
»Fatalne uničevalke srečnih družin« – diskriminatorna obravnava samskih žensk na primeru omejevanja dostopa do oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo : diskriminatorna obravnava samskih žensk na primeru omejevanja dostopa do oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo
ID Furlan, Manca (Author), ID Tašner, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo tematizira dolgoletno diskriminatorno izključevanje samskih žensk iz zakonsko opredeljenega nabora upravičencev_k do postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo (OBMP) v Sloveniji. Po pristopu teoretične raziskave je uvodoma predstavljen pomen ženskega gibanja in feminističnega boja za reproduktivne pravice žensk po svetu ter v Sloveniji, sledi opredelitev reproduktivnih tehnologij ter umestitev postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo. Prikazan je kronološki pregled zakonskega urejanja postopkov z biomedicinsko pomočjo doma ter pregled ureditve področja v državah članicah Evropske unije. Iz sekundarne analize obstoječe dokumentacije in literature je v nadaljevanju izpeljana razdelava prisotnih problematičnih diskurzov in relevantnih konceptov, ki so v času predreferendumskih razprav polarizirali javnost in še danes posredno legitimirajo izključujoče prakse nadzorovanja ženske reprodukcije na danem primeru. Ti diskurzi zajemajo ideal nuklearne družine, ki deluje kot polje ideoloških manipulacij, koncept samskosti (kot protipol idealu vparjenosti in normativnemu idealu zakonske zveze) s poudarkom na fenomenu samskih žensk ter razpravo o pravicah otroka do obeh staršev proti pravici ženske do svobodnega odločanja o rojstvu otrok. Sledi sinteza prvotno partikularno predstavljenih konceptov, tem, praks in diskurzov v širše sistemsko zakoreninjene mehanizme in ideološko ozadje, ki preprečujejo udejanjanje ustavno zapisane reproduktivne svobode. Pri tem se s pomočjo feministične perspektive naslanjamo predvsem na razdelavo in kritiko koncepta reproduktivnih tehnologij kot prostora reprodukcije starih strukturnih neenakosti preko formacije in vnosa novih subjektov v medicinski kontekst, na pomen in vlogo medicinske stroke kot nosilca vednosti v širši biopolitični perspektivi ter na poudarjanje binarnih nasprotij kot argumentacijske podlage znotraj omenjene politične diskusije v namene ideološke identifikacije širše javnosti in tvorjenja političnega sorodstva. Na koncu pa podamo še nastavke, ki po našem mnenju predstavljajo možnosti za politično preseganje trenutno veljavne diskriminatorne ureditve. Naloga nakazuje na pomen družboslovno-humanističnega pristopa k preučevanju socialnih razsežnosti do sedaj pretežno medicinsko obravnavanega problema ter oblikuje možne nastavke za nadaljnje delovanje v smeri doseganja večje enakopravnosti in socialne pravičnosti pri dostopanju do ustavno zapisanih reproduktivnih pravic.

Keywords:Reproduktivne pravice, Socialna pedagogika, reproduktivne tehnologije, reproduktivne pravice žensk, Zakon o zdravljenju neplodnosti in postopkih oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo, diskriminacija, samske ženske
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Furlan
Number of pages:104 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155957 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:194413571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:»Femmes fatales as destroyers of happy families« - Discriminatory treatment of single women in the case of the restricted access to medically assisted reproduction : discriminatory treatment of single women in the case of the restricted access to medically assisted reproduction
This master’s thesis focuses on the long-standing discriminatory exclusion of single women from those entitled to biomedically assisted reproduction in Slovenia. In the scope of this theoretical study, the importance of women's movement and the feminist struggle for women's reproductive rights around the world and in Slovenia is introduced, followed by the description of reproductive technologies and biomedically assisted reproduction procedures. A chronological overview of legislation regarding procedures concerning biomedical assistance in Slovenia is shown, as well as an overview of the legislation regarding this field in the member states of the European Union. From the secondary analysis of existing documentation and literature, an elaboration of the present problematic discourses and relevant concepts, which polarized the public during the pre-referendum debates and still indirectly legitimize exclusionary practices of controlling female reproduction in the given case, is derived below. These discourses include the ideal of the nuclear family, which functions as a field of ideological manipulation, the concept of singleness (as the opposite to the normative ideal of marriage) with an emphasis on the phenomenon of single women, and the debate about the right of a child to have two (heterosexual) parents versus a woman's right to freely decide on the birth of a child. What follows is the synthesis of concepts, topics, practices and discourses which were originally presented in a particular way into broader systemically rooted mechanisms and ideological background that prevent the implementation of constitutionally protected reproductive freedom in practice. In doing so, through a feminist perspective, we rely mainly on the elaboration and critique of the concept of reproductive technologies as a platform for the reproduction of antiquated structural inequalities through the formation and introduction of new subjects into the medical context, on the importance and role of the medical profession as a carrier of knowledge in a broader biopolitical perspective, and on emphasizing binary oppositions as argumentative bases within the mentioned political discussion for the purposes of ideological identification of the general public and the formation of political kinship. At the end, we give some additions that, in our opinion, represent possibilities for the political overcoming of currently valid discriminatory regulation. This thesis also points to the importance of a humanistic approach to the study of social dimensions of a problem that has so far been mainly treated through a medical perspective, and shows possibilities for further action in the direction of achieving greater equality and social justice in accessing constitutionally protected reproductive rights.

Keywords:reproductive technologies, women's reproductive rights, Infertility Treatment and Procedures of Medically-Assisted Reproduction Act, discrimination, single women

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