
Etnološki vidiki zbiralnih politik in predstavljanj zunajevropskih zbirk v Sloveniji iz obdobja 1960-1990 : doktorska disertacija
ID Palaić, Tina (Author), ID Muršič, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hudales, Jože (Comentor)

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Doktorska disertacija osvetljuje etnološke in muzeološke prakse raziskovanja in predstavljanja zunajevropskih kultur med letoma 1960 in 1990, ko je usmerjenost zunanje politike socialistične Jugoslavije v Gibanje neuvrščenih poudarjala načela mednarodnega sodelovanja, solidarnosti in prijateljstva z državami v razvoju. Obravnavane prakse, ki doslej še niso bile deležne ustrezne znanstvene pozornosti, avtorica proučuje skozi perspektivo postkolonialnih in dekolonialnih raziskav. S svojim razmislekom prispeva k razumevanju imperialnih in kolonialnih procesov, pri čemer osvetljuje delovanje kolonialnih tehnologij, ki skozi kategorije časovne in prostorske drugosti ter politik telesa vzpostavljajo in ohranjajo hierarhije med svetovnimi populacijami. Osvetljuje načine, na katere je bil slovenski prostor predmet zahodnega drugačenja, hkrati pa je sam ustvarjal lokalne predstave o drugem. Avtorica analizira delovanje Oddelka za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo s poudarkom na zunajevropski etnologiji, osrednjo pozornost pa posveti Muzeju neevropskih kultur v Goričanah, ki je kot oddelek Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja deloval med letoma 1964 in 2001. Podrobneje analizira njegovo zbiralno politiko, usmerjeno v priložnostno dopolnjevanje obstoječih zbirk, obravnava pa tudi avtorske in gostujoče razstave, ki so jih v muzeju organizirali v sodelovanju z državami v razvoju. Muzejski diskurzi, mobilizirani ob razstavah, so odslikavali tedanje politične in kulturne tendence v državi ter ohranjali kontinuiteto idej iz imperialnega obdobja. V drugem delu disertacije avtorica dotedanje razmisleke nadgradi z analizo dveh razstavnih projektov, ki jih je soustvarjala kot zaposlena v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju. Ponudi razmislek o ustreznejših praksah obravnavanja zunajevropskih zbirk v slovenskem prostoru, med katerimi opredeli zlasti skrb za predstavitev širših zgodovinskih kontekstov pridobivanja zbirk in s tem za razkrivanje zgodovin in dediščin muzejev, skrb za terminološko ustreznost muzejskih pripovedi in predstavljanje zunajevropske dediščine v sodelovanju z njenimi nosilci.

Keywords:muzeologija, muzejske prakse, muzejski diskurzi, muzejske zbirke, zunajevropske zbirke, Gibanje neuvrščenih, politika, Muzej neevropskih kultur v Goričanah, Slovenski etnografski muzej, Jugoslavija
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Palaić
Number of pages:273 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156121 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:194817283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.05.2024
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The dissertation sheds light on the ethnological and museological practices in researching and presenting non-European cultures between 1960 and 1990, when the socialist Yugoslavia’s foreign policy, then firmly embedded in the Non-Aligned Movement, advocated the principles of international cooperation, solidarity, and friendship with developing countries. The author analyzes these practices, which until now have not received appropriate scientific attention, through the perspective of postcolonial and decolonial studies. Her insights facilitate the understanding of imperial and colonial processes, shedding light on the operation of colonial technologies that use the categories of temporal and spatial otherness and body politics to establish and maintain hierarchies between world populations. She also discloses the ways in which Slovenia was the subject of Western othering while, at the same time, it itself constructed local preconceptions of the other. The author analyzes the practice of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts with an emphasis on non-European ethnology, and goes on to focus on the Museum of Non- European Cultures in Goričane, which operated between 1964 and 2001 as a dislocated unit of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. She carefully examines its collection policy, which consisted of random acquisitions that complemented the existing collections, and analyzes original and visiting exhibitions organized by the museum in collaboration with developing countries. The museum discourses mobilized upon these exhibitions reflected the concurrent political and cultural tendencies in the country and maintained the continuity of ideas from the imperial period. In the second part of the dissertation, the author illustrates her previous insights with an analysis of two exhibition projects in which she was involved as a staff member of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. She offers a reflection on more appropriate practices in presenting nonEuropean collections in Slovenia, focusing in particular on the efforts to present the broader historical contexts of their acquisition that, in turn, reveal the history and legacy of museums, as well as concern for terminological accuracy of museum narratives and presentation of nonEuropean heritage in cooperation with its bearers.

Keywords:museology, museum discourses, museum practices, non-European collections, Non-Aligned Movement, Museum of Non-European Cultures in Goričane, Yugoslavia

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