
Pripravljenost laične javnosti na uvedbo in uporabo e-zdravstvenih storitev v Republiki Sloveniji
ID Miočić, Marko (Author), ID Kos, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nabergoj Makovec, Urška (Comentor)

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MD5: F55B395FAB3F140488B365E3392B9029

Uporaba e-zdravstvenih storitev obeta strukturne izboljšave in razbremenitve slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema na več nivojih. Uvedba tovrstnih storitev pa je nujno pogojena s strukturnimi značilnostmi okolja, v katero se uvajajo, in populacije, ki bo te storitve uporabljala. Namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti pogoje, ki vplivajo na uvedbo in uporabo e-zdravstvenih storitev med laično populacijo v Republiki Sloveniji. Rezultate smo pridobili tako, da smo med oktobrom 2022 in januarjem 2023 po pošti poslali 2.000 fizičnih vprašalnikov na domove anketirancev, ti pa so izpolnjene vprašalnike nato vrnili. Zajem vzorca je potekal s pomočjo Statističnega urada RS; anketiranci so bili izbrani na način, da je bil vzorec geografsko, starostno in spolno reprezentativen za populacijo Republike Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da znaten del respondentov ne uporablja računalnika (19,6 %) ali pametnega telefona (18,3 %), kar 11,1 % pa jih doma nima spletne povezave. Informacije o zdravju in zdravstvu pridobivajo tako z uradnih kot tudi iz neuradnih virov. Respondenti si v splošnem zdravnika želijo obiskovati še enkrat pogosteje kot ga trenutno, a jih od tega odvračajo strukturne ovire, denimo dolge čakalne vrste. Pri stopnji seznanjenosti z e-zdravstvenimi storitvami ugotavljamo razliko po starosti (seznanjenost ne glede na vrsto storitve z naraščanjem starosti do 60. leta upada) in spolu (47 % moških oziroma 56 % žensk). Kljub temu je stopnja seznanjenosti s storitvami v splošnem višja od stopnje njihove uporabe. Hkrati pa 33,3 % respondentov ne uporablja redno nobene e-zdravstvene storitve, pri čemer smo raziskali razloge, zakaj neke storitve nikoli niso začeli uporabljati, ter razloge, zakaj so uporabo opustili. Pri dostopanju do lastnih zdravstvenih podatkov izpostavljamo relativno uspešnost portala zVEM (ki ga redno uporablja polovica respondentov, mlajših od 50 let). Pri telekomunikaciji z zdravnikom ugotavljamo pogosto uporabo telefonskega klica in e-pošte, zlasti pri starejših od 30 let; telekomunikacija s farmacevtom po drugi strani ostaja prezrta. Sklenemo, da se mora implementacija novih e-zdravstvenih storitev na državni ravni nujno ozirati na materialne pogoje njihovih uporabnikov in za njihovo uspešno uporabo, če naj ta ne povečuje zdravstvenih neenakosti, poskrbeti za zagotovitev osnovnih pogojev z ozirom na tiste družbene skupine, ki so pri tem najbolj deprivilegirane.

Keywords:tehnologija, e-zdravje, digitalizacija, internet, zdravstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155557 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Lay public preparedness for the implementation and use of e-health services in the Republic of Slovenia
The use of eHealth services promises structural improvements and benefits for the Slovenian healthcare system on various levels. The implementation of such services, however, necessarily depends on the structural characteristics of the environment into which they are introduced and the population that will utilise them. The purpose of this study was to shed light on the conditions affecting the implementation and use of eHealth services in the Republic of Slovenia. Results were acquired by sending 2,000 questionnaires to recipients’ home addresses via mail from October 2022 to January 2023 and asking the recipients to return the questionnaires filled in. The sample was determined with the help of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia; participants were chosen so that the sample was representative of the population of the Republic of Slovenia by geographical location, age, and gender. We find that a significant share of the respondents does not utilise the computer (19.6 %) or a smartphone (18.3 %); 11.1 % do not have internet connection at home. Information on health and healthcare is sought from both official and unofficial sources. Respondents would generally rather visit their doctor more often than they currently do, but are discouraged to do so by structural obstacles, such as long waiting lists. Regarding the degree of eHealth service awareness, we find age-related (the degree of awareness becomes less with age up until 60 years of age) and gender-related (47 % of men and 56 % of women) differences. However, awareness of eHealth services is generally higher than the degree of their use. Even so, 33.3 % of all respondents do not regularly use any eHealth service, whereupon we studied the reasons why they never began to use various services, as well as reasons why they ceased to use them. We highlight the relative success of the zVEM portal for accessing data related to one’s own health (used by half of the respondents aged under 50). We find that phone calls and e-mail are two of the most common ways of telecommunication with one’s physician, especially in users aged over 30; however, the option of telecommunication with one’s pharmacist remains neglected. We conclude that the implementation of new eHealth services on the state level must necessarily look to their users’ material conditions and, to achieve successful use of these services without increasing health inequalities, maintain basic conditions regarding the most underprivileged social groups.

Keywords:technology, eHealth, digitalisation, Internet, healthcare

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