
Analiza in vrednotenje posledic ekstremnih in izrednih dogodkih za vplivno območje zadrževalnika Pod Sušo : magistrsko delo
ID Mlakar, Igor (Author), ID Rak, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predvideni visokovodni zadrževalnik Pod Sušo nad Železniki je bil dimenzioniran na hidrološko študijo iz leta 2010. Leta 2021 izdana hidrološka študija izkazuje višje vrednosti pretokov konic visokovadnih valov nad Q100. V magistrski nalogi smo preverili obratovanje zadrževalnika z upoštevanjem nove hidrologije. V nalogi najprej podamo hidrološka in obratovalna izhodišča. Predstavljen je izdelan 1D model, ki omogoča modeliranje obratovanja pri visokovodnih dogodkih. Modelirali smo dogodke od Q200 do Q500. Preverili smo tudi obratovanje pri dogodkih nad Q100 z uporabo drugačnega pristopa, ki namesto konstante kote gladine vode v akumulaciji predvideva konstanten iztok vode iz akumulacije. Vrednost iztoka je odvisna od povratne dobe dogodka in časa, ob katerem tekom obratovanja ugotovimo, da visoke vode presegajo 100-letno povratno dobo. Ocena posledic posameznega načina obratovanja pri različnih povratnih dobah visokovodnih dogodkov je bila modelirana z uporabo izdelanega 2D hidravličnega modela, ki obsega odsek Sore med pregrado zadrževalnika Pod Sušo in naseljem Studeno, dolvodno od Železnikov. V modelu je zajeto celotno mesto Železnike. Preverili smo tudi posledice v primeru porušitve pregrade. Iz rezultatov hidravličnega modela smo na podlagi globin poplavnih vod in rabe tal ocenili škodo za posamezen obravnavan scenarij. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je mogoče z obratovanjem zadrževalnika, ki kot rezultat izhaja iz raziskav, izdelanih v sklopu magistrske naloge, doseči bolj ugoden vpliv na poplavne razmere dolvodno in zmanjšanje gmotne škode.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrsko delo, VOI, poplave, visokovodni zadrževalniki, obratovanje zadrževalnika, 2D hidravlično modeliranje, ocena škode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Mlakar]
Number of pages:XI, 136 str., [27] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155888-81ad770b-1ece-f4cd-d98e-a8d9da345fe1 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:193657347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and evaluation of the impact of extreme and extraordinary events on the affected area of the Pod Sušo reservoir : master thesis
The planned high-water retention reservoir Pod Sušo above Železniki was designed based on the hydrological study from 2010. The hydrological study released in 2021 indicates higher peak flow values above Q100. In the master's thesis, we examined the operation of the reservoir, taking into account the new hydrology. The thesis initially presents hydrological and operational parameters. A simple 1D model is introduced, allowing for the modeling of dam operations during high-water events. We modeled events from Q200 to Q500. We also checked the operation during events above Q100 using a different approach, which, instead of a constant water level in the reservoir, assumes a constant outflow of water from the reservoir. The outflow value depends on the return period of the event and the time during operation when we identify that high waters exceed the 100-year return period. The assessment of the consequences of each operational method for different return periods of high-water events was modeled using a developed 2D hydraulic model covering the are between the reservoir, the town of Železniki and the settlement of Studeno. We also examined the consequences in the event of a dam breach. Based on the results of the hydraulic model (flood water depth) and land use, we assessed the damage for each modeled scenario. It was found that operating the reservoir as proposed in the thesis, resulting from the research conducted, can have a more favorable impact on downstream flood conditions and reduce material damage.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, floods, high-water retention reservoirs, operation of the retention reservoir, 2D hydraulic modelling, damage assessment

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