
Navade in ekološka ozaveščenost Slovencev pri gospodinjskem pranju perila
ID Teraš, Iris (Author), ID Tomšič, Brigita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil proučiti, kakšne so navade pranja tekstilnih izdelkov v slovenskih gospodinjstvih, v kolikšni meri se Slovenci zavedamo, kakšen vpliv ima proces pranja na okolje, ter proučiti, kakšno je poznavanje in pripravljenost slovenskih gospodinjstev za spremembe, ki jih namerava na področje nege tekstilij vpeljati EU do leta 2025. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena tudi proučitvi nagnjenosti slovenskih gospodinjstev k uporabi biološko razgradljivih pralnih sredstev, pri čemer je bila na najpogosteje uporabljenem določena tudi pralna učinkovitost – primerjana s klasičnima svetovno znanima pralnima sredstvoma Ariel in Persil ter pralnim sredstvom trgovske blagovne znamke Spar S Budget. Eksperimentalno delo je vključevalo pripravo in izvedbo spletne ankete s pomočjo spletnega orodja 1KA. Anketa je potekala v obdobju med marcem 2023 in junijem 2023. V tem času je anketo rešilo 200 anketirancev. Učinkovitost odstranjevanja umazanij je bila določena v skladu s standardno metodo SIST EN 60456:2005. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da je v slovenskih gospodinjstvih prisoten trend nizko-temperaturnega pranja, pri čemer kar 64 % vprašanih pere pri temperaturi 40 °C. Polovica vprašanih uporablja tekoči detergent in pralni prašek, medtem, ko izključno tekoči detergent uporablja dobra tretjina vprašanih. Skoraj dve tretjini vprašanih ne uporablja ekoloških pralnih sredstev, bi pa jih v 68 % bili pripravljeni uporabljati. Skoraj polovica vprašanih ni seznanjena z dejstvom, da se med gospodinjskim pranjem perila sproščajo mikrovlakna, prav tako večina vprašanih ni seznanjena, da se v Evropi pripravljajo predpisi, ki bodo narekovali uporabo filtrov za preprečevanje vsebnosti mikrovlaken v odpadnih pralnih vodah. Rezultati spremljanja učinkovitosti odstranjevanja standardnih umazanij so pokazali, da je čistilna moč ekološkega tekočega detergenta znamke Frosh primerljiva s klasičnim pralnim sredstvom znamke Ariel in veliko boljša v primerjavi s tekočima detergentoma znamk Persil in Spar S Budget, pri čemer najbolj izstopa njegova čistilna moč proti madežem encimatskega izvora.

Keywords:nega tekstilij, gospodinjsko pranje, pralne navade, mikrovlakna, učinkovitost odstranjevanja umazanije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Habits and ecological awareness of Slovenians in domestic washing of laundry
The aim of the thesis was to investigate the habits of laundry washing in Slovenian households, to what extent Slovenians are aware of the impact of the washing process on the environment and to investigate the knowledge and readiness of Slovenian households for the changes that the EU intends to introduce in the field of textile care by 2025. Special attention was also paid to the study of the tendency of Slovenian households to use biodegradable detergents, whereby the washing performance of the most frequently used detergent was determined and compared with the classic world-renowned detergents Ariel and Persil and the Spar S Budget brand detergent. The experimental work involved preparing and conducting an online survey using the 1KA online tool. The survey took place between March 2023 and June 2023. During this time, 200 respondents saved the survey. The efficiency of soil removal was determined according to the standard method SIST EN 60456:2005. The results of the survey show that there is a trend towards washing at low temperatures in Slovenian households. Namely, 64% of respondents wash at 40°C. Half of the respondents use liquid detergent and washing powder, while more than a third of respondents use only liquid detergent. Almost two thirds of respondents do not use organic detergents, but 68% would be willing to use them. Almost half of respondents are unaware that microfibres are released during household laundry and most respondents are unaware that regulations are being developed in Europe to require the use of philtres to prevent microfibre content in wastewater washes. The results of monitoring the effectiveness of standard soil removal have shown that the cleaning power of Frosh organic liquid detergent is comparable to that of conventional Ariel detergent and much better than Persil and Spar S Budget liquid detergent, with the strongest cleaning power against enzymatic stains.

Keywords:textile care, household washing, laundry habits, microfibers, soil removal efficiency

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