
Uporaba mrežne Boltzmannove metode za napoved hitrostnih profilov v mikrokanalu s trikotnim vstopom s stebrički
ID Škoflek, Andraž (Author), ID Plazl, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urbič, Tomaž (Comentor)

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Pri načrtovanju procesov in lažji nadaljnji optimizaciji so nam numerične metode v veliko pomoč. V zadnjem času se mrežna Boltzmannova metoda kot alternativa ostalim mezoskopskim metodam vse več uporablja tudi na področju mikrofluidike. Uporabimo jo lahko za enostavnejše simulacije toka kapljevine v kanalu in za zahtevnejše simulacije večfaznih sistemov, kemijskih reakcij ali prenosa toplote. V magistrskem delu sem razvil programsko kodo za mrežno Boltzmannovo metodo v jeziku Fortran. S kodo sem simuliral 2D tok kapljevine v mikrokanalu s trikotnim vstopom s stebrički. Preučeval sem vpliv višine mikrokanala, dolžine vstopnega dela mikrokanala ter postavitve in velikosti stebričkov na porazdelitev kapljevine ob vstopu v glavni del mikrokanala. Z dvema različnima velikostma stebričkov sem naredil štiri različne postavitve za dve različni geometriji vstopnega dela mikrokanala in vse skupaj primerjal med sabo. Optimalne rezultate sem dosegel pri mikrokanalu z daljšim vstopnim delom, gosto postavitvijo manjših stebričkov in manjšo višino mikrokanala. Na ta način dosežemo bolj homogeno porazdelitev kapljevine, prav tako pa se hitrostni profil v glavnem delu mikrokanala hitreje vzpostavi. V primeru postavitve le večjih stebričkov ali kombinacij obeh velikosti stebričkov so porazdelitve slabše, hitrostni profil se vzpostavi dlje od začetka glavnega dela kanala. Pomembna je tudi izbira Reynoldsovega števila, kjer gre za kompromis med dovolj veliko hitrostjo, da je sistem primeren za izvajanje kemijskih reakcij ter dovolj nizko hitrostjo, da le-ta nima ključnega vpliva na slabšo porazdelitev kapljevine in vzpostavitev hitrostnega profila.

Keywords:mrežna Boltzmannova metoda, mikrofluidika, hitrostni profil, stebrički
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155061 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:189925123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.03.2024
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Title:Lattice Boltzmann method-based predictions of velocity profiles in the microchannel with triangular inlet zone containing pillars
Numerical methods are a great help in designing processes and their further optimisation. Recently, the lattice Boltzmann method has been growing in popularity as an alternative to other mesoscopic methods used in microfluidics. It can be used for simple simulations of fluid flow in a channel as well as for more complex simulations of multiphase systems, chemical reactions or heat transfer. In my thesis I developed a Fortran code for the lattice Boltzmann method. I used the code to simulate 2D fluid flow in a microchannel with triangular inlet zone containing pillars. I studied effects of microchannel height, length of the inlet zone, size and position of pillars on fluid distribution at the main zone of the microchannel. With two different pillar sizes I made four different layouts for two different inlet geometries and compared them all together. I achieved optimal results with the microchannel with a longer inlet, a dense arrangement of smaller pillars and a lower microchannel height. This results in a more homogenous distribution of the liquid, the velocity profile in the main part of the microchannel establishes more quickly. In the case of only larger pillars or combinations of both pillar sizes, the distribution is worse and the velocity profile establishes more slowly, further from the start of the main part of the microchannel. The choice of Reynolds number is also important, there is a trade-off between a high enough velocity to make the system suitable for chemical reactions and a low enough velocity so it does not have a major impact on poorer liquid distribution and establishment of the velocity profile.

Keywords:lattice Boltzmann method, microfluidics, velocity profile, pillars

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