
Dejavnosti za spodbujanje zanimanja za rastline pri 4-5 let starih otrocih in vpliv teh dejavnosti na znanje in odnos otrok do rastlin : diplomsko delo
ID Korošec, Melita (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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POVZETEK Rastline so pomemben del našega vsakodnevnega življenja. Pa vendar jih številni odrasli in otroci v svojem okolju zaznavajo mnogo slabše kot živali, kar vodi do tega, da jih slabše poznajo ter ne prepoznajo njihovega pomena in vrednosti tako za življenje na Zemlji kot tudi za človeka. Ta pojav strokovno imenujemo »rastlinska slepota«. Mnogi mlajši otroci rastlin sploh ne prepoznavajo kot živa bitja. Namen mojega diplomskega dela je bil poiskati dejavnosti, s katerimi bi pri predšolskih otrocih vzbudili pozornost in zanimanje za rastline, oblikovali pozitiven odnos do njih, spodbudili učenje o rastlinah ter na tak način preprečevali rastlinsko slepoto. Na podlagi literature, predhodnih izkušenj in preizkušanja smo sestavili izbor dejavnosti, za katere smo ocenili, da so primerne razvojni stopnji štiri do pet let starih otrok in da so učinkovite za doseganje zastavljenih ciljev dejavnosti. Pri tem smo upoštevali načelo aktivnega učenja, poudarek pa smo dali učenju z neposredno izkušnjo, stiku z živim ter igri in učenju v naravnem okolju. V diplomskem delu smo tudi raziskali učinkovitost teh dejavnosti za doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Izvedli smo raziskavo, ki je vključevala eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 47 otrok, starih štiri do pet let. Z otroki obeh skupin (eksperimentalne in kontrolne) smo najprej izvedli začetne polstrukturirane individualne intervjuje, s katerimi smo ugotovili začetno stanje njihovega zaznavanja rastlin v okolju, njihovega odnosa do rastlin ter poznavanja rastlin. Za začetek si je vsak otrok ogledal za namen raziskave izdelano sliko gozda z gozdnimi organizmi (rastlinami, glivami in živalmi) ter sliko travnika s travniškimi rastlinami in živalmi. Ob tem je dobil nalogo, da našteje, kar vidi. Zanimalo nas je, kako otrok zazna rastline v nekem okolju: kaj je na sliki opazil najprej in česa je opazil več: rastlin ali živali. Odnos otrok do rastlin smo ugotavljali s pomočjo šestih vprašanj v obliki: »Kako rad bi …?«. Vprašanja so navajala dejavnosti v zvezi z rastlinami (… gledal knjige o rastlinah, gojil rastlino, pomagal pri delu na vrtu, obiskal cvetoč travnik …), otrok pa je moral odgovoriti, ali bi to dejavnost zelo rad, srednje rad ali sploh ne bi počel. Vprašanja intervjuja, s katerimi smo ugotavljali poznavanje rastlin, so se nanašala na rastline, ki so bili vključene v načrtovane dejavnosti. Z otroki eksperimentalne skupine smo nato izvedli 7 dejavnosti, katerih izvajanje je trajalo 14 dni v obdobju enega meseca (od maja do junija 2023). Dejavnosti, od katerih so mnoge vsebovale elemente igre, so potekale v gozdu, na travniku in v igralnici. V gozdu so otroci iz rastlinskih delov gradili hišice za domišljijska bitja in se učili o rastlinskih materialih, uporabljenih za gradnjo. Izpolnjevali so posebno knjigo – v gozdu so iskali pare rastlinam ali njihovim delom, ki so jim bili ponujeni v knjigi (prilepljeni primerki konkretnega biološkega materiala iz tistega gozda). Na koncu so iz materialov in organizmov, ki so jih nabrali v gozdu, v igralnici izdelali »gozd v veliki zaprti steklenici« in en mesec spremljali dogajanje v njem. Na travniku so s cvetlicami krasili na liste narisane in z dvostranskimi lepilnimi trakovi opremljene podobe otrok. Okras so lahko bile le cvetice, ki so bile že vnaprej pritrjene na listu in so jih morali otroci na travniku poiskati. Nekaj travniških rastlin smo izkopali in jih posadili v igralnici, potem pa gojili v različnih pogojih (tudi brez vode in brez svetlobe). Otroci so sistematično spremljali tudi kalitev in rast fižola. Ob vseh izvedenih dejavnostih so otroci spoznavali raznolikost in značilnosti rastlin, njihova imena, življenjske procese v rastlinah (kalitev in rast, fotosinteza), življenjske potrebe rastlin ter vlogo rastlin v ekosistemih. Z otroki kontrolne skupine opisanih dejavnosti nismo izvedli, v tem času so njihove dejavnosti v vrtcu potekale brez posebnih vsebin o rastlinah. Dan po zaključku dejavnosti smo z otroki obeh skupin (eksperimentalne in kontrolne) izvedli končne intervjuje, ki so vsebovali isti nabor vprašanj kot začetni. Pridobljene rezultate smo kvantitativno analizirali ter prikazali v obliki grafov. Na podlagi primerjave odgovorov otrok začetnih in končnih intervjujev v kontrolni in eksperimentalni skupini smo dobili vpogled v učinkovitost izvedenih dejavnosti na poznavanje rastlin in odnos do njih. Pregled rezultatov je pokazal, da so izvedene dejavnosti močno povečale zanimanje otrok za rastline v eksperimentalni skupini. Otroci so bolje opazili rastline v okolju, bistveno pa se je izboljšalo tudi njihovo poznavanje gozdnih in travniških rastlin. V kontrolni skupini se odgovori otrok končnih in začetnih intervjujev niso bistveno razlikovali. Ugotovili smo, da je izbor dejavnosti, ki je zasnovan in izveden v tem diplomskem delu, učinkovito sredstvo za preprečevanje rastlinske slepote pri predšolskih otrocih. Ob dejavnostih, ki so bile otrokom zanimive, so jim postale zanimive tudi rastline. Predlagamo, da bi te dejavnosti vzgojitelji večkrat vključevali v svojo prakso in na tak način pomembno vplivali na otroke že v zgodnjem otroštvu, ki je ključno obdobje za oblikovanje pozitivnega odnosa do narave.

