
Različno razumevanje sebstva v hinduizmu in budizmu : diplomsko delo
ID Bertoncelj, Manca (Author), ID Osredkar, Mari Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu Različno razumevanje sebstva v hinduizmu in budizmu avtorica obravnava razumevanje koncepta »jaza« v dveh vzhodnih religijah, hinduizmu in budizmu. Na začetku predstavi pomen Upanišad kot enega glavnih verskih besedil hinduizma, ki v ospredje postavlja naravo končne resničnosti, stvarstva in človeka. Nadalje definira hinduistični pojem sebstva kot »atmana«, ter izpostavi njegove ključne lastnosti, ki so opisane v Upanišadah, pri čemer glavni poudarek daje povezavi med atmanom in brahmanom. V drugem delu se avtorica posveti budizmu, kjer najprej na kratko opiše Budovo zgodbo in prek nauka o trpljenju, ki je povzet v štirih plemenitih resnicah, predstavi budistično videnje sveta, ki ga zaznamujejo minljivost, brezosebnost in neprijetnost. V osrednjem delu nato opiše budistično doktrino o anatmanu, dileme, ki se pojavijo pri razumevanju tega koncepta, ter prenos teoretičnega znanja na meditativno prakso. Pri tem se posveti predvsem tehniki vipassana meditacije, kjer kot njen ključni element izpostavi gojenje pozornosti, ter opiše vpliv tovrstne meditacije na dojemanje sebstva. Tretji del diplomskega dela zajema primerjavo budistične in hinduistične doktrine o sebstvu, v katerem avtorica izpostavi ključna nasprotja in podobnosti obeh naukov ter opiše, kako posamezni koncepti vplivajo na razumevanje reinkarnacije in razsvetljenja v obeh duhovnih tradicijah. V zaključku nakaže možne povezave med budistično vipassana meditacijo in hinduistično metodo samoopazovanja, ki jo je na podlagi džnjana joge razvil Ramana Maharši.

Keywords:sebstvo, atman, anatman, brahman, hinduizem, budizem, meditacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bertoncelj]
Number of pages:III, 72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-158198 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:199275011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.05.2024
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Title:Differences in understanding the self in Hinduism and Buddhism
In the undergraduate degree paper Differences in understanding the Self in Hinduism and Buddhism, the author discusses the understanding of the concept of the “Self” within two Eastern religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. She begins by introducing the meaning of the Upanishads as one of the principal religious texts of Hinduism, which emphasises the qualities of ultimate reality, creation and man. She proceeds to define the Hindu concept of the Self as “Atman” and specify its defining qualities described in the Upanishads, while emphasising the connection between Atman and Brahman. The second section is dedicated to Buddhism, beginning with a concise description of the myth of Buddha and by means of the truth of suffering, which is summarised in the four noble truths, introduces the Buddhist worldview, characterised by impermanence, non-Self and unpleasantness. In the central section the author describes the Buddhist doctrine of Anatman, the dilemmas arising with understanding the concept and the transfer of theoretical knowledge to the practice of meditation. Concurrently, additional attention is given to the Vipassana meditation technique, the development of awareness as the technique’s essential aspect and the description of the effects of this style of meditation. The third section of this paper includes a comparison of the Buddhist and Hindu doctrine of the Self, in which the author focuses on the key differences and similarities between the two sets of teachings and describes the manner in which the individual concepts influence the understanding of reincarnation and enlightenment in both spiritual traditions. The conclusion indicates possible correlations between the Buddhist Vipassana meditation and the Hindu method of self-enquiry, as developed by Ramana Maharashi on the basis of Jnana yoga.

Keywords:self, atman, anatman, brahman, hinduism, buddhism, meditation

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