
Samopoškodovanje in doživljanje samopodobe pri mladih : magistrsko delo
ID Verhnjak, Metka (Author), ID Repič Slavič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Samopoškodovanje je predvsem v zadnjih letih postal eden izmed bolj pogostih nefunkcionalnih mehanizmov soočanja s stresom, predvsem pri mladih. V raziskavi je izpostavljena predvsem povezava samopoškodovanja s samopodobo, ki naj bi bila glede na literaturo vzajemna. Z uporabo fenomenološke kvalitativne metode in poglobljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujev pridobimo podatke od petih udeleženk med 18 in 30 letom starosti, z neposredno izkušnjo samopoškodbenega vedenja. Pri vseh udeleženkah se pokaže pomembna povezava med samopoškodovanjem in nizko samopodobo, ki pri večini izvira iz primarne družine. V nekaterih primerih so omenjene motnje hranjenja in drugi znake duševnih motenj. Analiza pridobljenih podatkov pokaže velik pomen podpore družine za udeleženke v času stiske. Prisoten je sicer velik strah oziroma nezaupanje pred pogovorom s strokovnjakom. Naloga prikazuje še delovanje obdobja COVID-19 na udeleženke, ki so se v tistem času še vedno soočale s samopoškodovanjem. Pridobljeni rezultati potrjujejo ugotovitve obstoječe literature obeh glavnih tem ter poudarjajo pomen ozaveščanja, zgodnjega odkrivanja in ustreznega zdravljenja samopoškodbenega vedenja ter nizke samopodobe pri mladih. Predvsem področje samopoškodovanja je namreč še danes podvrženo številnim stereotipom. Pri raziskovanju se razkrije nekaj težav in potencialnih pomanjkljivosti, saj so bile v intervjuje vključene samo ženske, sklicevali smo se samo na opravljene intervjuje. Posledično ugotovitev ne moremo posplošiti na celotno populacijo.

Keywords:samopoškodovanje, rezanje, samopodoba, COVID-19, motnje hranjenja, povezava, mladostnik, stiska, polstrukturiran intervju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[M. Verhnjak]
Number of pages:V, 130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158221 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197834243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Nonsuicidal self-injury and self-esteem in young adults
In recent years, self-harm has become one of the most common dysfunctional coping mechanisms when dealing with stress, especially among the teen population. This study focuses on the connection between self-harm and self-esteem, which, according to existing literature, is reciprocal. Using fenomenological qualitative method of research and in-depth semi-structured interviews, we obtain data from five female participants, aged between 18 and 30 years, with direct experience of self-injurious behavior. This was also one of the conditions for participating in the reseach. Gathered answers show an important connection between self-harm and low self-esteem, which mostly originates in the primary family. In some cases, eating disorders and other signs of mental disorders are also mentioned. Data analisys shows a big importance of family support for the participants in time of distress. Great fear of consulting professionals and general distrust are present. The paper also presents the impact of COVID-19 on participants, who were still engaging self-harm behaviors during that time. Gathered results confirm findings in existent literature on both main subjects. They also stress the importance of awareness, early detection and appropriate treatment for self-harm behavior and low self-esteem in young adults. Self-harm, especially, is still subjection to many stereotypes. When researching, we encountered some trouble and potential drawbacks. Only women were participating in the interviews, and we only referred to their answers. Therefore, the findings can not be generalized to the whole population.

Keywords:self-harm, cutting, self-esteem, COVID-19, eating disorders, connection, young adult, distress, semi-structured interview

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