
Izzivi usklajevanja partnerske in starševske vloge po rojstvu prvega otroka : magistrsko delo
ID Rupert, Klara (Author), ID Poljak Lukek, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali izzive usklajevanja partnerske in starševske vloge po rojstvu prvega otroka. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili glavne značilnosti partnerskega odnosa, kjer smo se osredotočili predvsem na izbiro partnerja, oblikovanje partnerske vloge in medosebne identitete ter pomen komunikacije in na načine razreševanja konfliktov. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje raziskali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na odločitev za otroka, povzeli glavne značilnosti obdobja nosečnosti, osvetlili temeljne spremembe odnosa med partnerjema ter opredelili starševsko identiteto, ki se v času nosečnosti že intenzivno oblikuje. V zadnjem sklopu teoretičnega dela smo se osredotočili na rojstvo otroka in s tem povezane potencialne izzive. Pri raziskovanju smo s pomočjo metode tematske analize na podlagi empiričnih podatkov, pridobljenih z intervjuji staršev, dobili uvid v izzive, s katerimi se na prehodu v starševstvo najpogosteje srečujejo. Analiza znotraj glavne teme, ki se neposredno nanaša na usklajevanje partnerske in starševske vloge po rojstvu prvega otroka, je ponudila šest temeljnih področij, ki staršem predstavljajo največji izziv. Nadaljnje lahko iz rezultatov zaključimo, da izzive najpogosteje identificiramo na področju komunikacije, spolnosti in čustvene intimnosti, skupnega preživljanja prostega časa ter konfliktov. Soočanje z izzivi po rojstvu prvega otroka so glede na rezultate v veliki meri povezani z uspešnostjo soočanja s konflikti ter kvaliteto komunikacije že pred rojstvom otroka. Poleg tega pa rezultati kažejo, da kvaliteta partnerskega odnosa pred rojstvom otroka ter zaželena oz. načrtovana nosečnost predstavljata zaščitni dejavnik, ki lahko prehod v starševstvo olajšata. Rezultati magistrskega dela so lahko v pomoč vsem novopečenim staršem, ki se soočajo z izzivi usklajevanja starševske in partnerske vloge po rojstvu prvega otroka. V pomoč pa je lahko tudi strokovnjakom, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z mladimi pari, ki v prihodnosti načrtujejo družino.

Keywords:partnerstvo, starševstvo, prehod v starševstvo, izzivi usklajevanja, tematska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Rupert]
Number of pages:VII, 91, III str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155996 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196616451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges of coordinating the partner and parental roles after the birth of the first child
In this master thesis, we investigated the challenges of coordinating the partner and parent roles after the birth of the first child. In the theoretical part, we presented the main characteristics of the partner relationship, where we primarily focused on partner choice, the formation of the partner role and interpersonal identity, as well as the importance of communication and ways of resolving conflicts. Furthermore, we examined the factors influencing the decision to have a child, summarized the main characteristics of the pregnancy period, highlighted the fundamental changes in the relationship between partners, and defined the parental identity that is already intensively formed during pregnancy. In the last part of the theoretical section, we focused on the birth of the child and the potential challenges associated with it. Through our research, using the thematic analysis method based on empirical data obtained from interviews with parents, we gained insight into the challenges most commonly faced during the transition to parenthood. The analysis within the main theme, which directly relates to balancing the partner and parental roles after the birth of the first child, offered six fundamental areas that pose the greatest challenge for parents. Furthermore, we can conclude from the results that the challenges are most often identified in the areas of communication, sexuality and emotional intimacy, shared leisure time, and conflicts. Coping with challenges after the birth of the first child is, according to the results, largely related to the success of coping with conflicts and the quality of communication even before the child's birth. Additionally, the results show that the quality of the partner relationship before the birth of the child and the desired or planned pregnancy represent protective factors that can facilitate the transition to parenthood. The results of the master's thesis can be helpful to all new parents facing the challenges of balancing the roles of parent and partner after the birth of their first child. It can also be useful for professionals who, in their work, encounter young couples planning to start a family in the future.

Keywords:partnership, parenthood, transition to parenthood, coordination challenges, thematic analysis

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