
Koncentracije svinca in kadmija v enakonožcih (Isopoda: Oniscidea) zgornje Mežiške doline
ID Štern, Petra (Author), ID Zidar, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marolt, Gregor (Comentor)

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Zgornja Mežiška dolina je zaradi dolge zgodovine rudarjenja izjemno onesnažena s svincem in kadmijem. Številne raziskave ugotavljalo primernost uporabe enakonožcev za biomonitoring onesnaženosti okolja s potencialno toksičnimi kovinami. Na območju zgornje Mežiške doline smo zato določevali koncentracije svinca in kadmija pri različnih vrstah enakonožcev. Koncentracije v enakonožcih smo primerjali s koncentracijami svinca in kadmija v tleh. Preverjali smo tudi medvrstne razlike v vsebnosti svinca in kadmija pri enakonožcih. Enakonožce smo nabirali ročno v obdobju med aprilom in oktobrom 2022 na 49 lokacijah v okolici Žerjava in Črne na Koroškem, ter na 4 neonesnaženih (kontrolnih) lokacijah. Enakonožce smo shranjevali v 70 % etanolu (w/w) do determinacije vrst. Vzorce smo nato posušili v liofilizatorju za določitev suhe mase in jih nato razklopili v mikrovalovki z uporabo 65 % dušikove(V) kisline. Koncentracije svinca in kadmija smo pomerili z ICP-OES. Podatke o koncentracijah v tleh smo pridobili od ARSO (2023). Statistično analizo podatkov smo izvedli z uporabo Kruskal-Wallis in Mann-Whitney testa, ter z uporabo Spermanovega koeficienta korelacije. Na območju zgornje Mežiške doline smo popisali 12 taksonomskih skupin enakonožcev. Večji del vzorcev je predstavljala vrsta Trachelipus ratzeburgii. Koncentracije svinca in kadmija pri enakonožcih so bile napram kontrolnim lokacijam višje v zgornji Mežiški dolini. S pomočjo uporabljenih statističnih metod nismo ugotovili korelacije s koncentracijami svinca in kadmija v tleh. Medvrstne razlike v vsebnosti svinca in kadmija smo ugotovili samo na eni lokaciji. Zaradi dobre zastopanosti v območju, visoke suhe mase ter visokih koncentracij kadmija v telesu je vrsta T. ratzeburgii primeren kandidat za biomonitoring onesnaženosti okolja s kadmijem v zgornji Mežiški dolini.

Keywords:enakonožci, svinec, kadmij, Mežiška dolina, Trachelipus ratzeburgii
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Štern]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155684 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:193114627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Concentrations of lead and cadmium in woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea) from the upper Mežica valley
The upper Mežica valley is heavily polluted with lead and cadmium due to a long history of mining. Many studies have proven that woodlice are suitable for biomonitoring of metals in the environment. Therefore, the aim of our study was to determine lead and cadmium concentrations in different woodlice species in the upper Mežica valley. We compered the lead and cadmium contents obtained from the woodlice with concentrations in soil samples, as well as between different woodlice species. Woodlice were collected from April to October 2022, from 49 locations near Žerjav and Črna na Koroškem, and 4 unpolluted locations, that served as the control group. Woodlice were stored in 70 % ethanol (w/w) until determination. The samples were then lyophilised to determine their dry mass, and digested in a microwave digesting system using 65 % nitric(V) acid. Lead and cadmium concentrations were determined using ICP-OES. Monitoring data for the soils were obtained from the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO, 2023). Statistical analysis was conducted using the Kruskal-Walllis and Mann-Whitney test, and the Spearman coefficient. Twelve different taxa of woodlice were collected from the researched area. The majority of samples was represented by the species Trachelipus ratzeburgii. The concentrations of lead and cadmium in woodlice were higher in the upper Mežica valley in comparison to the control group. With the use of statistical methods, no correlation between lead and cadmium concentrations in woodlice and soil samples was observed. Interspecific differences of lead and cadmium concentrations were determined only at one location. Due to its prevalence, high body mass, and high concentrations of cadmium, the species T. ratzeburgii is best suited for biomonitoring of cadmium in the upper Mežica valley.

Keywords:woodlice, lead, cadmium, Mežica vally, Trachelipus ratzeburgii

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