
Drevo kot dvopomenska dediščina : magistrsko delo
ID Šmid Hribar, Mateja (Author), ID Anko, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 075DB66654B277105B6B2A99A2961371
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f866e7d5-c677-4e5c-9a69-8cae1401e995

Drevesa so v zgodovini človeštva odigrala pomembno materialno in nematerialno vlogo, odnos do njih pa se je tekom časa in znotraj različnih kultur spreminjal. Ker imajo drevesa daljšo življenjsko dobo kot človek in ker so s koreninami vezana na določen prostor, se je med drevesom in človekom spletla posebna vez. Na določena drevesa, zasajena ob različnih priložnostih, je bil človek še posebno navezan in ponosen. Taka drevesa imajo v prostoru posebno vlogo, predstavljajo nosilce kulturnega izročila in jih tudi uvrščamo med drevesno dediščino. Kljub temu pa so v trenutnem sistemu vrednotenja drevesnih naravnih vrednot zaradi nedefiniranih in nekonsistentnih kriterijev prav taka drevesa večkrat prezrta. Cilj naloge je bil tako na primeru analize stanja drevesne dediščine na območju predvidenega parka Karavanke Natura 2000 pokazati, da imajo drevesa dvojno razsežnost (poleg naravne tudi kulturno), kar je potrebno upoštevati pri celostnem vrednotenju drevesne dediščine. V nalogi smo na izbranem območju preučevali izjemna drevesa ter v nadaljevanju podali nov nabor kriterijev, ki smo jih na primerih konkretnih dreves tudi podrobno opredelili in bodo služili celostnemu sistemu vrednotenja drevesne dediščine. Pri tem smo še posebno pozornost posvetili opredelitvi nematerialnih kriterijev, kar je tudi ena izmed prioritetnih nalog v širšem evropskem prostoru. Na koncu so podani kratkoročni in dolgoročni predlogi izboljšav, preglednica trenutnega stanja drevesne dediščine izbranega območja po materialnih in nematerialnih kriterijih, med ostalimi prilogami pa so zapisane tudi zgodbe posameznih dreves.

Keywords:drevesa, naravna dediščina, kulturna dediščina, vrednotenje, kriteriji, Karavanke
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Šmid Hribar]
Number of pages:XI, 161 str.+pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15720 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2319014 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Trees have played an important material and non-material role in the human history, while the relationship between humans and them has been changing throughout time and within different cultures. Due to trees having longer lifespan compared to humansć and being tied to a certain place because of their roots, a special relationship between trees and people has developed. A man was especially attached and proud of particular trees, planted on different occasions. Such trees have a special role within a place; they are carriers of cultural tradition and as such they are recognized as the tree heritage. However, because of the inconsistent and undefined criteria in the present evaluation system of tree heritage, such trees are often overlooked. Based on the analysis of the tree heritage in the area of the expected park Karavanke Natura 2000, the aim of the study was to show that trees have dual dimension (beside the natural also the cultural one). This fact must be taken into consideration in the holistic evaluation of tree heritage. In this study,the exceptional trees growing in the selected area have been analysed, and a new set of criteria, defined on the basis of actual trees, has been proposed with the aim to fulfil the holistic evaluation of tree heritage. A special concern was dedicated to the definition of non-material criteria, which is also one of the priority issues in the wider European area. At the end of the work, a list of short-term and long-term suggestions for possible improvements is added, and a table of the present state of tree heritage of the selected area according to material and non-material criteria is presented. The stories of particular trees are recorded among other appendicesas well.

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