Introduction: It is generally accepted that the involvement of relatives in the end-of-life discussion is critical. However, some relatives still want to be present during the last moments of their loved ones, even if it is cardiopulmonary resuscitation. That is why risks and benefits must be considered when deciding whether relatives can be present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Purpose: We wanted to explore the ethical aspects of the presence of relatives during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Methods: In the diploma thesis, we used qualitative approach, a descriptive method with a review of domestic and foreign literature. Literature was published between 2013 and 2023. We used Google Scholar search, the electronic bibliographic database CINAHL, PubMed and DiKUL portal to find literature. When searching the literature, we used Slovenian and Englih words and phrases: vključevanje svojcev, kardiopulmonalno oživljanje, prisotnost družine, etični vidiki, kardiopulmonalno oživljanje otrok, CPR, ethics, resuscitation. Results: The presence of relatives during cardiopulmonary resuscitation can help the loved ones to come to a closure. Relatives can also see that everything in the power of the resuscitation team has been done for their loved one. Although the presence can be risky, because we never know how relatives will respond in such an event, it is good to have support person who stands by their side throughout the whole process. Discussion and conclusion: Healthcare professionals rarely use the presence of relatives during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as it presents them ethical dilemma. On one hand, healthcare team can have more professional attitude and relatives would feel like part of the team and feel more calm. On the other hand, the presence of relatives during cardiopulmonary resuscitation can lead to additional stress on relatives and on medical team.