
Prilagoditev umetniških del za slepe in slabovidne
ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati reliefne taktilne reprodukcije umetniških del, z osredotočenjem na prilagoditev jedkanic svetovnega umetnika Rembrandta slepim in slabovidnim. V sodelovanju z Narodno galerijo Ljubljana smo v tridimenzionalni (3D) obliki poustvarili Rembrandtovo umetniško delo z naslovom »Bradati mož v žametni baretki s sponko z dragulji«. Ustvarili smo večji nabor modelov, za več različnih možnosti doživetja istega umetniškega dela. Vsaka interpretacija originalnega dela nudi ljudem s pomočjo vizualnih in taktilnih izkušenj dodatne informacije glede izvornega umetniškega dela. V teoretičnem delu so obravnavane tehnike za izdelavo taktilnih reprodukcij, tehnologija 3D tiskanja, umetniška grafična tehnika jedkanica in raziskave o prilagoditvi umetniških del ranljivim skupinam. V praktičnem delu je prikazan postopek zajema slike in pretvorbe iz dvodimenzionalnega (2D) v 3D prostor. Podrobno so opisani postopki modeliranja s programom Blender. Po korakih je opisano, kako smo prišli do končnega rezultata vsakega modela pred tiskanjem in na katere tehnične podrobnosti smo morali biti pri oblikovanju pozorni. Uporabljen sta bili dve tehnologiji 3D tiska, in sicer tehnologija ekstrudiranja termoplastičnih materialov in stereolitografija. Po izdelavi reliefnih reprodukcij se je določil postopek naknadne obdelave za čim boljšo taktilno izkušnjo. Delo podaja smernice za izdelavo reliefnih reprodukcij umetniških del, namenjenih slepim in slabovidnim. Hkrati delo ozavešča o potencialu 3D tehnologij, tako pri tisku kot pri izvedbi podobnih projektov.

Keywords:3D tiskanje, prilagoditev umetniških del, taktilna reprodukcija, slepi in slabovidni, jedkanica, Rembrandt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.04.2024
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Title:Adapting art pieces for the blind and visually impaired
This thesis aims to create tactile relief reproductions of artworks, with a specific focus on adapting etchings by the renowned artist Rembrandt for the blind and visually impaired. In collaboration with the National gallery of Ljubljana, we have recreated Rembrandt's artistic work titled “Bearded Man in a Velvet Cap with a Jewel Clasp” in a three-dimensional form. We have generated a diverse range of models to provide multiple perspectives for experiencing the same artwork. Each interpretation of the original piece offers people additional information about the original artwork through differing visual and tactile experiences. The theoretical part delves into the techniques used in tactile reproductions, the technology of 3D printing, the artistic graphic technique of etching, and research on adapting artworks for vulnerable groups. The practical section will demonstrate the image capture process and its conversion from 2D to 3D space. The work details the modeling procedures using the 3D modeling software called Blender. Each step outlines how we arrived at the final result for each model before printing, and it delves into the technical details we needed to consider in the design process. The artworks were then printed utilizing the technologies of thermoplastic extrusion and stereolithography. Following the creation of relief reproductions, we defined a post-processing procedure to enhance the tactile experience. The thesis provides guidelines for the creation of tactile reproductions of artworks designed for the benefit of the blind and visually impaired. Simultaneously, through our work we aim to raise awareness about the potential of 3D technologies, both in printing and in the design of similar projects.

Keywords:3D printing, adapting art pieces, tactile reproduction, blind and visually impaired, etching, Rembrandt

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