
Spreminjanje izotopske sestave ogljika v hlapnih organskih spojinah med shranjevanjem
ID Jelenko, Leja (Author), ID Kralj Cigić, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID OGRINC, NIVES (Comentor)

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Aromo določenega živila v različnih kombinacijah in koncentracijah sestavljajo hlapne organske spojine (HOS) z različnimi funkcionalnimi skupinami, kot so alkoholi, aldehidi, estri, ketoni, karboksilne kisline, dušikove spojine in žveplove spojine. Spojine, ki so ključne za celokupno aromo so v prehranski industriji zelo pogosto uporabljene kot dodatek, ki bodisi definira aromo izdelka ali pa jo le ojača. Z naraščanjem povpraševanja po naravnih aromah in z višanjem stroškov surovin se povečujejo tudi možnosti za njihove potvorbe. Po oceni Evropskega združenja za arome in dišave (EFFA) je plinska kromatografija, sklopljena z masnim spektrometrom za analizo stabilnih izotopov lahkih elementov preko sežigne enote (GC-C-IRMS) najbolj specifična in izpopolnjena metoda, ki lahko razlikuje med naravnimi in sintetičnimi hlapnimi organskimi spojinami prisotnimi v kompleksnem vzorcu na podlagi njihovih izotopskih vrednosti. Vsi laboratoriji, ki se ukvarjajo z določanjem razmerja stabilnih izotopov lahkih elementov, morajo za namen validacije metod in zagotavljanja nadzora in kakovosti uporabljati referenčne materiale (RM), ki morajo ustrezati načelu identične obravnave (angl. Principle of Identical Treatment, PIT). Pri izbiri RM je pomembna tudi izotopska homogenost, stabilna izotopska sestava skozi dolgo časovno obdobje, enostavno rokovanje in shranjevanje. Trenutno obstaja veliko pomanjkanje ustreznih RM za vsakodnevno kontrolo kakovosti in natančno merjenje razmerja stabilnih izotopov hlapnih organskih spojin. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti primernost 43 hlapnih organskih spojin HOS z namenom uporabe kot RM bodisi na EA ali GC-IRMS. Primernost spojin smo ovrednotili s spremljanjem stabilnosti izotopske sestave glede na način in čas shranjevanja (2–8 °C, 18–20 °C, 10 mesecev), naborom različnih funkcionalnih spojin (alkoholi, aldehidi, estri, ketoni, karboksilne kisline, dušikove spojine in žveplove spojine) ter z izvorom (naraven/sintetičen). Prvi del vključuje meritve razmerij izotopa ogljika ($^{13}$C/$^{12}$C) izbranih čistih 43 HOS na elementnem analizatorju, sklopljenim z masnim spektrometrom za analizo razmerja lahkih stabilnih izotopov (EA-IRMS). Ugotovili smo, da skladiščenje pri različnih temperaturah ni vplivalo na spremembe v izotopski sestavi, hkrati pa so bile določene spojine bolj občutljive na pogoje merjenja, ne glede na njihovo funkcionalno skupino. Glede na rezultate analize smo izbrali 20 spojin, ki jih predlagamo kot ustrezne kandidate za uporabo kot laboratorijski RM. V nabor med drugim spadata tudi etanojska kislina z najbolj negativno δ$^{13}$C vrednostjo (-41,90 ± 0,48 ‰) in 2-metil-1-butanol z najbolj pozitivno δ$^{13}$C vrednostjo (-7,09 ± 0,32 ‰). Drugi del vključuje pripravo treh laboratorijskih mešanic HOS, ki kar najbolje opisujejo matrico sadja, gomoljik in rib glede na podatke iz literature in bi lahko kot take bile uporabljene pri normalizaciji podatkov in identifikaciji spojin v realnih vzorcih določenih s plinsko kromatografijo, sklopljeno z masnim spektrometrom za analizo stabilnih izotopov lahkih elementov preko sežigne enote (GC-C-IRMS). Spremljali smo primernost pripravljenih mešanic glede na ustrezno ločbo HOS na kromatogramu, medsebojne interakcije HOS v posameznih mešanicah ter stabilnost izotopske sestave HOS glede na čas shranjevanja. Rezultati stabilnosti pripravljenih mešanic za sadje in ribe nakazujejo na uporabnost pripravljenih mešanic do enega meseca. V primeru gomoljik stabilnost ni bila potrjena v časovnem obdobju enega meseca. Predlagamo spremljanje stabilnosti v krajših časovnih intervalih. V nalogi je bilo ugotovljeno, da lahko v mešanicah prisotne nečistoče interferirajo s tarčnimi spojinami na kromatogramu in posledično vplivajo na izotopsko sestavo spojin v mešanici. Predlagamo, da se v mešanici uporabijo spojine, ki imajo stopnjo čistoti vsaj 98 %.

