
Urbana drevnina v starem delu Kamnika : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Debevc, Irena (Author), ID Pirnat, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj popisa na javnih površinah starega dela Kamnika je bil ugotoviti vrstno sestavo drevja, njihovo število, dimenzije, starost, poškodovanost, negovanost, rastišče in predvideti potrebne ukrepe ter narediti prostorski prikaz razporejenosti drevja. Na podlagi dobljenih podatkov, je bil narejen register in kataster popisanih dreves. Skupno je bilo popisanih 390 dreves. Popisanih rodov je 32, vrst pa 56. Prevladujejo listavci s 74,9 odstotki, iglavci so zastopani s 25,1 odstotkom. Najpogostejši rod so javorji (Acer) (19,5 %), sledijo smreke (Picea) (16,7 %) in breze (Betula) (14,1 %). Najpogostejša drevesna vrsta je navadna breza (Betula pendula) (12,3 %), sledita omorika (Picea omorika) (10,5 %) in ostrolistni javor (Acer platanoides) (10,3 %). Razporeditev dreves po debelinskih razredih je precej enakomerna. Pri višinskih razredih precej izstopa delež dreves visokih od 6 do10 metrov (44,6 %). Po starostni strukturi prevladujejo zrela drevesa (43,8 %), največ dreves je močno poškodovanih (32,8 %), negovanost je dokaj dobra (dobro negovanih je 57,2 % dreves).

Keywords:urbana drevnina, popisi, poškodovanost, ukrepi, Kamnik
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Debevc]
Number of pages:XI, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15789 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*92:630*2:630*4:630*52(497.4 Kamnik)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:2424486 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The aim of the thesis was to create an inventory of the urban trees growing inthe public areas of old part of Kamnik, to determine their genera, species, dimensions, age, injuries, maintenace, site and to forsee required measures. The goal of the research was to make a register and cadastre of inventoried trees. A total of 390 trees was inventoried. The listed trees included 32 genera and 56 species. Decidous trees prevail with 74,9 percent, conifers are represented by 25,1 percent. The most frequent genera are maples (Acer) (19,5 %), spruces (Picea) (16,7 %) and birches (Betula) (14,1 %). The most frequent species are silver birch (Betula pendula) (12,3 %), serbian spruce (Picea omorika) (10,5 %) and norway maple (Acer platanoides) (10,3 %). Distribution of trees by diameter is quite uniform. In hight classes, trees from 6 to 10 meters prevail (44,6 %). Considering age classes, the most frequent are maturetrees (43,8 %), most trees are badly damaged (32,8 %) and maintenance isrelatively good (well maintained are 57,2 % trees).

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