
Analizno in klinično vrednotenje kemiluminiscenčne metode za določanje protiteles proti kardiolipinu in ß2-glikoproteinu I
ID Boštic, Nika (Author), ID Čučnik, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ogrič, Manca (Comentor)

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Antifosfolipidni sindrom (APS) je sistemska avtoimunska bolezen, ki jo opredeljujejo tromboze in/ali zapleti med nosečnostjo. Laboratorijska diagnostika in klasifikacijski kriteriji obsegajo protitelesa proti kardiolipinu (aCL) in proti ß2-glikoproteinu I (anti-β2GPI). Ti dve skupini protiteles določajo v Laboratoriju za imunologijo revmatizma (Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana) že vrsto let z uveljavljeno lastno izvedbo encimsko imunske metode na trdnem nosilcu (hišna ELISA). Zaradi nove evropske uredbe (Uredba (EU) 2017/746), ki predpisuje uporabo na tržišču dostopnih analiznih kompletov IVDR, bo laboratorij hišno ELISA zamenjal z avtomatizirano kemiluminiscenčno imunsko metodo QUANTA Flash. Hkrati bo razširil tudi svojo laboratorijsko dejavnost z določanjem protiteles anti-β2GPI proti domeni I (aDI). Pred pričetkom uporabe nove metode v rutinski diagnostiki jo je potrebno analizno in klinično ovrednotiti ter rezultate primerjati z rezultati, izmerjenim na hišni ELISA, kar je bil cilj magistrske naloge. Pri tem smo želeli upoštevati nedavno objavljene klasifikacijske kriterije 2023 ACR/EULAR APS, ki poudarjajo potrebo po postavitvi klinično pomembnih mej. V analiznem delu smo pokazali, da QUANTA Flash dosega ustrezno ponovljivost in vmesno natančnost (CV 2,00 % – 8,16 %) za aCL in anti-β2GPI razredov IgG, IgM ter IgA in aDI. Poleg tega naši rezultati kažejo linearnost vseh testov, razen aCL IgA, v opazovanem območju. Z izračunom 99. percentile rezultatov 139 klinično zdravih oseb nismo uspeli potrditi mej proizvajalca za kriterijska protitelesa aCL in anti-β2GPI razredov IgG in IgM. Izračunane meje so znašale med 33,5 CU in 47,4 CU. V sklopu verifikacije proizvajalčevih mej smo za razliko od razredov IgG in IgM potrdili ustreznost mej za aCL in anti-β2GPI razreda IgA ter aDI. Meje kriterijskih protiteles smo določili tudi z analizo krivulje ROC na skupini 159 bolnikov z APS, oseb s kliničnimi znaki te bolezni in bolnikov z drugimi avtoimunskimi obolenji. Diagnostično uporabnost, ki je primerljiva tisti pri mejah za nizko pozitivne rezultate hišne ELISA, smo dosegli pri 20 CU. Meje za srednje in visoke rezultate po tem pristopu znašajo 40 CU in 80 CU. Cohenovi koeficienti so pokazali zmerno do precejšnje ujemanje med obema metodama, totalno ujemanje pa je znašalo med 76,10 % in 91,19 %. Poleg tega smo pokazali, da rezultati korelirajo med obema metodama. V delu smo tako uspešno verificirali novo metodo, ki daje primerljive rezultate s hišno ELISA, ter uvedli nove klasifikacijske kriterije 2023 ACR/EULAR APS za prihodnje opazovalne klinične študije in preskušanja.

Keywords:antifosfolipidni sindrom, antifosfolipidna protitelesa, QUANTA Flash, overjanje metode, klinično vrednotenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158511 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2024
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Title:Analytical and clinical evaluation of chemiluminescent method for the determination of antibodies against cardiolipin and ß2-glycoprotein I
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by thrombosis and/or pregnancy complications. Diagnosis and classification of APS involve testing for anticardiolipin (aCL) and anti-β2-glycoprotein I (anti-β2GPI) antibodies. For many years, these antibodies have been measured using an in-house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at the Laboratory of Immunology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana. However, to comply with the new European regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/746), which mandates the use of commercially available IVDR kits, the laboratory is transitioning to the automated chemiluminescent immunoassay QUANTA Flash. Additionally, the diagnostic scope will expand to include anti-β2GPI antibodies against domain I (aDI). Before introducing the new method into routine diagnostics, it must be analytically and clinically evaluated, and the results must be compared to those obtained using the in-house ELISA. This master's thesis aimed to perform this evaluation and comparison. We incorporated the recently published 2023 ACR/EULAR APS classification criteria, which emphasize the importance of setting clinically relevant thresholds. In the analytical part, we demonstrated that QUANTA Flash achieves adequate repeatability and intermediate precision (CV 2.00 %-8.16 %) for aCL and anti-β2GPI IgG, IgM and IgA classes, as well as for aDI. Furthermore, our results show linearity within the observed range for all tests except aCL IgA. By calculating the 99th percentile of the results from 139 clinically healthy individuals, we were unable to verify the manufacturer's cutoffs for the criteria aCL and anti-β2GPI antibodies IgG and IgM. The calculated cutoffs ranged from 33.5 CU to 47.4 CU. However, we successfully verified the manufacturer's reference values for the non-criteria antibodies aCL and anti-β2GPI IgA, as well as for aDI. We also determined the thresholds for the criteria antibodies using ROC curve analysis on a group of 159 patients with APS, individuals showing clinical signs of the disease, and patients with other autoimmune disorders. Comparable diagnostic performance to the in-house ELISA was achieved at thresholds of 20 CU for low positive, 40 CU for moderate positive, and 80 CU for high positive results. Cohen's coefficients indicated moderate to substantial qualitative agreement between the two methods, with total agreement ranging from 76.10% to 91.19%. Additionally, we demonstrated a significant correlation between the results of both methods. In this work, we successfully verified the new method, showing it provides results comparable to the in-house ELISA, and introduced the new 2023 ACR/EULAR APS classification criteria for future observational clinical studies and trials.

Keywords:antiphospholipid syndrome, antiphospholipid antibodies, QUANTA Flash, verification, clinical evaluation

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