
Aerobna zmogljivost odraslih udeležencev delavnice “Ali sem fit?” : magistrsko delo
ID Koren, Petra (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Knific, Tjaša (Comentor), ID Kovačič, Tine (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Trenutne raziskave kažejo na postopno zmanjševanje stopnje telesne dejavnosti in z njim vse slabšo aerobno zmogljivost svetovne populacije. Z namenom preprečevanja učinkov sedečega načina življenja se v Sloveniji izvaja zdravstveno- vzgojna delavnica “Ali sem fit?”, katere namen je na podlagi testiranj aerobne zmogljivosti ozaveščati udeležence o stanju njihove telesne zmogljivosti. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je oceniti stopnjo aerobne zmogljivosti odraslih Slovencev, ki so v letu 2018 obiskali zdravstveno-vzgojno delavnico »Ali sem fit?«. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 3858 preiskovancev obeh spolov, ki so se udeležili delavnice »Ali sem fit?« v letu 2018. Vključeni preiskovanci so morali opraviti enega od treh testov aerobne zmogljivosti in sicer šestminutni test hoje, dveminutni test stopanja na mestu ali preizkus hoje na 2 km. Rezultati: Povprečna starost preiskovancev je bila 52 let, od tega je bilo 2/3 moških. Največ udeležencev je bilo iz Celja in Raven na Koroškem, najmanj pa iz Kranja in Maribora. Pri preizkusu hoje na 2 km in šestminutnem testu hoje (p < 0,001) smo ugotovili statistično značilne razlike med spoloma, regijami in različno starimi preiskovanci, medtem ko smo pri dve minutnem testu stopanja ugotovili statistično značilne razlike le med preiskovanci različnih regij (p = 0,008), med spoloma in različno starimi preiskovanci pa statistično značilnih razlik (p > 0,05) nismo ugotovili. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi rezultatov vseh testov aerobne zmogljivosti smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezanost med spolom in določeno kategorizacijo aerobne zmogljivosti (p < 0,001), kjer je večji delež žensk dosegal nadpovprečne (+2,60%) in povprečne rezultate v primerjavi z moškimi, ki so v večji meri dosegali povprečne rezultate (+11,49%). Povezanost med starostjo in aerobno zmogljivostjo je bila na šest minutnem testu hoje (r = -0,422, p < 0,001) in preizkusu hoje na 2 km (r = -0,074, p = 0,001) negativna in statistično značilna, medtem ko tega nismo dokazali na dve minutnem testu stopanja na mestu (r = - 0,059, p = 0,483). Opazili smo tudi precejšen vpliv okolja na aerobno zmogljivost preiskovancev in sicer so povprečno najboljše rezultate na šest minutnem testu hoje, dve minutnem testu stopanja (> 60 let) in preizkusu hoje na 2 km dosegali testirani Slovenci v celjski oz. mariborski regiji v primerjavi z ostalimi regijami. Z vidika javno- zdravstvene perspektive ima poznavanje faktorjev, ki vplivajo na splošno telesno nedejavnost velik pomen pri nadaljnjem delovanju v prid izboljšanja telesne zmogljivosti.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, aerobna zmogljivost, šest minutni test hoje, preizkus hoje na 2 km, dve minutni test stopanja na mestu, raziskava ''Ali sem fit?'' 2018
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Koren]
Number of pages:86 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154997 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:188830979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Aerobic capacity of adult participant of the workshop “Am I fit?” : master thesis
Introduction: Current research indicates a gradual decrease in the level of physical activity and detorioration of aerobic capacity of the world population. In order to prevent the effects of sedentary lifestyle, health education workshop "Am I fit?" is being held in Slovenia. The purpose of this workshop is making participants aware of their physical capacity status based on aerobic capacity tests. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to assess the level of aerobic capacity of adult Slovenes who attended workshop "Am I fit?" in 2018. Methods: The study included 3858 subjects of both genders, who attended the ‘’Am I fit’’ workshop in 2018. The subjects involved had to complete one of three aerobic capacity tests: 6- minute walk test, 2- minute step test or 2 km walking test. Results: The average age of the subjects was 52 years, of which 2/3 were men. The largest number of participants were from Celje and Raven na Koroškem, and the least from Kranj and Maribor. In the entire sample, we found statistically significant differences between genders, regions and subjects of different ages in 2 km walking test and 6- minute walk test (p < 0.001), while statistically significant differences in 2- minute step test were found only between subjects of different regions (p = 0.008), meanwhile there was not found statistically significant difference between genders and people of different ages (p> 0.05). Discussion and conclusion: Based on the results of all aerobic capacity tests, we found a statistically significant association between gender and certain categorization of aerobic capacity (p < 0.001), where a greater proportion of women achieved above average (+2.60%) and average results compared to men, who achieved average results of aerobic capacity (+11.49%). The correlation between age and aerobic capacity was negative and statistically significant at 6- minute walk test (r = -0.422, p < 0.001) and 2 km walking test (r = -0.074, p = 0.001), while this was not demonstrated at 2- minute step test (r = - 0.059, p = 0.483). We also observed a considerable influence of the environment on the aerobic capacity of the subjects. The best results at 6- minute walk test, 2- minute step test (> 60 years) and 2 km walking test were achieved by Slovenians from Celje and Maribor compared to other regions. From a public health perspective, knowing the factors that influence general physical inactivity is of great importance in further action to improve physical performance of population.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, aerobic capacity, 6- minute walk test, 2 km walking test, 2- minute step test, ''Am I fit?'' workshop

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