
Visokofrekvenčne spremembe v satelitskih meritvah koncentracije klorofila a
ID Šneberger, Niko (Author), ID Faganeli Pucer, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vodopivec, Martin (Comentor)

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Eden izmed dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na količino fitoplanktona v morju, je množično odmiranje meduz. Raziskave so pokazale, da mikrobna razgradnja meduz povzroča sproščanje nutrientov, kar pa povzroči fitoplanktonski odziv in posledično povečanje koncentracije klorofila a. Naša hipoteza je, da je z uporabo satelitskih slik mogoče zaznati povezavo med koncentracijo klorofila a na slikah in množičnim odmiranjem meduz v Jadranskem morju. V ta namen smo uporabili dve metodi za detekcijo anomalij na slikah, in sicer detekcijo z uporabo metode glavnih komponent in detekcijo z uporabo pragov. Algoritma smo primerjali in ugotovili, da imata oba svoje prednosti in slabosti. Prav tako smo testirali učinkovitost algoritmov na zabeleženih množičnih odmiranj meduz in prišli do zaključka, da sta oba algoritma obetavna.

Keywords:satelitske slike, klorofil a, zaznava anomalij, satelitske meritve, PCA, meduze, odmiranje meduz
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155320 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:191005955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:High frequency changes in satelite measurements of concentration of chlorophyll a
One of the factors affecting the amount of phytoplankton in the sea is the mass die-off of jellyfish. Research has shown that microbial degradation of jellyfish causes the release of nutrients, which in turn causes a phytoplankton response and a consequent increase in the concentration of chlorophyll a. Our hypothesis is that with the help of satellite images, it is possible to detect a correlation between the concentration of chlorophyll a in images and the mass die-off of jellyfish in the Adriatic Sea. To this end, we applied two methods for anomaly detection in images, principal component analysis and thresholding. We compared the two algorithms and found that they both have their own advantages and weaknesses. We also tested the performance of the algorithms on recorded mass die-offs of jellyfish and concluded that both algorithms showed promising results.

Keywords:satellite images, chlorophyll a, anomaly detection, satellite measurements, PCA, jellyfish, jellyfish die-offs

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