
Vpliv razdrobljenosti občin na upravljanje s prostorom; primer industrijskih con in nakupovalnih središč
ID Jenko, Kristina (Author), ID Golobič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala vpliv razdrobljenosti občin na upravljanje s prostorom na primeru industrijskih con in nakupovalnih središč. Zanimalo me je, kam, na katera zemljišča in v kakšnem obsegu so se umeščale industrijske cone in nakupovalna središča. Za obravnavano območje sem izbrala pomursko statistično regijo, saj je le-ta najbolj razdrobljena na 27 občin (ob osamosvojitvi so bile le 4) ki so majhne tako po površini kot tudi številu prebivalcev. Po pregledu literature o lokalni samoupravi in njenem delovanju v prostorskem načrtovanju sem ugotovila, da je upravljavska sposobnost manjših občin večinoma slabša, ni pa nujno. Nadalje sem raziskovala občine in njihove občinske uprave pomurske statistične regije ter ugotovila, da so vse povezane v skupne občinske uprave ali v skupne občinske inšpektorate, izjema je mestna občina Murska Sobota. V programu Arc Gis sem označila površine umeščenih industrijskih con in nakupovalnih središč ter s pomočjo zgodovinskih satelitskih posnetkov hkrati preverjala, na katera zemljišča so cone in nakupovalna središča umeščeni. Ugotovila sem, da so novi objekti bili postavljeni na kmetijskih zemljiščih (njiva, travnik, …) in gozdnih zemljiščih. Nato sem s pomočjo študije ranljivosti, privlačnosti in ustreznosti prostora za proizvodne cone naredila analizo privlačnosti, ranljivosti in ustreznosti prostora za umestitev con in središč. S pomočjo ustreznosti prostora sem preverila primernost že umeščenih ter načrtovane površine za umestitev industrijskih con in nakupovalnih središč. Ugotovila sem, da so umeščeni objekti večinoma na neustreznih zemljiščih, prav tako načrtovane površine niso na najbolj ustreznih zemljiščih. Nazadnje podajam ukrepe za boljše upravljanje s prostorom.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, razdrobljenost občin, upravljanje s prostorom
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156274 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195738115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2024
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Secondary language

In my master's thesis, I researched the impact of the fragmentation of municipalities on spatial management using the example of industrial zones and shopping centers. I was interested in where, on which land and to what extent the industrial zones and shopping centers were located. I chose the Pomurje statistical region for the area under consideration, as it is the most fragmented into 27 municipalities (at the time of independence, there were only 4), which are small both in terms of area and number of inhabitants. After reviewing the literature on local self-government and its functioning in spatial planning, I found that the management ability of smaller municipalities is mostly worse, but it is not necessarily so. I further researched the municipalities and their municipal administrations of the Pomurska statistical region and found that they are all connected to joint municipal administrations or joint municipal inspectorates, the exception being the municipality of Murska Sobota. In the ArcGis program, I marked the surfaces of located industrial zones and shopping centers and with the help of historical satellite maps recordings, simultaneously checking on which land the zones and shopping centers are located. I found out that the new facilities were built on agricultural and forest land. Then, with the help of a study of the vulnerability, attractiveness and suitability of the space for the production zones, I made an analysis of the attractiveness, vulnerability and suitability of the space for the placement of zones and centers. I checked the suitability of already placed and planned areas for the placement of industrial zones and shopping centers. I found that the facilities located are mostly on unsuitable land, and the planned areas are also not on the most suitable land. Finally, I give measures for better management of space.

Keywords:landscape architecture, fragmentation of municipalities, spatial planning

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