
Nasilje v družini v izbranih mladinskih slikanicah : magistrsko delo
ID Kaltnekar Gaberc, Petra (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem obravnavala motiv nasilja v družini v mladinskih slikanicah Pikino hrepenenje, (P. Kaltnekar, Gaberc), Tata Zmaj, avtorice P. Peršolja in Punčka in velikan avtorice N. Kodrič, Filipič. V uvodu sem opisala namen in cilj magistrskega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila pojem slikanica, zatem pojem problemske teme v mladinskih slikanicah, nato še pojem nasilje v družini. S pomočjo že napisane literature različnih avtorjev sem bolj podrobno analizirala nasilje v družini. Raziskala in opisala sem tudi, kako lahko s pomočjo zakonodaje pristojnih strokovnjakov in institucij pomagamo trpinčenim otrokom in jim zagotovimo varno prihodnost. V empiričnem delu sem opredelila raziskovalni problem in cilj raziskave, navedla raziskovalna vprašanja in raziskovalne metode, naredila primerjalno analizo treh mladinskih slikanic, ki obravnavajo tematiko nasilja v družini, navedla podobnosti in tudi razlike. Pri tem sem za analizo literarnega dela in ilustracij uporabila monografijo Poetika slikanice avtoric D. Haramija in J. Batič. Svojo slikanico z naslovom Pikino hrepenenje sem predstavila otrokom razredne stopnje v osnovni šoli (v prvem, tretjem in petem razredu) in s pomočjo vprašanj v polsktrukturiranem intervjuju raziskala razlike v njihovem odzivu na tovrstno tematiko. Namen tovrstne raziskave je približati tematiko nasilja v družini učencem in predstaviti način vzpostavljanja empatije pri učencih in pomoči vrstnikom, ki so žrtve nasilja v družini.

Keywords:Slikanice, problemske teme, nasilje v družini, empatija, pomoč otrokom.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:P. Kaltnekar Gaberc
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156380 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196765187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Family Violence in the Selected Children's Picture Books
In my master's thesis I adressed the theme of family violence in children's picture books, specifically in »Pika's Longing« by P. Kaltnekar, Gaberc, »Daddy Dragon« by P. Peršolja and »The little girl and the giant« by N. Kodrič, Filipič. In the introduction I described the purpose and objectives of the master's thesis. The teoretical part began with defining the concept of a picture book, followed by the concept of problematic themes in children's picture books and then the concept of family violence. Using existin literature by various authors, I conducted a more detailed analysis of family violence. I also researched and described how legislation and relevant professionals and institutions can help abused children and ensure a safe future for them. In the empirical part I defined the research problem and goal, listed research questions and methods and conducted a comparative analysis of three children's picture books adressing the theme of family violence. I highlighted both similarities and differences. For the analysis of literary works and ilustrations I utilized the monograph »Poetics of the Pictuure Book« by D. Haramija and J. Batič. I presented my own picture book titled »Pika's Longing« to elementary school students (first, third and fifth grades) and through semi-structured interviews with questions explored differences in their responses to this theme. The aim of this research is to familiarize students with the theme of family violence and to present a way to cultivate empathy in students and asist peers, who are wictims of family violence.

Keywords:Picture books, problematic themes, family violence, empathy, child assistance.

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