
Televizijska oddaja od začetka do konca
ID Spetič, Tjaša (Author), ID Hladnik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni cilj zaključnega diplomskega dela je podrobno predstaviti potek dela, ki je omogočil ustvarjanje televizijske oddaje z naslovom NaGlas. V obsežnem poročilu je opisan vsak sestavni del televizijske oddaje, kar bralcu omogoča pridobitev celovitega vpogleda v postopek izvedbe, ki je bila uporabljena pri snemanju in predvajanju oddaje na lokalnem programu TV Kolut. Z analizami in opisi posameznih korakov je predstavljeno, kako so bili zasnovani posamezni segmenti oddaje, kot so uvod, vsebina, intervjuji, glasbene točke in drugi elementi, ki so prispevali k njeni kakovostni produkciji. Z razlago teh ključnih korakov bo moje delo služilo kot vodnik in vir navdiha za mlade še neizkušene medijske navdušence, ki želijo prepoznati in izkoristiti priložnosti, ki jih ponuja televizijska industrija. Skozi to diplomsko delo je prikazano ozadje ustvarjanja televizijske oddaje na lokalnem televizijskem kanalu TV Kolut, ugotovitve pa so primerjane z oddajo večje produkcijske hiše RTV Slovenija. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni ozadje televizijskih oddaj na splošno, TV Kolut kot lokalni studio in studio RTV Slovenija kot nacionalna televizija z bogato zgodovino ustvarjanja. Cilj oddaje NaGlas je razvedriti gledalce in hkrati predstaviti lokalno glasbeno skupino, ki v njej nastopa. Skupina ima priložnost, da se predstavi in deli z gledalci svojo dosedanjo glasbeno pot ter vizijo za prihodnost. Oddaja je zasnovana tako, da gledalcem omogoča vpogled v ustvarjalni svet mladih glasbenikov in jim ponuja priložnost, da spoznajo nove talente in lokalno glasbeno kulturo v razvoju. V glasbenih premorih oddaje izvajalci nastopijo s petjem in izvedejo svoje avtorske skladbe ter druge glasbene ??izvedbe. S tem se ustvari prijetno vzdušje in gledalcem omogoči, da se poglobijo v glasbeno ustvarjanje in izraz mladih glasbenikov. Oddaja je zasnovana tako, da gledalce popelje skozi zanimivo glasbeno potovanje, hkrati pa jim omogoča, da spoznajo perspektivne izvajalce. Skozi oddajo se poudarja pomembnost podpore in spodbujanja mladih ustvarjalcev v lokalnem glasbenem svetu. Za izvedbo oddaje je poskrbela strokovna ekipa studia TV Kolut. Vsi koraki, potrebni za izdelavo oddaje, so opisani v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela. Oddaja NaGlas je moje zaključno diplomsko delo in hkrati pomemben korak v promociji in podpori mladih glasbenikov ter razvoju lokalne glasbene scene.

Keywords:glasbena oddaja, razvedrilni program, snemanje, montaža, televizijska oddaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158493 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2024
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Title:Television show from start to finish
The main goal of the thesis is to present in detail the production process that led to the creation of the TV show "NaGlas". Each aspect of the TV show is presented in great detail, allowing the reader to gain a thorough insight into the comprehensive process that was used to not only film but also broadcast the show on the local TV channel TV Kolut. Each step of the production, such as the introduction, the content, interviews, musical numbers, and other elements that contributed to its ultimate success, is presented through meticulous descriptions and analyses. By outlining these key aspects, my work will serve as both a guide as well as a source of inspiration for young, up-and-coming filmmakers who want to better familiarize themselves with the opportunities of working in the television industry. This thesis presents the production of a TV show on the local TV channel TV Kolut, and compares it to the production of a higher-budget show produced by a larger production company RTV Slovenija. The theoretical part of the thesis covers the background of TV shows in general, specifically TV Kolut, a local television channel, and RTV Slovenia, a national television studio with a rich history of various productions. The aim of "NaGlas" is to entertain viewers while showcasing the local music group that performs on the show. The group has the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their musical journey with the audience and their future ambitions. The show is designed to give viewers an insight into the creative world of young musicians and gives them the opportunity to explore the local music scene and discover new artists in the process. During the musical interludes of the show, the musicians perform their original songs as well as covers. This creates a welcoming atmosphere and allows viewers to immerse themselves in the musical creativity of the young musicians. The show is structured in a way so that the viewer is taken on an incredible musical journey while getting to know new aspiring musicians. Throughout the show, a great emphasis is put on the importance of supporting and encouraging young artists in the local music scene. The show was created by the production team of TV Kolut. All the production aspects are thoroughly described in the continuation of the thesis. The show "NaGlas" not only represents my thesis but also an important step in the promotion and support of young musicians and the development of the local music scene.

Keywords:music show, entertainment show, filming, editing, television program

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