
Vloga družbenih omrežij na spreminjanje potrošniških navad v kozmetiki
ID Podlogar, Klavdija (Author), ID Gašperlin, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družbena omrežja so postala neizogiben del sodobne družbe, spreminjajoč način, kako komuniciramo, ustvarjamo, prejemamo informacije in na podlagi teh sprejemamo odločitve o nakupih. Novodobne družbene platforme niso le prostor za druženje in izmenjavo vsebin, temveč so zaradi vse večje priljubljenosti postala središče marketinških dejavnosti. Prednosti družbenih omrežij v svoj prid izkoriščajo tudi kozmetična podjetja, ki promovirajo kozmetične izdelke na edinstven in privlačen način. S pomočjo oglasov, videoposnetkov in drugih interaktivnih vsebin dosegajo svojo ciljno publiko na bolj oseben način. Pri tem si pomagajo s pomembnimi akterji – vplivneži, ki se pogosto pojavljajo kot ambasadorji blagovnih znamk in produkcijskih linij. Njihova moč je oblikovati mnenja, pridobiti zaupanje in vplivati na nakupne odločitve svojih sledilcev. V ta namen smo v okviru diplomske naloge raziskali vlogo družbenih omrežij in vplivnežev na spreminjanje potrošniških navad v kozmetiki. Pomagali smo si s pomočjo spletnih virov in anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika, ustvarjenega v programu 1KA. Anketo smo delili med splošno populacijo, nanjo pa se je v celoti odzvalo 71 udeležencev. Želeli smo pridobiti ključne informacije o uporabi družbenih omrežij, predvsem Instagrama in TikToka, njunega vpliva na potrošnikovo nakupno odločitev, zaznavo lepotnih vplivnežev in prepoznavnostjo virtualnih vplivnežev. Rezultati so pokazali, da je med potrošniki ne glede na starostno kategorijo vodilno družbeno omrežje Instagram, s pomočjo katerega tudi pridobivajo vsebinsko in pregledno boljše ter verodostojnejše informacije o kozmetičnih izdelkih. Oglaševanje in priporočila obeh platform v veliki meri vplivajo na nakupno odločitev anketirancev, k nakupu kozmetičnega izdelka pa jih spodbudijo predvsem večkrat videne objave, pretežno v obliki videoposnetkov. Njihova nakupna odločitev ni nagla, saj se o izdelku pozanimajo na spletni strani proizvajalca in ne kupujejo le na podlagi trenda in cene. Večina anketirancev sledi slovenskim lepotnim vplivnežem, pri čemer izražajo pomembnost strokovne izobrazbe. Nakup kozmetičnega izdelka po priporočilu vplivneža sodelujoči opravijo občasno, k temu pa jih pritegnejo predvsem zanimiv način predstavitve in promocijske kode. Prepoznavnost virtualnih vplivnežev je med anketiranci izredno slaba, saj so osebe, ustvarjene s pomočjo umetne inteligence, navidezno zelo resnične.

Keywords:družbena omrežja, vplivneži, nakupne navade, kozmetični izdelki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158512 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of social networks in changing consumers habits in cosmetics
Social networks have become an inevitable part of modern society, changing the way we communicate, create, receive and make purchasing decisions. The new social platforms are not only a place to socialise and share content, but have also become the focus of marketing activities due to their growing popularity. Cosmetic companies are also using the advantages of social networks to their advantage, promoting cosmetic products in a unique and attractive way. They use adverts, videos and other interactive content to reach their target audience in a more personalised way. They do this with the help of important actors - influencers who often appear as ambassadors for brands and product lines. Their power is to shape opinions, gain trust and influence the purchasing decisions of their followers. To this end, the thesis explored the role of social networks and influencers in changing consumer habits in cosmetics. We used online sources and an anonymous survey questionnaire created in 1KA. The survey was distributed to the general population and received a total response of 71 participants. We wanted to obtain key information on the use of social networks, in particular Instagram and TikTok, their impact on the consumer's purchase decision, the perception of beauty influencers and the visibility of virtual influencers. The results showed that Instagram is the leading social network among consumers, regardless of age category, and that it is also used to obtain better and more credible information on beauty products, both in terms of content and transparency. Advertising and recommendations on both platforms largely influence the purchase decision of the respondents, and they are mainly motivated to buy a cosmetic product by posts they have seen repeatedly, mainly in the form of videos. Their purchasing decision is not rushed, as they find out about the product on the manufacturer's website and do not buy based on trend and price alone. Most respondents follow Slovenian beauty influencers, expressing the importance of professional education. Respondents occasionally buy a beauty product recommended by an influencer, and are mainly attracted by the interesting presentation and promotional codes. The recognition of virtual influencers among respondents is extremely low, as the AI-created personas appear to be very real.

Keywords:social networks, influencers, purchasing habits, cosmetic products

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