
Vpliv moči mišic iztegovalk in upogibalk kolena na hitrost in sposobnost spremembe smeri pri nogometaših : magistrsko delo
ID Bratina, Kaja (Author), ID Vučković, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Spudić, Darjan (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati vpliv spremenljivk moči upogibalk in iztegovalk kolena na hitrost in sposobnost spremembe smeri gibanja pri nogometaših. Raziskava je bila izvedena na vzorcu 41 nogometašev prve kadetske lige ter prve in druge mladinske lige. Izvedli smo meritve izokinetične moči iztegovalk in upogibalk kolena (maksimalen izokinetičen navor), funkcionalne terenske teste (enonožni skoki, meritve sposobnosti spremembe smeri gibanja in hitrosti) ter meritve ekscentrične moči zadnjih stegenskih mišic na napravi za nordijski spust. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, katere izmed spremenljivk so povezane s hitrostjo in sposobnostjo spremembe smeri gibanja ter v kolikšni meri vplivajo na hitrost in sposobnost spremembe smeri gibanja. S Pearsonovim korelacijskim koeficientov smo na ravni 5 % tveganja ugotovili negativno ter šibko povezanost med tetsom 180 in enonožnim skokom v daljino z levo nogo (r = –0,34). Za desno nogo smo ugotovili pozitivno ter šibko povezanost med deficitom zaradi spremembe smeri gibanja, izraženem v času (DSS) in deležu (DSS %) pri obratu za 90° in enonožnim skokom v daljino (r = 0,31 in r = 0,31), med DSS 180° %, enonožnim skokom v daljino (r = 0,33) in koncentričnim upogibom kolena pri 180°/s (0,38) ter med DSS 180° in koncentričnim upogibom kolena pri 180°/s (r = 0,35). Prav tako smo ugotovili negativne in šibke do zmerne povezanosti med sprintom na 10 in 30 metrov, koncentričnim upogibom kolena (r = –0,37 in r = –0,34), enonožnim skokom v daljino (r = –0,42 in r = –0,59) in enonožnim skokom v stran (r = –0,39 in r = –0,47). Sprint na 10 metrov je šibko in negativno povezan še s količnikom največjega navora iztega in upogiba kolena pri 180°/s (r = –0,32). Pri rezultatih multiple regresijske analize za test 180 z levo nogo se je kot najboljša napovedna spremenljivka izkazal enonožni skok v daljino, ki je pojasnil 11,8 % variance rezultatov. DSS 90° in DSS 90° % je prav tako najbolje pojasnil enonožni skok v daljino s 9,8 % pojasnjene variance rezultatov. Najboljša napovedna spremenljivka za DSS 180° in DSS 180° % z desno nogo je koncentrični upogib kolena pri 180°/s, ki je pojasnil 12 % in 14 % variance rezultatov. Glede na rezultate multiple regresijske analize za sprint na 10 in 30 metrov je bil enonožni skok v daljino najboljša napovedna spremenljivka, ki je pojasnila 23 % in 35 % variance rezultatov. Največja moč iztegovalk in upogibalk kolena na hitrost in tek s spremembo smeri gibanja nima velikega vpliva. Ugotovili smo, da največja in hitra moč spodnjih okončin vpliva na (ne)učinkovitost izvajanja obratov. Močnejši in bolj eksplozivni igralci so imeli relativno večje izgube časa pri izvedbah obratov z desno nogo.

Keywords:nogomet, moč, hitrost, sposobnost spremembe smeri gibanja, gibalne sposobnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156246 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198041347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of knee extensor muscle strenght on speed and change of direction ability in soccer players
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate possible connections and the impact of strength parameters of knee extensors and flexors on the speed and change of direction ability in soccer players. The study was conducted on a sample of 41 soccer players from the first U17 and the first and second U19 National leagues of Slovenia. Measurements of isokinetic strength of knee extensors and flexors (maximum isokinetic torque), functional field tests (single-leg jumps, measurements of change of direction ability, and speed), and measurements of eccentric hamstring strength on the Nordic hamstring device were performed. The aim of the research is to determine which predictive variables are related to speed and change of direction ability and to what extent they influence speed and change of direction ability. Using Pearson's correlation coefficients at a 5% significance level, we found a negative and weak correlation between test 180 and single-leg long jump with the left leg (r = -0.34). For the right leg, we found a positive and weak correlation between the change of direction deficit, expressed in time (CODD), and percentage (CODD%) in a 90° turn and single-leg long jump (r = 0.31 and r = 0.31), between CODD 180° %, single-leg long jump (r = 0.33), and concentric knee flexion at 180°/s (0.38), and between CODD 180° and concentric knee flexion at 180°/s (r = 0.35). We also found negative and weak to moderate correlations between the 10 and 30 meter sprints, concentric knee flexion (r = -0.37 and r = -0.34), single-leg long jump (r = -0.48 and r = -0.59), and side single-leg jump (r = -0.39 and r = -0.47). The 10 meter sprint is weakly and negatively correlated with the maximum torque ratio between knee extension and flexion at 180°/s (r = -0.32). According to the results of multiple regression analyses for the running time with a 180° direction change (COD 180°) with the left leg, the single-leg long jump proved to be the best predictive variable, explaining 12 % of the variance. CODD 90° and CODD 90° % are also best explained by the single-leg long jump, with 10 % of the variance. The best predictive variable for CODD 180° and CODD 180° % with the right leg is concentric knee flexion at 180°/s, explaining 12 % and 14% of the variance respectively. The best predictive variable for 10 and 30 meter sprint is the single-leg long jump, explaining 23 % and 35 % of the variance, respectively. The maximum strength of knee extensors and flexors has a limited impact on speed and running with a change of direction. We found that the maximum and fast power of the lower limbs affect the (in)efficiency of executing turns. Stronger and more explosive players had relatively larger time losses in executing turns with the right leg.

Keywords:soccer, strength, speed, change of direction ability, physical abilities

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