
Nastavitev parametrov obešenja in vzmetenja radijsko vodenega avtomobila za bočno drsenje v pomanjšanem merilu
ID Gašperšič Legiša, Luka (Author), ID Ambrož, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tekmovalna radijsko vodena vozila za bočno drsenje v pomanjšanem merilu se glede nastavitev podvozja zelo približajo vozilom za bočno drsenje v pravem merilu. Za željeno vozno dinamiko takšnega vozila je potrebno izbrati ustrezne nastavitve. Namen naloge je bil določiti ustrezne vzmeti, blažilnike in nastavitev geometrije sprednje preme vozila, da bo na začetku bočnega drsenja dosežen ustrezen koeficient podkrmiljenja. Izvedene so bile meritve voženj v krogu pri različnih hitrostih s kombinacijami različnih parametrov pnevmatik, vzmeti, blažilnikov, kotov zaostajanja, kotov previsa in razlike krmilnih kotov sprednjih koles. Koeficient podkrmiljenja je bil določen z metodo konstantnega krmilnega kota. Iz video posnetkov voženj so bile zabeležene koordinate gibanja težišča vozila. Na vozilo je bilo potrebno pritrditi tudi pospeškomer, s katerim je bil izmerjen bočni pospešek vozila. Z dobljenimi podatki trajektorij gibanj in bočnih pospeškov so bili izrisani grafi za predstavo vpliva spreminjanja parametrov na vozno dinamiko vozila. S pomočjo krivulje in koeficienta podkrmiljenja je bila izbrana najbolj ustrezna kombinacija nastavitev za doseg začetka bočnega drsenja brez podkrmiljenja.

Keywords:radijsko vodeno vozilo, vzmetenje, parametri obešenja, vozna dinamika, bočno drsenje, tekmovalno vozilo, koeficient podkrmiljenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Gašperšič Legiša]
Number of pages:XXIV, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156156 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:195300867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Set up of suspension and spring parameters of a small-scale radio-controlled drift car
Competitive radio-controlled small-scale drift vehicles closely resemble full-scale drift vehicles in terms of chassis settings. To acheive the desired driving dynamics of such a vehicle, appropriate adjustments need to be made. The goal of the task was to determine suitable springs, dampers and front suspension geometry settings to acheive the desired understeer coefficient at the initiation of a drift. Driving measurments were conducted in a circular path at various speeds with combinations of different tire parameters, springs, dampers, toe angles, camber angles and differences in the front wheel steering angles. The understeer coefficient was determined using the constant steering angle method. Coordinates of the vehicle's center of gravity motion were recorded from video footage of the driving sessions. An accelerometer was also attached to the vehicle to measure its lateral acceleration. With the obtained data on trajectory motions and lateral accelerations, graphs were plotted to illustrate the impact of parameter variations on the vehicle's dynamic behavior. Using the curve and understeer coefficient, the most suitable combination of settings was selected to achieve the initiation of drifting without understeer.

Keywords:radio-controlled vehicle, suspension, suspension parameters, driving dynamics, drifting, competition vehicle, understeer coefficient

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