
Elementarne igre za razvoj izbranih gibalnih sposobnosti košarkarjev in košarkaric od 6. do 12. leta starosti : magistrsko delo
ID Zidar, Klavdija (Author), ID Erčulj, Frane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Elementarne igre služijo kot pomembno sredstvo za celosten razvoj osebnosti otrok. Z njimi zadovoljujemo potrebo po gibanju. Na eni strani otroci potrebujejo gibanje za zdrav razvoj, na drugi strani pa z gibanjem v vseh življenjskih obdobjih izboljšujemo svoje počutje, se sproščamo, spoznavamo samega sebe in okolico ter živimo življenje bolj kakovostno. Otroci so lahko enake kronološke starosti, a se po biološki stopnji razvoja razlikujejo in ravno elementarne igre zaradi svoje preprostosti in možnosti modifikacij omogočajo sodelovanje vseh, pri čemer učitelj ali vaditelj uporablja različne prilagoditve vadbeni skupini ali posameznikom. Z ustreznimi prilagoditvami in umeščanjem v določene vadbene enote lahko z njimi dosežemo veliko ciljev, med drugim tudi razvoj izbranih gibalnih sposobnosti. Namen magistrske naloge je bil zbrati elementarne igre, primerne otrokom od 6. do 12. leta starosti, in jih razdeliti po sklopih glede na to, katera gibalna sposobnost se s posamezno igro v največji meri razvija. V igre smo vključili najrazličnejše naravne oblike gibanja, osnovna in nekatera specifična košarkarska gibanja, saj so namenjene predvsem vaditeljem, ki poučujejo najmlajše košarkarje in košarkarice ter učiteljem pri urah športa, ki želijo učence spoznati s košarko. To starostno obdobje smo izbrali, ker se z vstopom v osnovno šolo otroci začenjajo vključevati v različne športne dejavnosti. Nekje v obdobju od 6. do 12. leta starosti biološki procesi v telesu potekajo počasneje, zato je to čas, ko lahko z različnimi gibalnimi nalogami vplivamo na zdrav gibalni razvoj otroka in razvijanje ter izboljšanje posameznih gibalnih sposobnosti. Menimo, da je dobra osnovna telesna priprava otrok pogoj za učinkovit in varen nadaljnji razvoj v izbranem športu.

Keywords:elementarne igre, gibalne sposobnosti, najmlajši, košarkarji in košarkarice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156302 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198180099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Elementary games for development of selected motor skills of basketball players aged from six to twelve
Elementary games are an important element for an integrated development of children's personality. They help fulfil the need for exercise. On the one side, children need exercise for a healthy development, on the other side, through exercise, we improve our well-being, relax, learn about ourselves and our environment and lead a more quality life in all periods of life. Children may have the same chronological age, but differ in the biological stage of development, and elementary games, due to their simplicity and possible modification, enable participation of all, with the teacher or trainer using different adjustments for training groups or individuals. Through appropriate adjustments and classification into certain training groups, elementary games may help fulfil many goals, including the development of selected motor skills. The aim of this master’s thesis was to select elementary games appropriate for children aged from six to twelve and classify them in clusters depending on the motor skill that is developed to the greatest extent through an individual game. The games were added diverse natural forms of exercise and basic and certain specific basketball moves, as they are mainly intended for trainers of the youngest basketball players and teachers in PE classes who want to familiarise pupils with basketball. This age bracket was selected because children, when starting primary school, start to participate in different sports activities. It is somewhere between the age of six and twelve when biological processes in the body run slower, so it is possible to influence a healthy motor development of a child as well as the development and improvement of individual motor skills through different motor exercises. We believe that good general physical fitness of children is a precondition for an effective and safe further development in a selected sport.

Keywords:elementary games, motor skills, young children, basketball players

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