
Poklicno poslanstvo in delovna zavzetost specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov pri timskem delu : magistrsko delo
ID Komel, Nina (Author), ID Gradišek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi v šolskem okolju delajo timsko največkrat z učitelji ali drugimi specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi. Na učinkovitost timskega dela vpliva veliko dejavnikov, med katere uvrščamo tudi občutek poklicnega poslanstva in delovno zavzetost, ki ju številni avtorji omenjajo v povezavi z delom specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov. Občutek poklicnega poslanstva vpliva na to, kako osebe doživljajo svoje delo. Osebam, ki svoje delo doživljajo kot poslanstvo, predstavlja njihovo delo eno najpomembnejših področij v življenju, predane so svojemu poklicu in svoji ciljni skupini. Za delovno zavzete osebe pa so značilne energičnost, predanost in zatopljenost v delo. Tako občutek poklicnega poslanstva kot tudi delovna zavzetost imata pozitiven vpliv na različne vidike dela in življenja specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov; prispevata npr. k višji stopnji delovne učinkovitosti in delovnega zadovoljstva, k višji ravni delovne energije ter k nižji ravni depresivnosti in anksioznosti. Poleg navedenega imata pomembno vlogo tudi pri timskem delu, zato je smiselno, da ju pri specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogih sistematično prepoznavamo, raziskujemo in spodbujamo. V okviru empirične raziskave magistrskega dela smo raziskali odnose med poklicnim poslanstvom, delovno zavzetostjo pri timskem delu ter pogostostjo in učinkovitostjo timskega dela specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov. Uporabili smo deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo, ki temelji na kvantitativnem pristopu. Izvedli smo študijo prereza z enkratnim merjenjem. Vzorec raziskave je obsegal 52 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov, zaposlenih na različnih delovnih mestih v rednih osnovnih šolah in v osnovnih šolah s prilagojenim programom ter nižjim izobrazbenim standardom v Sloveniji. V sklopu raziskave smo ugotovili, da sodelujoči specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi pri sebi večinoma prepoznavajo poklicno poslanstvo, najpogosteje preko občutka pomembnosti, da s svojim delom pozitivno vplivajo na učence oz. otroke. Ugotovili smo tudi, da sta občutek poklicnega poslanstva pri specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogih ter stopnja njihove samozaznane delovne zavzetosti pri timskem delu statistično pomembno povezani ter da njihova samozaznana delovna zavzetost pri timskem delu in pogostost izvajanja različnih etap timskega dela z različnimi strokovnimi delavci v večini primerov nista statistično pomembno povezani. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da je občutek poklicnega poslanstva pri specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogih statistično pomembno povezan s samozaznano učinkovitostjo njihovega timskega dela, ne pa tudi z njihovo delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Nazadnje smo ugotovili še, da se specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi v občutku poslanstva ne razlikujejo med seboj glede na delovno mesto, na katerem so zaposleni, prav tako pa se ne razlikujejo niti v delovni zavzetosti glede na delovno mesto ali delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju.

Keywords:Vzgoja in izobraževanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami, Delovne skupine, Delovna etika, poklicno poslanstvo, delovna zavzetost, timsko delo, učinkovitost timskega dela, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Komel
Number of pages:[VI], 65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155736 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:192527875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The sense of a calling and work engagement of special and rehabilitation teachers at teamwork
Special education teachers in the school environment most often work in teams with teachers or other special education teachers. The effectiveness of teamwork is influenced by many factors, including the sense of calling and work engagement, which many authors mention in connection with the work of special education teachers. A sense of calling affects how a person experiences their work. For people who experience their work as a calling, their work represents one of the most important areas in life, they are dedicated to their profession and their target group. Vigor, dedication, and absorption are the characteristics of people, who experience work engagement. Both the sense of calling and work engagement have a positive impact on various aspects of the work and life of special education teachers; they contribute e.g. to a higher level of work efficiency and job satisfaction, to a higher level of work energy and to a lower level of depression and anxiety. In addition to all the above, they also play a significant role in teamwork, so it makes sense to systematically identify, research and encourage it in special education teachers. As part of the empirical research of the master’s thesis, we investigated the relationships between the sense of calling, work engagement in teamwork, and the frequency and effectiveness of teamwork of special education teachers. We used a descriptive and causal non-experimental method based on a quantitative approach. We conducted a cross-sectional study with a single measurement. The research sample consisted of 52 special education teachers, employed in various positions in regular primary schools and in primary schools with an adapted program and a lower educational standard in Slovenia. As part of the research, we found that the participating special education teachers mostly identify themselves as having the sense of calling, most often through a sense of importance of having a positive influence on students or children. We also found that the sense of calling of special education teachers and the level of their self-perceived work engagement in teamwork are statistically significantly related, and that their self-perceived work engagement in teamwork and the frequency of performing different stages of teamwork with different education professionals are not, in most cases, statistically significantly related. In addition, we found that the sense of calling of special education teachers is statistically significantly related to the self-perceived effectiveness of their teamwork, but not to the years of experience in education. Finally, we also found that special education teachers do not differ in terms of their sense of calling according to the workplace they are employed at, and they also do not differ in terms of work engagement according to the workplace or years of experience in education.

Keywords:work as a calling, work engagement, teamwork, teamwork effectiveness, special education teachers

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