
Zdravstvena nega pacienta z arteriovensko fistulo : diplomsko delo
ID Zahirović, Jasmin (Author), ID Pajnič, Manca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Matić, Lucija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Za zdravljenje s hemodializo pacient potrebuje dober žilni pristop. Arteriovenska fistula je umetno vzpostavljena povezava med arterijo in veno, običajno oblikovana na podlahti. Po zaključeni fazi celjenja in zorenja predstavlja najprimernejši pristop za hemodializo, saj je varen, ima nizko stopnjo zapletov in omogoča dolgoročno uporabo. Kljub temu se lahko pojavijo zapleti, povezani z arteriovensko fistulo. Medicinska sestra mora zato obvladati zdravstveno nego in oskrbo arteriovenske fistule ter prepoznati zaplete in ukrepe pri njihovem pojavu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati značilnosti zdravstvene nege pri pacientu na hemodializnem zdravljenju z arteriovensko fistulo. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela ter naredili pregled domače in tuje literature. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah Science Direct, Google Schoolar, PubMed in COBISS s pomočjo ključnih besed. Članke smo analizirali po ustreznosti naslova, povzetka in celotnega besedila ter rezultate prikazali tabelarično in shematsko Rezultati: Funkcionalna arteriovenska fistula je glavna determinanta uspebne hemodialize. Poznavanje mogočih zapletov prispeva k pravočasnemu odkritju in omogoča sprejetje ukrepov, ki preprečijo škodljive posledice. Medicinska sestra mora poznati takojšnje, zgodnje in pozne zaplete. Takojšnji zapleti so: hematom, krvavitev, edem, sindrom ishemične kraje in akutna tromboza, zgodnji zapleti pa so: striktura, tromboza, okužba, venska hipertenzija, centralna venska stenoza, sindrom ishemične kraje in nezrelost AVF. Pozni zapleti so: anevrizma, striktura, pozna tromboza, okužba in nevropatija. Razprava in zaključek: Oskrba pacienta z arteriovensko fistulo je obsežna in zahteva specifično znanje medicinske sestre. Medicinska sestra je del ultidisciplinarnega tima in je članica, ki največ časa preživi v stiku s pacientom; tako mu ne nudi le oskrbe arteriovenske fistule, ampak z njim zgradi tudi zaupljiv odnos, ga nauči samooskrbe in mu nudi psihično oporo. Medicinska sestra mora imeti za uspešno oskrbo arteriovenske fistule ustrezno usposobljenost in izkušnje.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, hemodializa, medicinske sestre, žilni pristop, oskrba arteriovenske fistule, preprečevanje zapletov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Zahirović]
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197552131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Nursing care of the patient with arteriovenous fistula : diploma work
Introduction: For hemodialysis treatment, the patient needs good vascular access. An arteriovenous fistula is an artificial connection between an artery and a vein, usually formed on the forearm. After the completed healing and maturation phase, it represents the most suitable approach for hemodialysis, as it is safe, has a low complication rate and allows for long-term use. Nevertheless, arteriovenous fistula-related complications can occur. The nurse must therefore master the nursing and care of arteriovenous fistula, recognize complications and measures when they occur. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the characteristics of nursing care in a patient undergoing hemodialysis treatment with an arteriovenous fistula. Methods: We used the descriptive method of work and made a review of domestic and foreign literature. Literature was searched in Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed and COBISS databases using keywords. We analysed the articles according to the relevance of the title, summary and full text, and presented the results tabularly and schematically. Results: A functional arteriovenous fistula is the main determinant of successful hemodialysis. Knowledge of possible complications contributes to timely detection and enables measures to be taken to prevent adverse consequences. The nurse must know the immediate, early, and late complications. Immediate complications include hematoma, hemorrhage, edema, ischemic site syndrome, and acute thrombosis. Early complications include stricture, thrombosis, infection, venous hypertension, central venous stenosis, ischemic site syndrome, and AVF immaturity. Late complications include aneurysm, stricture, late thrombosis, infection, and neuropathy. Discussion and conclusion: The care of a patient with arteriovenous fistula is extensive and requires a large amount of specific knowledge of the nurse. The nurse is part of a multidisciplinary team and is the member who spends the most time in contact with the patient, thus not only providing him with arteriovenous fistula care, but also in a position to build a trusting relationship with him, teach him self-care and provide him with psychological support. A nurse must have adequate training and experience to successfully care for an arteriovenous fistula.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, hemodialysis, nurses, vascular access, fistula care, complication prevention

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