
Analiza vključenosti plesne dejavnosti v slovenske šole ter njen vpliv na otroke in mladostnike : magistrsko delo
ID Pergovnik, Lana (Author), ID Zaletel, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šifrar, Tina (Comentor)

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Ples je telesna dejavnost ob glasbi. Ukvarjanje s plesom omogoča otrokom in mladostnikom lastno dejavnost in pridobivanje številnih izkušenj, ki so nujno potrebne pri zdravem umskem, čustvenem in socialnem razvoju. Zato je ples nepogrešljiv del osnovnošolskega in srednješolskega učnega načrta. Pestrost vsebin, pomanjkanje časa in pogosto tudi pomanjkanje znanja in interesa športnih pedagogov, potiska plesne (velikokrat na splošno estetske) vsebine na stranski tir. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri ter s kakšnim pristopom se plesne dejavnosti pojavljajo v šolskem prostoru, tako pri športni vzgoji kot tudi v okviru nekaterih drugih šolskih in obšolskih dejavnostih. Zanimalo nas je še, katere plesne zvrsti so med otroci in mladostniki priljubljene in bi želeli njihovo večjo vključenost. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 211 priložnostno izbranih učencev in dijakov. Od tega je bilo 89 fantov in 122 deklet iz treh slovenskih osnovnih šol in petih slovenskih srednjih šol. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa, ki je poleg osnovnih podatkov o šolarjih in njihovih šolskih plesnih izkušnjah vključeval tudi lastno oceno celostnega razvoja s pomočjo šolskega plesa. Pozornost smo usmerili še na pomembnost spodbud s strani učiteljev za plesno udejstvovanje otrok in mladostnikov. Naše predpostavke o nezadostni vključenosti plesa v šolski prostor so se izkazale za pravilne. Ugotovitve so potrdile naša predvidevanja, da je prostora za plesno raznovrstnost še ogromno, saj je večina plesnih zvrsti srednje oziroma slabo prisotnih. Želja vseh sodelujočih šolarjev po večji vključenosti modernejših plesnih zvrsti, je podprla naše prizadevanje za plesno raznovrstnost v šolskem prostoru. Primerjava ocen o učinkih šolskega plesa na celosten razvoj med dijaki in dijakinjami, je pokazala, da le dekleta dojemajo ples kot dejavnik, ki spodbuja celosten razvoj. Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je bil opozoriti učitelje in odločevalce na nedoslednost izvajanja plesnih vsebin v šolskem prostoru glede na zahteve učnega načrta in glede na pomen plesa za otroke in mladostnike, zaradi katerega je smiselno vključiti ples v mnogotere šolske vsebine. Vpogled v vključenost plesa in plesnih dejavnosti v slovenske šole ter želje šolajočih se otrok lahko pripomorejo k izboljšanju trenutnega stanja.

Keywords:ples, šola, mladi, plesna raznovrstnost, celosten razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156273 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198043395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the inclusion of dance activities in Slovenian schools and their impact on children and adolescents
Dance is a physical activity accompanied by music. Engaging in dance provides children and adolescents with their own activity and enables them to gain numerous experiences essential for healthy mental, emotional, and social development. Therefore, dance is an indispensable part of the elementary and secondary school curriculum. The diversity of content, lack of time, and often the lack of knowledge and interest among physical education teachers push dance (often aesthetic in nature) to the sidelines. With this master's thesis, we aimed to determine the extent and approach to which dance activities appear in the school setting, both in physical education and within certain other school and extracurricular activities. We were also interested in which dance genres are popular among children and adolescents and would like to see increased involvement in them. The study included 211 casually selected students, consisting of 89 boys and 122 girls from three Slovenian primary schools and five Slovenian secondary schools. We used a closed-ended questionnaire, which, in addition to basic data about the students and their school dance experiences, also included their own assessment of overall development through school dance. We also focused on the importance of encouragement from teachers for the dance involvement of children and adolescents. Our assumptions about the insufficient inclusion of dance in the school setting proved to be correct. The findings confirmed our expectations that there is still plenty of room for dance diversity, as most dance genres are moderately or poorly represented. The desire of all participating students for greater involvement in more modern dance genres supported our efforts for dance diversity in the school setting. A comparison of assessments regarding the effects of school dance on overall development between male and female students showed that only girls perceive dance as a factor that promotes holistic development. The fundamental purpose of the master's thesis was to draw attention to the inconsistency in implementing dance content in the school setting in relation to the curriculum requirements and the importance of dance for children and adolescents, which justifies including dance in various school activities. Insights into the inclusion of dance and dance activities in Slovenian schools, as well as the desires of schoolchildren, can contribute to improving the current situation.

Keywords:dance, school, young people, dance diversity, holistic development

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