
Analiza problemov in izzivov KGZ z.o.o. Škofja Loka pri odkupu in prodaji gozdno lesnih sortimentov iz certificiranih in necertificiranih gozdov njenih članov
ID Benedičič, Miha (Author), ID Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo analizirali probleme in izzive, s katerimi se srečuje KGZ Škofja Loka pri odkupu in prodaji gozdnih lesnih sortimentov iz certificiranih in necertificiranih gozdov njenih članov. V ta namen smo opravili vodene intervjuje z vodjo odkupa lesa v zadrugi in z zasebnimi lastniki gozdov, ki so njeni redni dobavitelji lesa (n=15). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima certifikat PEFC CoC zadruge velik vpliv na certificiranje zasebnih gozdov, saj je zadruga zaradi potreb po zagotavljanju certificirane hlodovine, dala pobudo lastnikom gozdov za pristop v regijsko certifikacijo gozdov po shemi PEFC. Razlogi za vstop lastnikov gozdov v regijsko certifikacijo gozdov po shemi PEFC so bili tako ekonomske narave, kot nadaljevanje dobrega sodelovanja z zadrugo. Velikost posesti in obseg gozdnogospodarskih del ne vpliva na odločitev lastnikov gozdov za pristop v regijsko certifikacijo po shemi PEFC. Zasebni lastniki gozdov so dejali, da je zanje prednost pristopa v regijsko certifikacijo gozdov po shemi PEFC predvsem v dodatnem plačilu za certificirani les, v kritju stroškov prejetja potrdila in pomoči pri administraciji s strani zadruge. Glavni razlogi za izstope iz regijske certifikacije so bili povezani z občutki njene nepomembnosti in z zahtevano administracijo kontrol ter presoj. Vodja odkupa lesa je poudaril, da zadruga glede na svoj obseg odkupa lesa in trenutnih zahtev trga certifikata CoC ne potrebuje nujno. Ohranja ga le za marketinške namene in za primer spremembe razmer na trgu. V prihodnosti bo morala zadruga vsaj v enaki meri podpirati lastnike gozdov, če želi, da ostanejo vključeni v regijsko certifikacijo po shemi PEFC. Naloga KGZ Škofja Loka in organov PEFC v Sloveniji pa je, da vključene zasebne lastnike gozdov in širšo javnost informirajo o certifikaciji gozdov in verigi sledljivosti ter njenih koristih.

Keywords:certificiranje gozdov, PEFC, zadruga, zasebni lastniki gozdov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Benedičič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155784 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198304003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2024
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Title:Analysis of the problems and challenges of KGZ z. o. o. Škofja Loka in the purchase and sale of timber from certified and non-certified forests of its members
In the master's thesis, we analysed the problems and challenges that KGZ Škofja Loka faces when purchasing and selling timber from certified and non-certified forests of its members. For this purpose, we conducted guided interviews with the wood procurement manager of the cooperative and with private forest owners who are its regular wood suppliers (n=15). It was found that the cooperative’s PEFC CoC certification has a significant impact on the certification of private forests, as the cooperative, need to supply certified timber, initiated forest owners to join the regional forest certification under PEFC scheme. The forest owners’ reasons for joining the regional forest certification under PEFC scheme were both economic and to continue their cooperation with the cooperative. They emphasized that the main benefit for them was the additional payment for certified timber, the coverage of the costs of obtaining the certificate and the administrative support provided by the cooperative. The main reasons for withdrawing from regional forest certification under PEFC scheme were the feeling of irrelevance of certification and the demanding administration burden of controls and audits. The wood procurement manager emphasized that the cooperative does not necessarily need the CoC certificate given the volume of timber purchases and current market requirements. However, it retains it for marketing reasons and in case market conditions change. In the future, the cooperative will need to provide at least the same level of support to forest owners if it wants to continue to be involved in the regional forest certification under PEFC scheme. The role of KGZ Škofja Loka and the PEFC authorities in Slovenia is to inform private forest owners and the public about forest certification and the chain of custody and its benefits.

Keywords:forest certification, PEFC, cooperative, private forest owners

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