
Napačne predstave gimnazijcev o genetiki
ID Treven, Karmen (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Genetika je znanstvena disciplina, ki proučuje zgradbo, izražanje in dedovanje molekul DNA in RNA. Razumevanje genetike je pomembno za vsakodnevno življenje, a genetika spada med zahtevnejše tematike za razumevanje. Napačne predstave so interpretacije in pojmovanja posameznikov, ki se razlikujejo od znanstveno sprejete razlage. V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo dvotirnega diagnostičnega testa, ki smo mu dodali tretji del, preverili, kakšne napačne predstave o vsebinah genetike imajo dijaki. Po pregledu znanstvene literature smo v slovenščino prevedli že obstoječi dvotirni diagnostični test o genetiki in mu dodali tretji del. S prvim (A) delom posameznega vprašanja smo preverjali znanje, z drugim (B) delom vprašanja smo preverjali razlog za izbran odgovor v prvem delu vprašanja in v tretjem (C) delu vprašanja smo preverjali prepričanost učencev o pravilnosti izbranega odgovora. Vprašanje je bilo pravilno odgovorjeno, če je učenec pravilno odgovoril na dela A in B. Glede na kombinacijo odgovorov na vse tri dele vprašanja smo dijake oziroma njihove odgovore razvrstili v eno izmed osmih kategorij znanja. Po izpolnjevanju vprašalnikov smo podatke analizirali glede na tri dejavnike: letnik, spol in zanimanje za študij naravoslovja. Rezultati magistrskega dela kažejo, da dijaki nimajo zadovoljivega znanja in razumevanja konceptov genetike in da se pri dijakih ne glede na letnik, spol in zanimanje za študij naravoslovja ne pojavljajo razlike v znanju in njihovi prepričanosti v pravilnost odgovorov. Največ težav so dijakom povzročala naslednja področja: zgradba gena in njegova lokacija, genetska informacija v celicah, v katerih celicah so prisotni spolni kromosomi, število kromosomov v celicah (kaj pomeni zapis formule za število kromosomov v celici) in kateri kromosomi so prisotni v spolnih celicah.

Keywords:celica, genetika, gimnazijci, napačne predstave, trotirni diagnostični test
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Treven]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156270 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195879427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Upper secondary school students' misconceptions about genetics
Genetics is the study of DNA and RNA molecules and heredity. Understanding genetics is important to everyday life, but it is one of the challenging subjects to understand. Misconceptions are the interpretations and conceptions of individuals that are different from scientifically accepted explanations. With the help of a two-tier diagnostic test, to which we added a third part, we examined what misconceptions the students have about the contents of genetics. After reviewing the scientific literature, we translated the already existing two-tier genetic diagnostic test into Slovenian language and added a third part to it. The first part (A) of each question tested knowledge, the second part (B) asked about the reason for the chosen answer in the first part of the question and the third part (C) asked about the certainty in the correctness of one's answer. The question was marked as correctly answered, if the student answered correctly in the first and second part of the question. Based on the combination of answers to all three parts of the question, we classified the students or their answers into one of eight categories of knowledge. After completing the questionnaires, the results were analysed according to three factors: class year, gender and interest in studying natural sciences. The results show that the students do not have satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the concepts of genetics and that, regardless of their class year, gender and their interest in the study of natural sciences, there are no differences in their knowledge and certainty in the correctness of their answer. The most challenging themes for students are: the structure and location of genes, genetic information in cells, in which cells are sex chromosomes located, the number of chromosomes in cells and which type of chromosomes are present in gametes.

Keywords:cell, genetics, secondary school students, misconceptions, three-tier diagnostic test

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