Keywords:Hlapne organske spojine, referenčni material, stabilni izotopi lahkih elementov, ogljik, skladiščenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158474 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201666819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The change in the isotopic composition of carbon in volatile organic compounds during storage
The aroma of a particular food consists of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of different functional groups (alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, carboxylic acids, nitrogen compounds and sulphur compounds) in various combinations and concentrations. Compounds essential to its overall flavour are often used in the food industry as additives that either define the flavour of a product or merely enhance it. As the demand for natural flavourings increases and the cost of raw materials rises, so does the potential for adulteration. According to the European Flavour and Fragrance Association (EFFA), Gas Chromatography-Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) is the most specific and sophisticated method that can distinguish between natural and synthetic VOCs present in a complex sample based on their isotopic values. All laboratories involved in determining stable isotope ratios of light elements are required to use reference materials (RMs) that comply with the Principle of Identical Treatment (PIT) for method validation, quality control and quality assurance. The critical factors when selecting a suitable RM include isotopic homogeneity, a stable isotopic composition over a long period, and ease of handling and storage, which makes finding suitable RMs challenging and explains why, currently, there is a shortage of suitable RMs for daily quality control and accurate isotopic measurements of VOCs. The main goal of the master's thesis was to determine the suitability of 43 VOCs for use as RMs with either Elemental Analyser - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) or GC-IRMS. Their suitability was evaluated by monitoring the stability of their isotopic composition regarding storage temperature and time (2-8 °C, 18-20 °C, 10 months), functional groups (alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, carboxylic acids, nitrogen compounds and sulphur compounds) and origin (natural/synthetic). The first part of the thesis included the measurement of the carbon isotope ratios ($^{13}$C/$^{12}$C) of each of the selected VOCs using EA-IRMS. It was found that storage temperature did not affect isotopic composition, while at the same time, compounds were sensitive to the measurement conditions irrespective of their functional group. Based on these results, 20 VOCs were proposed as suitable RMs. The selection included, among others, ethanoic acid with the most negative δ$^{13}$C value (-41.90 ± 0.48 ‰) and 2-methyl-1-butanol with the most positive δ$^{13}$C value (-7.09 ± 0.32 ‰). The second part describes the preparation of three laboratory VOC mixtures that, based on literature data, best describe fruit, tuber and fish matrices. The mixtures are intended for data normalisation and identifying the compounds in authentic samples by GC C IRMS. The suitability of the prepared VOC mixtures was monitored with respect to chromatographic separation, VOC interactions in individual mixtures and the stability of the VOC isotopic composition with storage time. The stability results for fruit and fish indicate a RM shelf life of up to one month. In the case of tubers, stability was not confirmed within a time frame of one month. We suggest monitoring stability at shorter time intervals. It was also found that impurities in the mixtures could interfere chromatographically with the target compounds, affecting their isotopic composition. It is suggested that compounds with a purity level of at least 98 % should be used in the mixture.

Keywords:Volatile organic compounds, reference material, stable isotopes of light elements, carbon, storage

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