
Ramenski sklep: anatomija in poklicno tveganje za njegovo obolelost pri medicinskih sestrah : diplomsko delo
ID Bošnjak, Elma (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Boc, Anja (Comentor), ID Gošnak Dahmane, Raja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ramenski sklep je sinovijski sklep, v katerem se stikata glava nadlahtnice in glenoidna kotanja lopatice. Je najbolj gibljiv sklep v človeškem telesu in omogoča vse vrste gibov v velikem obsegu. Ravno zaradi obsežne gibljivosti pa je tudi eden izmed najbolj obremenjenih in najpogosteje poškodovanih sklepov. Preobremenitev ali poškodba ramenskega sklepa vodita v razvoj bolečine, zmanjšanje stabilnosti in gibljivosti sklepa ter oslabitev mišic, ki sklep premikajo, kar lahko bolniku onemogoči normalno opravljanje vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je natančno opisati anatomsko zgradbo in delovanje ramenskega sklepa ter ugotoviti, kako pogosto se z obolelostjo ramenskega sklepa soočajo medicinske sestre. Metode dela: Teoretični del diplomskega dela je podprt s sistematičnim pregledom literature, ki smo jo iskali v podatkovnih bazah Medline, Science Direct, Cinahl in PubMed. Rezultati: Zaradi oblike sklepnih ploskev in ohlapnosti sklepne ovojnice je ramenski sklep najgibljivejši sklep v telesu. Sklep stabilizirajo vezivnohrustačni obroč, glenohumeralni ligamenti, korakoakromialni lok, mišice rotatorne manšete in dolga glava mišice dolge nadlahtne mišice. Sklep je zelo ranljiv. Najpogostejše diagnoze, postavljene v Sloveniji, so: kalcinirajoči tendinitis, sindrom rotatorne manšete, burzitis rame in bicipitalni tendinitis. Obolenja sklepa otežujejo normalno življenje. Z delom povezana mišično-skeletna obolenja (DMSO) so v delovni populaciji zelo pogosta, še posebej pri medicinskih sestrah, ki tudi največ časa preživijo pri bolniku. Glede na to, da se zdravstvena nega izvaja neprekinjeno in bolniki zahtevajo kontinuirano pozornost, so izvajalci zdravstvene nege obremenjeni tako fizično kot psihično. Razvoj obolenj se lahko pojavi kot posledica neustreznih pogojev na delovnem mestu, slabe organizacije in strukture dela. Izmed vseh prijavljenih obolenj se jih kar 60 % razvije pri medicinskih sestrah. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre skupaj z ostalimi zdravstvenimi delavci so na svojih delovnih mestih zelo izpostavljene dejavnikom tveganja za razvoj DMSO. V Sloveniji skoraj vsaka medicinska sestra opravlja dodatno delo in sebe postavlja na zadnje mesto ter je na ta način še dodatno preobremenjena. Glede na globalno pomanjkanje zdravstvenih delavcev so spremembe nujne. In sicer take spremembe, ki bodo zdravstvene delavce obdržale na delovišču in preprečile izpad delovne sile zaradi razvoja DMSO.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, ramenski sklep, anatomija, obolelost ramenskega sklepa, poklicni dejavniki, poklicno tveganje, medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Bošnjak]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156164 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195124483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Shoulder joint: anatomy and occupational risk for the joint disorders in nurses : diploma work
Introduction: The shoulder joint is a synovial joint that connects the humeral head and the glenoid cavity of the scapula. It is the most mobile joint in the human body and enables a wide range of movements of all kinds. It is also one of the most heavily stressed and most frequently injured joints, precisely because of its great mobility. Overuse or injury to the shoulder joint can lead to the development of pain, reduction in the stability and mobility of the joint and weakening of the muscles that move the joint, preventing the patient from performing normal activities of daily living. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe in detail the structure and function of the shoulder joint and to investigate how frequently nurses are confronted with disorders of the shoulder joint. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis is supported by a systematic review of the literature searched in the Medline, Science Direct, Cinahl and PubMed databases. Results: The shape of the articular surfaces, the looseness of the joint capsule, makes it the most flexible joint in the body. The joint is stabilised by the ligament-cartilage ring and the glenohumeral ligament.In addition, there are other elements that influence the stability of the joint: the coracoacromial arch, the rotator cuff muscles and the long head of the biceps brachii. The joint is very fragile. The most common diagnoses in Slovenia are calcific tendinitis, rotator cuff syndrome, shoulder bursitis and biceps tendinitis. Diseases of the shoulder joint make it difficult to lead a normal life. As patients in hospital require constant attention, care is uninterrupted and puts both mental and physical strain on nursing staff. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are very common, especially among nurses who also spend the most time with a patient. The development of shoulder joint disorders can be due to inappropriate workplace conditions, poor work organisation and work structure. Of all reported injuries, 60% occur in nurses. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses, along with other healthcare workers, are highly exposed to the risk factors for developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in their workplaces. Almost all nurses work overtime and put themselves last, which increases their workload. Given the global shortage of healthcare professionals, changes are urgently needed. Such changes that will keep healthcare workers on the job and prevent turnover in the workforce due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, shoulder joint, anatomy, shoulder joint disease, work-related diseases, occupational risk, nurses

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