
Primerjava komercialno dostopnih kompletov reagentov za tarčno osamitev celic glede na prisotnost antigena CD3
ID Popelar, Ožbej Jakob (Author), ID Narat, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Primon, Monika (Comentor)

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V biomedicinskih raziskavah in diagnostični medicini, v zadnjem času pa tudi pri postopkih celičnih terapij, je ločevanje celic ključnega pomena. Postopek omogoča izolacijo specifičnih celičnih populacij, kot so celice s specifičnim antigenom, iz mešanice različnih celic. Eden od takih antigenov oz. celičnih označevalcev je molekula CD3. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je ta proces doživel izjemen razvoj, pri čemer so se razvile različne metode za izolacijo določenih tipov celic. V naši študiji smo se osredotočili za analizo in primerjavo treh metod celičnega ločevanja: PluriBead®, Dynabeads in Strep-tag®. Metodi PluriBead® in Strep-tag® smo najprej uporabili za ločevanje CD3+ (Jurkat) in CD3- (Kasumi-1) celičnih linij. Z vsemi tremi metodami pa smo ločevali primarne celice iz periferne krvi, pridobljene s postopkom levkafereze. Cilj je bil oceniti učinkovitost, specifičnost in ekonomsko upravičenost vseh treh metod za ločevanje ciljnih celičnih populacij. Pri tem smo se osredotočili na ločevanje celic s protitelesom proti CD3. Strep-tag® metoda je dosegla visok izkoristek pri CD3+ celični liniji Jurkat, medtem ko je PluriBead® dosegel nižji izkoristek, kar kaže na večjo učinkovitost metode Strep-tag® pri ločevanju teh celic. Pri CD3- celični liniji Kasumi-1 sta oba sistema (Strep-tag® in PluriBead®) dosegla enako nizek rezultat izolacije, kar je bilo pričakovano, saj celice Kasumi-1 ne izražajo antigena CD3 v veliki meri. To pomeni, da je bilo ločevanje ustrezno negativno. Dynabeads so se izkazali kot učinkovit kompromis pri ločevanju levkocitnega koncentrata, saj smo s to metodo dosegli srednji izkoristek z visoko čistostjo in sprejemljivo viabilnostjo. Vendar sta bili metodi Strep-tag® in PluriBead® boljši v določenih karakteristikah. S Strep-tag® smo dosegli večji izkoristek ob podobni čistosti, s PluriBead® pa boljšo viabilnost, kljub slabšemu izkoristku. Ekonomska ocena je pokazala, da je za metodo Dynabeads potrebna najvišja začetna investicija, metoda PluriBead® ima najnižje ponavljajoče se stroške, metoda Strep-tag® pa sicer ne potrebuje začetne investicije, a ima visoke ponavljajoče se stroške. Naše ugotovitve nudijo pomemben vpogled v metode ločevanja celic. Čeprav prinaša vsaka metoda svoje edinstvene prednosti, je njihova izbira odvisna od specifičnih potreb in omejitev projekta.

Keywords:celično ločevanje, CD3, celica T, levkafereza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158269 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197945859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of commercially available systems for target cell isolation according to their CD3 antigen
In biomedical research and diagnostic medicine, as well as in cellular therapy procedures, cell separation has become crucial. The process enables the isolation of specific cell populations, such as cells with a specific antigen, from a mixture of different cells. One such antigen or cell marker is the CD3 molecule. Over the past two decades, this process has undergone remarkable development, leading to various methods for isolating specific cell types. In our study, we focused on analyzing and comparing three methods of cell separation: PluriBead®, Dynabeads, and Strep-tag®. We initially used the PluriBead® and Strep-tag® methods to separate CD3+ (Jurkat) and CD3- (Kasumi-1) cell lines. With all three methods, we separated primary cells from peripheral blood obtained through leukapheresis. The aim was to evaluate the efficiency, specificity, and economic justification of all three methods for separating target cell populations. We focused on separating cells with antibodies against CD3. The Strep-tag® method achieved a high yield with the CD3+ Jurkat cell line, while PluriBead® achieved a lower yield, indicating greater effectiveness of the Strep-tag® method in separating these cells. For the CD3- Kasumi-1 cell line, both systems (Strep-tag® and PluriBead®) achieved equally low isolation results, as expected, since Kasumi-1 cells do not express the CD3 antigen to a large extent, meaning the separation was appropriately negative. Dynabeads proved to be an effective compromise for separating leukocyte concentrate, as we achieved moderate yield with high purity and acceptable viability using this method. However, the Strep-tag® and PluriBead® methods were superior in certain characteristics. With Strep-tag®, we achieved higher yield with similar purity, while with PluriBead®, we obtained better viability despite lower yield. From an economic standpoint, the Dynabeads method required the highest initial investment, while the PluriBead® method had the lowest recurring costs, and Strep-tag® had high repetition costs but no initial investment. Our findings provide important insights into cell separation methods. Although each method has its unique advantages, their selection depends on the specific needs and limitations of the project.

Keywords:cell separation, CD3, T-cell, Leukapheresis

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