadba povezana z izboljšanjem gibalnih sposobnosti, telesnih značilnosti in psihičnega stanja žensk, saj so le-te izboljšale rezultate vseh 9 gibalnih testov, v povprečju znižale telesno maso za 5,79 kg ter izboljšale zaznavanje čustev in občutij v 92,9 %. Učinki vadbe in vadbenega svetovanja so bili vidni tudi po končani intervenciji; ženske so po enem letu sicer v povprečju poslabšale svoje psihično počutje, vendar pa so večinoma ohranile prehranske in gibalne navade ter telesno maso, v obdobju do dveh let po končani intervenciji pa je zanosilo kar 16 merjenk. Naša raziskava je, glede na pregledano literaturo, prva raziskava o povezanosti izgube telesne mase in izražanja genov pri neplodnih ženskah z debelostjo, ki naj bi služili kot označevalci receptivnosti endometrija. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo, da lahko ustrezna telesna vadba in prehrana ter posledično zmanjšanje telesne mase pri neplodnih ženskah z debelostjo pozitivno vplivajo na receptivnost endometrija, zato je eden izmed pomembnih pristopov pri zdravljenju teh žensk spodbujanje zdravega življenjskega sloga.

Keywords:Neplodnost, intervencija, življenjski slog, telesna dejavnost, endometrij
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158530 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200666627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of Exercise and Exercise Counselling on Gene Expression in the Endometrium of Infertile Women with Obesity
The main purpose of the doctoral dissertation was to determine the influence of exercise and exercise counselling on the expression of genes in the endometrium during the implantation window in infertile women with obesity. We found differences in movement abilities, physical characteristics, psychological well-being, and health and metabolic factors before and after the exercise intervention. At the same time, we also analysed the long-term effects of exercise and exercise counselling with the help of questionnaires. 43 women with confirmed primary or secondary infertility were included in the study. There were 28 subjects in the experimental group, aged 32.4 ± 4.0 years, with an average BMI of 37.66 kg/m2. The training intervention took place for 12 weeks at the Faculty of Sports, where measurements of movement abilities and physical characteristics were performed, and an analysis of health and metabolic factors was performed at the Clinical Department of Reproduction of the University of Ljubljana. The control group consisted of 15 women aged 33.2 ± 3.4 years, with an average BMI of 32.82 kg/m2, who did not receive exercise or exercise counselling. The data were statistically analysed in the IBM SPSS 21 program (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). The research showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of genes that were more highly expressed in the receptive endometrium in previous studies according to the exercise intervention. At the same time, we found that genes that were lower expressed in the receptive endometrium were statistically significantly downregulated in the endometrial samples after successful weight loss. Through research, we found that 12 weeks of continuous exercise had an effect on the improvement of women's movement abilities, physical characteristics and psychological state, as they improved the results of all 9 movement tests, reduced their body weight by 5.79 kg on average and improved their perception 92.9% emotions and feelings. The effects of exercise and exercise counseling were also visible after the end of the intervention; after one year, the women's psychological well-being worsened on average, but they mostly maintained their dietary and exercise habits and body weight, and in the period up to two years after the end of the intervention, as many as 16 of the subjects became pregnant. According to the reviewed literature, our study is the first study on the effect of weight loss on the expression of genes in infertile women with obesity, which are supposed to serve as markers of endometrial receptivity. The results of the research suggest that appropriate exercise and nutrition and the resulting weight loss in infertile women with obesity can have a positive effect on the receptivity of the endometrium, so one of the important approaches in the treatment of these women is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords:Infertility, intervention, lifestyle, physical activity, endometrium

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