
Fizično in psihično soočanje izvajalcev nujne medicinske pomoči s pacienti v terminalni fazi neozdravljive bolezni na terenu : diplomsko delo
ID Pahole Cencelj, David (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Naloga izvajalcev nujne medicinske pomoči je spremljanje situacije, analiziranje, načrtovanje in odločanje o intervencijah, ki so pomembne za ohranitev življenja. Pri svojem delu se soočajo z oskrbo v terminalni fazi neozdravljive bolezni, za katero pa je premalo usposobljenosti, ter s psihičnimi in fizičnimi dejavniki, ki imajo lahko posledice na njihovo poklicno in zasebno življenje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti terminalno fazo bolezni na terenu in nujno medicinsko pomoč ter raziskati oziroma pregledati, kako se izvajalci nujne medicinske pomoči soočajo s terminalno fazo bolezni pacienta na terenu in med prevozom. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Opravljen je pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature na raziskovanem področju. Pregled literature je opravljen v različnih podatkovnih bazah Google Učenjak, CINAHL Ultimate in Pub med. Vključitveni kriteriji so bili: dostopnost celotnega besedila, objava po letu 2010, vsebinska skladnost glede na temo diplomskega dela, ustreznost ključnih besed, strokovni in izvirni znanstveni članki, vsebinsko ustrezni prispevki in odlomki iz strokovne literature. Rezultati: Vloga izvajalcev nujne medicinske pomoči je skrb za ogrožene paciente, za kar potrebujejo nenehno strokovno usposabljanje. Pogosto navajajo, da imajo pomanjkljivo znanje, premalo izkušenj, sistemske ovire in ovire v miselnosti pri svojem delu v primeru določenih redkejših situacij, med katerimi je tudi soočenje ob terminalni fazi bolezni. Stiske so tako resne, da se pojavljajo posledice, kot so motnje spanja in utrujenost, ki vplivajo na delovno zmožnost, zdravje, počutje in varnost. Poleg tega so prisotni tudi izbruhi jeze, užaljenost, frustracija, izdaja in zavrnitev ter na telesni ravni glavoboli, prebavne težave in podobno. Pogosto se pojavlja tudi stres, ki ga morajo z različnimi tehnikami obvladati. Razprava in zaključek: Prvotna vloga izvajalcev nujne medicinske pomoči je skrb za akutna stanja pacientov in transport. Svoje delo morajo prilagoditi glede na vnaprej pripravljen načrt v okviru sodelovanja različnih zdravstvenih poklicnih skupin, zato se pričakuje, da imajo za soočanje s pacienti v terminalni fazi neozdravljive bolezni ustrezna izobraževanja in usposabljanja tudi s področja oskrbe. Obstaja veliko raziskav na temo paliative in terminalne faze neozdravljive bolezni ter glede vloge nujne medicinske pomoči, vendar jih v našem okolju primanjkuje, kar pa je dobra izhodiščna točka za raziskovanje.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, paliativna oskrba, nujna medicinska pomoč, psihične in fizične posledice, reševalci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Pahole Cencelj]
Number of pages:20, [5] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155731 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:192464899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Physical and psychological confrontation of emergency medical care providers with patients in the terminal phase of an incurable disease in the field : diploma work
Introduction: The task of emergency medical aid providers is to monitor the situation, analyze, plan and decide on interventions that are important to preserve life. In their work, they face care in the terminal phase of an incurable disease, for which there is a lack of training, as well as psychological and physical factors that can have consequences on their professional and private lives. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to define the terminal phase of the disease in the field and emergency medical aid, and to investigate or review how the providers of emergency medical aid deal with the terminal phase of the patient's disease in the field and during transport. Methods: A descriptive method of work is used in the thesis. A review of the professional and scientific literature in the researched field was carried out. The literature review is performed in various databases Google Scholar, CINAHL Ultimate and Pub med. Inclusion criteria were: accessibility of the entire text, year of publication from 2010, consistency of content with respect to the topic of the thesis, relevance of keywords, professional and original scientific articles, relevant contributions and excerpts from professional literature. Results: The role of emergency medical care providers is to care for patients at risk, for which they need constant professional training. They often state that they have insufficient knowledge, lack of experience, systemic barriers and mental barriers in their work in the case of certain rarer situations, including facing the terminal phase of the disease. The hardships are so serious that there are consequences such as sleep disturbances and fatigue, which affect the ability to work, health, well-being and safety. In addition, there are also outbursts of anger, resentment, frustration, betrayal and rejection, and on a physical level, headaches, digestive problems and the like. Stress also often occurs, which they have to manage with various techniques. Discussion and conclusion: The primary role of emergency medical care providers is to care for acute patient conditions and transport. They have to adapt their work according to a pre-prepared plan within the framework of the cooperation of various health professional groups, so they are expected to have adequate education and training in the field of care to deal with patients in the terminal phase of an incurable disease. There is a lot of research on the topic of palliative care and the terminal phase of an incurable disease and the role of emergency medical care, but there is a lack of it in our environment, which is a good starting point for research.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, palliative care, emergency medical care, psychological and physical consequences, paramedics

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