
Romanje in proces osebne rasti : magistrsko delo
ID Rauš, Laura (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo želeli raziskati, kako so posamezniki, ki so opravili romanje po Jakobovi poti, doživljali to življenjsko izkušnjo (romanje), ter kako to izkušnjo doživljajo kot pomembno pri procesu osebnostne rasti. V teoretičnem delu smo na podlagi izbrane literature in virov opisali romanje, njegovo zgodovino ter romarsko pot na Camino de Santiago. Opisani so tudi motivi in tipi romarjev. Nato je predstavljen koncept osebnostne rasti, kjer so opisani osnovni koncepti po Maslowu, Rogersu ter Eriksonu. Osebnostna rast je tesno povezana s procesom romanja skozi elemente samoaktualizacije, transcendence, vrednot, identitetnih procesov, življenjskih sprememb ter posttravmatske osebnostne rasti. Pojasnjene so še izkustvene razsežnosti romanja in romarske poznomoderne izkušnje skozi učinke EHE, EE in TA. Zanimali so nas tudi čustveni procesi in različna stanja zavesti (liminalnost) pri romanju ter kako dolgotrajna hoja vpliva na telo in um. V empiričnem delu smo opravili fenomenološko raziskavo – v polstrukturiranih intervjujih je sodelovalo šest udeležencev, ki so preromali Camino de Santiago vsaj enkrat v življenju. Intervjuji so bili razdeljeni na tri poglavitne sklope – čas pred romanjem, med romanjem ter po romanju. Na podlagi transkriptov je bila nato opravljena analiza doživljanja za vsakega udeleženca, nato pa so predstavljene ugotovljene posamezne psihološke strukture doživljanja vseh udeležencev ter orisana še skupna struktura doživljanja udeležencev na romanju ter povezanost s procesom osebnostne rasti. Raziskava je razkrila, da so se skozi proces romanja in doživljanje romajočega dogodile številne spremembe na njihovem fizičnem, psihološkem in duhovnem nivoju. Udeleženci so osebnostno zrasli ter izboljšali svoje fizične sposobnosti, postali psihološko močnejši in se duhovno prebudili. Romanje jim še danes ponuja priklic prijetnih občutkov in varen prostor, iz katerega lahko še vedno črpajo moči za premagovanje življenjskih izzivov.

Keywords:romanje, Jakobova pot, fenomenološki pristop, samoaktualizacija, fizične sposobnosti, psihološka moč, duhovno prebujenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[L. Rauš]
Number of pages:VI, 87, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155306 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:190426883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Pilgrimage and the process of personal growth
In the final assignment, we wanted to investigate how the individuals who participated in the pilgrimage on the Jacob's Way Of Life experienced this life experience and how it helped them in the process of personal growth. In the theoretical part, we briefly describe pilgrimage, its history and the pilgrimage route on the Camino de Santiago based on selected previously studied literature and sources. Motives and types of pilgrims are also briefly described. This is followed by the presentation of the concept of personal growth, where the basic concepts according to Maslow, Rogers and Erikson are described. Personal growth is closely related to the process of pilgrimage through the elements of self-actualization, transcendence, values, identity processes, life changes and post-traumatic personal growth. The experiential dimensions of the pilgrimage and late modern pilgrimage experiences through the effects of EHE, EE and TA are also explained. We were also interested in emotional processes and different states of consciousness (liminality) during pilgrimage and how long walking affects the body and mind. In the empirical part, we conducted phenomenological research with the help of semi-structured interviews - six participants who participated in pilgrimages on the Camino de Santiago at least once in their life took part in the interviews. The interviews were divided into three main parts - the time before the pilgrimage, during the pilgrimage and after the pilgrimage Based on the transcripts, an analysis of each participant's experience was carried out and then we presented the identified individual psychological structures of each participant's experience were presented, as well as an outline of common structure of the participants' experience on the pilgrimage and the process of personal development. The research showed that through the process of pilgrimage and the experience of the pilgrim, many changes took place in regard to their physical, psychological and spiritual levels. The participants grew personally and improved their physical abilities, became psychologically stronger and spiritually awakened. Even to this day, the pilgrimage represents a recall of pleasant feelings and a safe space from which they can still draw strength to overcome life's challenges.

Keywords:pilgrimage, Jacob's Way Of Life, phenomenological approach, self-actualization, physical abilities, psychological strength, spiritual awakening

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