
Soodvisnost obnovljivih virov energije in varstva biotske raznovrstnosti v okviru ciljev trajnostnega razvoja : magistrsko delo
ID Slobodnik, Miha (Author), ID Arbeiter, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem s pomočjo analize literature in študije primera Republike Slovenije raziskoval medsebojno odvisnost uvajanja obnovljivih virov energije v prostor in varstva biotske raznovrstnosti. Celotna raziskava je teoretsko umeščena v cilje trajnostnega razvoja, v preplet dveh ciljev, in sicer cilj trajnostnega razvoja 7, ki naslavlja cenovno dostopno in čisto energijo ter cilj trajnostnega razvoja 15, ki naslavlja življenje na kopnem. Cilj magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kako se prepletajo politike in zakonodaja za uresničevanje zgoraj omenjenih ciljev trajnostnega razvoja ter v kakšnem medsebojnem odnosu so. Pričujoče delo je utemeljeno na konceptu trajnostnega razvoja, ki narekuje, da je razvoj trajnosten takrat, ko zagotavlja zadovoljevanje potreb sedanje generacije, ne da bi pri tem ogrožal sposobnost prihodnjih generacij, da zadovoljijo svoje potrebe. Na raziskovalno vprašanje sem odgovarjal z izgradnjo teoretskega okvirja, ki sloni na premisi trajnostnega razvoja v povezavi z njegovo sistemsko analizo in skladnostjo politik ter s pomočjo študije primera, kjer sem podrobneje analiziral ključne zakonodajne ter strateške dokumente Republike Slovenije. Pri tem sem si pomagal tudi z analizo zakonodajnih in drugih dokumentov Evropske unije. Na podlagi analize sem prišel do ključne ugotovitve, in sicer, da je razkol med zapisano medsebojno odvisnostjo uvajanja obnovljivih virov energije v prostor in varstva biotske raznovrstnosti na primeru Republike Slovenije veliko večji v praksi kot pa v teoriji, saj ti dokumenti v veliki meri naslavljajo načela trajnostnega razvoja le-ta pa se mnogokrat ne preslikajo v zadostni meri v njihovo praktično izvajanje.

Keywords:trajnostni razvoj, cilji trajnostnega razvoja, obnovljivi viri energije, varstvo biotske raznovrstnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Slobodnik
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (99 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156470 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:197624835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Interdependence of renewable energy and biodiversity protection in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals
The present master thesis investigates the interdependence between the deployment of renewable energy sources and the protection of biodiversity through a literature analysis and a case study of the Republic of Slovenia. The entire research is theoretically placed within the Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically in the interplay of two goals, namely Sustainable Development Goal 7, which addresses affordable and clean energy, and Sustainable Development Goal 15, which addresses life on land. The main objective of the master thesis was to identify how policies and legislation are intertwined to achieve the above-mentioned SDGs and how they are related to each other. This thesis is based on the concept of sustainable development, which dictates that development is sustainable when it ensures that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. I answered the research question by building a solid theoretical framework based on the premise of sustainable development, in conjunction with its systemic analysis and policy coherence, and by analysing the legislative, executive, and other key strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia. I also drew on the legislative and other documents of the European Union. After analysing these documents, I came to a key conclusion, namely that the gap between the stated interdependence between the renewable energy sources and the protection of biodiversity is much greater in practice than in theory, as these documents largely address the principles of sustainable development, but these are often insufficiently translated into their practical implementation.

Keywords:sustainable development, sustainable development goals, renewable energy, biodiversity protection

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