
Navezanost na starše, vrstnike, samopodoba in uspešnost nadarjenih učencev, učencev z DSP in njihovih vrstnikov brez statusa : magistrsko delo
ID Hiršman, Hana (Author), ID Peklaj, Cirila (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šolski razred predstavlja heterogeno skupino učencev z različnimi učnimi sposobnostmi in psiho-socialnimi značilnostmi. Osrednji cilj magistrskega dela je preučiti: (a) povezanost med kakovostjo navezanosti na pomembne druge osebe, samopodobo ter učno uspešnostjo učencev, (b) razlike v kakovosti navezanosti na pomembne druge osebe, samopodobi in učnim uspehom med učenci z različnimi statusi (nadarjeni učenci, učenci z DSP ter učenci brez statusa), in (c) pomen statusa (in drugih spremenljivk) pri napovedovanju njihove učne uspešnosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 324 učencev zadnje triade slovenskih osnovnih šol, od tega 76 nadarjenih učencev, 54 učencev z DSP in 194 učencev brez statusa. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov o njihovi učni uspešnosti ter odgovorih na Vprašalniku samopodobe (SPA) in Vprašalniku navezanosti na starše in vrstnike (IPPA), lahko zaključimo, da se bolj kakovostna navezanost na druge osebe do neke mere povezuje z višjo samopodobo, ta pa se povezuje z boljšim povprečnim učnim uspehom. Ugotovitve prav tako kažejo, da med učenci z različnimi statusi obstajajo pomembne razlike v samopodobi ter povprečnem učnem uspehu. Med učenci z DSP ter njihovimi vrstniki obstajajo tudi nekatere razlike v kakovosti navezanosti na starša, ne pa tudi na prijatelje. Nenazadnje se je izkazalo, da lahko približno 37,7 % razlik v učni uspešnosti učencev pojasnimo z njihovim spolom, statusom ter učno samopodobo. Rezultati kažejo na pomen poznavanja značilnosti različnih skupin učencev in odpirajo možnosti za nadaljnje preventivno delo z mladostniki v šolskem in domačem okolju.

Keywords:mladostništvo, navezanost, samopodoba, učna uspešnost, učne sposobnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Hiršman]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158247 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200394755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attachment to parents, peers, self-esteem and academic achievement of gifted students, students with special educational support and their peers without status
The school class represents a heterogeneous group of students with different learning abilities and psycho-social characteristics. The central aim of the Master's thesis is to examine: (a) the connection between the quality of attachment to significant others, self-esteem and the academic success of students, (b) differences in the quality of attachment to significant others, self-esteem and academic success between students with different statuses (talented students, students with special educational support and students without status), and (c) the importance of students' status (and other variables) as a predictor of their academic achievement. 324 pupils of the last triad of Slovenian elementary schools were included in the research, of which 76 were gifted pupils, 54 pupils with special educational support and 194 pupils without status. Based on the collected data on their academic performance and the answers to the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SPA) and the Attachment to Parents and Peers Questionnaire (IPPA), we can conclude that better attachment to other people is to some extent associated with higher self-esteem, which is associated with better average academic performance. The findings also show that there are significant differences in self-esteem and average academic performance between students with different statuses. There are also some differences between students with special educational support and their peers in the quality of attachment to their parents, but not to their peers. Last but not least, it turned out that approximately 37.7% of the differences in students' learning performance can be explained by their gender, status and learning self-esteem. The results show the importance of knowing the characteristics of different groups of students and open up possibilities for further preventive work with adolescents in the school and home environment.

Keywords:adolescence, attachment behavior, self-esteem, academic achievement, learning abilities

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