
The 'flâneur' and the 'citizen' in the modern Slovenian short story
ID Vladušić, Slobodan (Author)

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In the first part of the paper two crucial figures are established that symbolise the experience of urban existence. These are two hypothetical individuals: (1) an ordinary citizen of the megalopolis, whose description is based on the insights of Georg Simmel (Die Grosstädte und das Geistesleben) and (2) the flâneur, the model of the urban artist that is described in Benjamin's unfinished book on Charles Baudelaire. The second part of the paper observes these figures in contemporary Slovene short narrative prose, especially in the short stories of Andrej Morovič, Mart Lenardič and Dušan Čater. We also strive to note the differences between the urban experience mediated by Simmel and Benjamin, and that found in contemporary Slovene short narrative prose.

Keywords:Slovene literature, new slovene literature, short narrative prose, short story, literary protagonist, megapolis, citizen of megalopolis, love in literature, flâneur
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 255-260
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156298 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71898722 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenska kratka pripovedna proza
Editors:Irena Novak-Popov
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovenistiko, Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
COBISS.SI-ID:229730560 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:23

Secondary language

V prvem delu razprave vzpostavljamo dve ključni podobi, ki simbolizirata izkušnjo urbanega bivanja, dve namišljeni osebi, ki sta: 1. običajni prebivalec megalopolisa, katerega opis temelji na spoznanjih Georga Simmla (v besedilu Die Grosstädte und das Geistesleben (Velemesto in duhovno življenje)) in 2. flâneur (sprehajalec), model urbanega umetnika, ki ga opisuje W. Benjamin v nedokončanem delu o Charlesu Baudelairu. V drugem delu razprave opazujemo ti dve osebi v sodobni slovenski kratki pripovedni prozi, predvsem v kratkih zgodbah Andreja Moroviča, Marta Lenardiča in Dušana Čatra. Sledi poskus označitve razlike med urbano izkušnjo, ki jo posredujeta besedili Simmla in Benjamina, in urbano izkušnjo, kakršno najdemo v sodobni slovenski kratki pripovedni prozi.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, sodobna slovenska književnost, kratka pripovedna proza, kratka proza, literarne osebe, velemesto, prebivalec velemesta, ljubezenska tematika, literarne študije, flâneur

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