
Primerjalna analiza zdravstvenih sistemov in bolnišnic v izbranih državah : magistrsko delo
ID Došenović, Dejan (Author), ID Setnikar-Cankar, Stanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu so bile proučene značilnosti zdravstvenih sistemov in bolnišnic Slovenije, Nizozemske in Hrvaške z namenom izboljšati slovenski zdravstveni sistem. Analizirani so bili zgodovinski razvoj, organizacijska struktura, pravna in finančna ureditev ter kazalniki uspešnosti, dostopnost in kakovost zdravstvenih storitev. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da bi večja decentralizacija in regulirana konkurenca med zdravstvenimi zavarovalnicami na Nizozemskem lahko prispevali k učinkovitejšemu slovenskemu sistemu, zlasti pri zmanjševanju čakalnih dob in prilagajanju lokalnim potrebam. Predlagan je bil prehod na sistem univerzalnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja s svobodo izbire med zavarovalnicami, podobno kot na Nizozemskem, kar bi spodbudilo konkurenčnost in izboljšalo kakovost storitev. Poudarjen je bil pomen učinkovitih preventivnih programov, saj so ti na Nizozemskem prispevali k boljšim rezultatom v zgodnjem odkrivanju bolezni. Analiza je pokazala, da bi slovenski zdravstveni sistem lahko izboljšal svojo učinkovitost, dostopnost in kakovost storitev z vpeljavo elementov iz zdravstvenih sistemov obeh držav, kot so večja decentralizacija, povečanje konkurence med zavarovalnicami in ponudniki zdravstvenih storitev ter razvoj učinkovitejših preventivnih programov. Pomembno je, da se v proces reform vključijo vsi deležniki ter da se upoštevajo lokalne potrebe in specifičnosti slovenskega sistema.

Keywords:zdravstveni sistem, bolnišnice, zdravstvena zakonodaja, primerjalna analiza, Slovenija, Hrvaška, Nizozemska
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Došenović]
Number of pages:XIII, 86 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156344 This link opens in a new window
UDC:614.21:34(497.4: 497.5:492)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:196237059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of medical systems and hospitals in selected countries
In the Master's thesis, the characteristics of the health systems and hospitals in the Slovenia, Netherlands and Croatia were examined with a view to improving the Slovenian health system. The historical development, organisational structure, legal and financial arrangements, performance indicators, accessibility and quality of health services were analysed. It was concluded that greater decentralisation and regulated competition between health insurers in the Netherlands could contribute to a more efficient Slovenian system, especially in reducing waiting times and adapting to local needs. It was suggested that a move to a universal health insurance system with freedom of choice between insurers, similar to the Dutch system, would encourage competition and improve the quality of services. The importance of effective prevention programmes was stressed, as these have contributed to better results in early detection in the Netherlands. The analysis showed that the Slovenian health system could improve its efficiency, accessibility and quality of services by introducing elements from the health systems of both countries, such as greater decentralisation, increased competition between insurers and health service providers, and the development of more effective prevention programmes. It is important to involve all stakeholders in the reform process and to take into account the local needs and specificities of the Slovenian system.

Keywords:health system, hospitals, health legislation, comparative analysis, Slovenia, Croatia, Netherlands

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