
Prosti čas staršev otrok v predšolskem obdobju : magistrsko delo
ID Dobnikar, Anja (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati prosti čas staršev otrok v predšolskem obdobju, kar bi starše lahko spodbudilo, da bi prostemu času pripisovali večji pomen, saj je ta pomemben in povezan tudi z ostalimi življenjskimi področji. Z vidika socialnega dela pa bi lahko socialne delavke spodbujale primere dobrih praks preživljanja prostega časa in okrepile storitve, ki bi staršem omogočile bolj dostopno in kakovostno preživljanje prostega časa. V teoretičnem uvodu predstavim definicije starševstva, kjer med drugim opredelim pojma biološko in socialno starševstvo. Nadaljujem s predstavitvijo nekaterih izzivov staršev predšolskih otrok, kjer se osredotočim na neenakopravnost spolov, usklajevanje zasebnega in poklicnega življenja ter koncepta otrokocentričnosti in protektivnega otroštva. Pišem tudi o starševskem stresu in obremenjenosti, prostem času staršev otrok v predšolskem obdobju, v sklopu katerega predstavim definicije prostega časa ter pišem o družini in prostem času. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega uvoda obravnavam vlogo socialnega dela v prostem času staršev otrok v predšolskem obdobju. V empiričnem delu naloge na podlagi kvalitativne raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu, predstavim prosti čas desetih staršev otrok v predšolskem obdobju. Ugotavljam, da sta definiranje in preživljanje prostega časa povezana z območjem bivanja staršev predšolskih otrok. Ugotavljam tudi, da so stanovanjske okoliščine povezane s podporo, ki jo starši predšolskih otrok prepoznajo v sklopu prostega časa. Prav tako ugotavljam, da so omejitve, ki jih starši predšolskih otrok navajajo glede preživljanja prostega časa, povezane z njihovim lastnim prispevkom, ki zajema organiziranje in načrtovanje vnaprej, razporeditev aktivnosti v dnevu na način, da je prostega časa dovolj, dobro izkoriščen prosti čas in spontanost. Ugotavljam, da imajo ženske manj prostega časa zase in posledično bolj stremijo k času zase.

Keywords:starševstvo, predšolsko obdobje, prosti čas, aktivnosti, zasebni prosti čas, družina, izzivi staršev, poklicno življenje, zasebno življenje, stres, obremenjenost, organizirane oblike preživljanja prostega časa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Dobnikar]
Number of pages:121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155656 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205449475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Leisure Time of Parents in Preschool Period
The aim of this master's thesis is to study the leisure time of parents of children in the preschool period, which could encourage parents to attribute greater importance to leisure time, as it is important and also related to other areas of life. From the perspective of social work, social workers could encourage best practise examples of quality leisure activities and reinforce the activities that enable parents to engage in more accessible and quality leisure activities. In the theoretical introduction, I define parenthood, where I explain the terms biological and social parenthood. I go on to present challenges of parents of preschool children, where I focus on gender inequality, the coordination of private and professional lives and the concepts of child-centricity and proactive childhood. I also address parental stress and overwhelmingness as well as leisure time of parents of children in the preschool period, where I define leisure time and write about family and leisure time. In the last chapter of the theoretical introduction, I detail the role of social work in regard to the leisure time of parents of children in the preschool period. In the empirical part of the thesis, based on a qualitative study I conducted on a non-randomised sample, I present the leisure time of ten parents of children in the preschool period. I determined that the definition of leisure time and leisure activities are related to the place of residence of parents of preschool children. I also determined that residential circumstances are related to the support recognised by parents of the preschool children in terms of leisure time. In addition, I found that the restrictions stated by the parents of preschool children in regard to leisure activities are related to their own contribution, which entails organising and planning in advance, scheduling daily activities in a way where there is enough leisure time, well-spent leisure time and spontaneity. Finally, I determined that women have less leisure time for themselves and consequently wish to have more of it.

Keywords:parenthood, preschool period, leisure time, activities, private leisure time, family, parents' challenges, professional life, private life, stress, overwhelmingness, organised forms of leisure activities

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