Keywords:Predšolska vzgoja, Naravoslovje, predšolski otroci, aktivno učenje, izkustveno učenje, začetno naravoslovje, rastline, odnos do rastlin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Korošec
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156461 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196719619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Activities to promote interest in plants in children aged 4 to 5 years and the impact of these activities on children's knowledge about and attitudes towards plants
SUMMARY Plants are an important part of our daily lives. However, many adults and children are much less aware of them in their environment than of animals, which means that they're less understood and their importance and value for both life on Earth and for humans isn't recognized. This phenomenon is referred to by experts as "plant blindness". Many young children don't even recognize plants as living beings. The aim of our work was to find activities that would stimulate preschool children's attention and interest in plants, promote a positive attitude towards them, support learning about plants and thus prevent plant blindness. Based on literature, previous experience, and tests, we compiled a selection of activities that are suitable for the developmental level of four- to five-year-old children and achieve the set goals. We followed the principle of active learning, focusing on learning through direct experience, interaction with living things and learning through play in the natural environment. We also investigated the effectiveness of these activities in achieving the set goals. We conducted a study that included an experimental and a control group. The study involved 47 children aged four to five years. We first conducted semi-structured individual interviews with children from both groups (experimental and control group) to determine their initial perception of plants in the environment, their attitude towards plants and their knowledge about plants. Each child first saw a picture of a forest with forest organisms (plants, fungi, and animals) and a picture of a meadow with meadow plants and animals for the purpose of the study. They were then asked to list what they had seen. We were interested in how the children perceived plants in a particular environment: what they noticed first in the picture and what they noticed more: plants or animals. We assessed the children's attitudes towards plants using six questions in the form "How would you like to...?". The questions listed activities related to plants (...looking at books about plants, growing a plant, helping in the garden, visiting a flowering meadow...) and the child had to answer whether he/she would like to do this activity very much, moderately, or not at all. The interview questions on the assessment of plant knowledge related to the plants included in the planned activities. With the children of the experimental group, we then carried out 7 activities over 14 days in one month (from May to June 2023). The activities, many of which included playful elements, took place in the forest, in the meadow and in the classroom. In the forest, the children-built houses for imaginary creatures from plant parts and learned about the plant materials used to build them. They filled out a special book in which they were offered plant parts or whole plants from the forest to search for their pairs. Finally, they created a "forest in a large, closed bottle" in the classroom with the materials and organisms collected in the forest and observed its development for a month. In the meadow, they decorated illustrations of children with flowers. However, only the flowers that were already attached to the illustration were allowed to be used as decorations and the children had to find them in the meadow. We dug up some meadow plants and planted them in the classroom and then grew them under different conditions (including no water and no light). The children also systematically observed the germination and growth of the beans. In all activities, the children learned about the diversity and characteristics of plants, their names, the life processes of plants (germination and growth, photosynthesis), the needs of plants and the role of plants in ecosystems. In the control group, we did not carry out the activities described with the children; their activities in kindergarten did not include any specific plant-related content during this time. The day after the activities were completed, we carried out final interviews with the children in both groups (experimental and control group). The interviews contained the same questions as the initial interviews. The results obtained were analysed quantitatively and presented in the form of graphs by comparing the children's responses from the initial and final interviews in the control and experimental groups, we gained an insight into the effectiveness of the activities carried out on knowledge of and attitudes towards plants. The results showed that the conducted activities significantly increased children's interest in plants in the experimental group. Children observed plants better in the environment, and their knowledge of forest and meadow plants also improved significantly. In the control group, the responses of children from final and initial interviews did not differ significantly. We found that the selection of activities developed and implemented in this work is an effective way to prevent plant blindness in preschool children. Activities that were interesting to children also stimulated their interest in plants. We suggest that educators implement these activities into their practice more frequently, thus significantly influencing children in early childhood, which is a crucial stage for forming a positive attitude towards nature.

Keywords:preschool children, active learning, experiential learning, early science, plants, attitude towards plants

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