
Strojna sečnja v sistemu izobraževanja lastnikov gozdov : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Črnivec, Marko (Author), ID Krč, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 579809154C23834D33812BA907FF36E9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bef9ef0b-91d5-4698-b80f-71b4deb277d5

Gozdna posest v Sloveniji je zelo razdrobljena, sestojne in terenske razmere so za strojno sečnjo deloma ugodne, pri izobraževanjih pa se strojni sečnji posveča premalo pozornosti. Vse to so razlogi, da se strojna sečnja skoraj ne omenja kot ena izmed možnosti izvajanja gozdnih del. V diplomski nalogi smo poskušali ugotoviti na kakšen način in v kakšni obliki posredovati lastniku gozda informacije, da bi se znal pravilno odločiti o izbiri različnih možnostiizvajanja gozdnih del. Več kot polovica kmetij v izvedenem primeru je mešanih kmetij, na katerih živijo lastniki gozdov stari med 50 in 70 let s poklicno ali osnovno izobrazbo. Realizacija sečnje je največja na čistih kmetijah z največjo gozdno površino in se zmanjšuje sorazmerno z manjšanjem posesti in v smeri od čiste, preko mešane pa vse do nekmetijske posesti. Združevanje lastnikov gozdov je opaziti pri sečnji in spravilu na manjših posestih, z večanjem posesti pa vse večji pomen dobivajo izvajalska podjetja, ki imajo delo predvsem s prevozom lesa. Nega gozda pri posestnikih nima večjega pomena. Mnenja o ustreznosti izobraževanj so deljena, je pa dejstvo, da so izobraževanja preveč teoretična s premalo praktičnih prikazov in poudarka na varstvu pri delu ter ekologiji. Predvsem izobraževanj na temo strojne sečnje je premalo. Zaradi tega se lastniki gozdov novosti, kot je strojna sečnja, bojijo in si ne želijo njihovega uvajanja v svoje delo. To so vsekakor dobrodošle informacije, ki nam povedo, da bi vsaj na nekaterih območjih lahko z intenzivnejšim izobraževanjem, v katerih bi prikazali več praktičnih prikazov (tudi na terenu), z več ekologije in varstva pri delu, dosegli boljšo skrb za slovenske gozdove.

Keywords:strojna sečnja, izobraževanje lastnikov gozdov
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Number of pages:IX, 69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15525 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2187942 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Forest property in Slovenia is very fragmented. Stand and terrain conditions are partially favourable for mechanized cutting, whilst in education the subject of mechanized cutting remains neglected. Because of the aforementionedreasons mechanized cutting is hardly ever mentioned as one of the possibilities for performing forestry work. In the graduation thesis we have tried to find out how and in what way we can provide the forest owner with enough adequate information to allow him to make informed decisions from a selection of various possibilities for performing forestry work. More than one half of all farms in study are part-time farms and are occupied by the owners of the forests. They are in the 50-70 age range and have finished secondary or primary education. The cutting is highest on full-time farms withthe largest forest area and it reduces proportionately with the decrease of holding and in the direction from full-time via part-time to a non-agricultural holding. The pooling of the forest owners is noticeable at cutting and skidding on the small farms. With the increase of holding, however, more importance is placed upon the companies who transport the wood. Landowners do not pay enough attention to the silviculture of the forest. Opinions on how adequate the education is remain divided, although the fact isthat education relies on too much theory with too few practical demonstrations, and there is not enough emphasis on occupational safety and ecology. Above all, there is not enough teaching on mechanized cutting. Hence the reasons why the forest owners are afraid of the innovations like mechanized cutting and resist the introduction of this method into their work.This information is valuable as it indicates that with more intensive education, more practical demonstrations, and more emphasis on occupational safety and ecology (also ćin situć) we could achieve better care for Slovenianforests in at least some areas.

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