The following thesis deals with the influence of online social networks on mountaineering and the promotion of mountain destinations in Slovenia. Slovenians undoubtedly belong to the most mountain-oriented nations. In the last few years, hiking in Slovenia has become even more popular. People keep looking for new forms of recreation and relaxation, and mountains are definitely suitable areas for such activities. In Slovenia, many mountain destinations have become massively visited, especially in the summer months, and the promotion of tourism and mountaineering on online social networks such as Instagram certainly contributed to the popularity and attendance of certain mountain peaks. Instagram is a social network that allows its users to share photos and videos from their mobile phones. It is precisely the photos that have the power to convince users which destinations are worth seeing. Thus, the application is not only used by individuals, but is also suitable for promoters in tourism who want to advertise certain tourist spots and attract as many tourists as possible. This is how the mountains have also turned into promoted tourist destinations. The purpose of the thesis is to determine how social networks influence the perception of the highlands and the promotion of mountaineering and mountain tourist destinations in Slovenia. The thesis also deals with the harmful effects of the increase in mass tourism on the natural mountain environment.