
Predstave 5-6 let starih otrok o cvetenju dreves v sadovnjaku in gozdu : diplomsko delo
ID Macerl, Monika (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Praprotnik, Luka (Comentor)

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Sadovnjak in gozd predstavljata bogato učno okolje in dajeta veliko možnosti za raziskovanje in izkušenjsko učenje. V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala predstave 5–6 let starih otrok o cvetenju in razvoju plodov/storžev iz cvetov, pri drevesih v sadovnjaku in gozdu. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako z izvajanjem načrtovanih dejavnosti, v katerih otroci aktivno sodelujejo in spoznavajo cvetenje in razvoj plodov/storžev izbranih drevesnih vrst, lahko vplivam na njihovo znanje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 42 otrok: 24 otrok eksperimentalne skupine in 18 otrok kontrolne skupine vrtca Zagorje ob Savi.. Z eksperimentalno skupino otrok smo 2–3 tedne opazovali izbrane drevesne vrste v sadovnjaku in gozdu in izvajali načrtovane dejavnosti. V sadovnjaku smo spremljali jablano, marelico, slivo in češnjo. V gozdu smo spremljali gorski javor in navadno smreko. Ob izkustvenem učenju v naravi smo opazovali in spremljali razvoj na drevesnih vejah, od popka do razvoja plodov/storžev. V času cvetenja dreves v sadovnjaku smo opazovali čebele in spoznali njihovo vlogo in zgradbo telesa. Za natančnejše spremljanje razvoja smo uporabili tehniko herbariziranja drevesnih vej. S kontrolno skupino otrok smo sledili običajni rutini vrtca. Z otroki kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine smo pred začetkom izvajanja načrtovanih dejavnosti in po zaključenem projektu izvedli individualne intervjuje. Odgovore otrok smo primerjali in ugotavljali, ali so izvedene dejavnosti v eksperimentalni skupini vplivale na predstave otrok o cvetenju dreves ter razvoju plodov/storžev v sadovnjaku in gozdu. Ugotovili smo, da so otroci eksperimentalne skupine napredovali v poznavanju o cvetenju dreves in razvoju plodov/storžev v sadovnjaku in gozdu in da ima učenje zgodnjega naravoslovja pri otrocih veliko pozitivnih učinkov, med drugim spodbuja njihovo zanimanje za opazovanje in raziskovanje narave.

Keywords:Predšolska vzgoja, Miselna predstava pri otrocih, Čas cvetenja, začetno naravoslovje, opazovanje, cvetenje, drevesa, predšolski otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Macerl
Number of pages:64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158290 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197488643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Perceptions of 5-6 year olds about the blossoming of trees in the orchard and in the forest
The orchards and forest represent a rich learning environment and provide endless opportunities for exploration and experiential learning. In my thesis, I investigated the perceptions of 5-6-year-old children about the blossoming and development of fruit/cones from flowers, in trees within the orchard and forest. I aimed to determine how conducting planned activities, in which children actively participate and learn about the blossoming and development of fruits/cones of selected tree species, affects their knowledge. Forty-two children participated in the study: 24 children in the experimental group and 18 children in the control group from the Zagorje ob Savi kindergarten. With the experimental group children, we observed selected tree species in the orchard and forest for 2–3 weeks and conducted planned activities. In the orchard, we monitored apple, apricot, plum and cherry trees. In the forest, we observed mountain maple and common spruce. During experiential learning in nature, we observed and trecked the development on tree branches, from buds to the development of fruits/cones. During tree blossoming in the orchard, we observed bees and learned about their role and body structure. For more precise monitoring of development, we used the technique of herbarium collection of tree branches. With the control group children, we followed the kindergarten's usual rutine. Before and after the implementation of planned activities, we conducted individual interviews with children from both control and experimental groups. We compared the children's responses and determined whether the activities conducted in the experimental group influenced the children's perceptions of tree blossoming and the development of fruits/cones in the orchard and forest. We found that the children in the experimental group progressed in their understanding of tree blossoming and fruit/cone development in the orchard and forest, and that early science learning has many positive effects on children, including fostering their interest in observing and exploring nature.

Keywords:early science education, observation, blossoming, trees, preschool children

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