
Vpliv modernih onesnaževal v prečiščeni odpadni vodi na pridelek paradižnika in nekatere parametre kakovosti plodov
ID Polanc, Špela (Author), ID Pintar, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Comentor)

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Zaloge pitne podzemne vode, ki so zaenkrat še največji vir vode za namakanje, so pri nas omejene, zato bi bilo smiselno v prihodnje razmišljati o alternativnih virih vode za namakanje, kot je npr. prečiščena odpadna voda (POV). V poskusu, ki je potekal na 30 lizimetrih na Centralni čistilni napravi Ajdovščina, od maja do septembra 2020, nas je zanimalo, kako bo namakanje s POV ter POV, ki so ji bila dodana moderna onesnaževala (SOV), vplivalo na pridelek in kakovostne parametre plodov paradižnika. Rastline v kontrolnem obravnavanju smo namakali s pitno vodo (PV). V poskus smo vključili tudi lizimetre, ki niso bili zasajeni z rastlinami, da ugotovimo vpliv prisotnih rastlin na parametre izcedne vode (pH in električno prevodnost (EC)). Pridelek smo pobirali od začetka avgusta do sredine septembra. Ob vsakem pobiranju smo prešteli število plodov na rastlino in stehtali njihovo maso. Vzorčenje plodov za analizo kakovostnih parametrov smo izvedli v treh terminih (4.8., 28.8. in 11.9. 2020), saj nas je zanimalo, ali daljša izpostavljenost rastlin novodobnim onesnaževalom vpliva na vsebnost sladkorjev, organskih kislin, vitamina C in karotenoidov. Ugotovili smo, da uporaba POV, z ali brez dodanih modernih onesnaževal, ni imela pomembnega vpliva na količino pridelka. Namakanje s POV in SOV ni pomembno vplivalo na vsebnost sladkorjev glede na kontrolne rastline. Vplivalo pa je na vsebnost jabolčne kisline, ki je bila večja v plodovih rastlin, namakanih s POV in SOV glede na kontrolne rastline, namakane s PV. Na vsebnost karotenoidov namakanje s POV in SOV ni imelo pomembnega vpliva. Rezultati meritev pH in EC v izcedni vodi so pokazali, da namakanje s POV in SOV ni vplivalo na pH in EC izcedne vode iz lizimetrov, glede na kontrolno obravnavanje. Ugotovili pa smo večjo EC izcedne vode iz obravnavanj POV in SOV brez rastlin glede na lizimetre istih obravnavanj, posajenih z rastlinami.

Keywords:paradižnik, namakanje, alternativni viri, odpadna voda, kakovost plodov, pridelek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154936 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:189838339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of concern emerging contaminants in treated wastewater on tomato yield and some fruit quality parameters
Potable underground water supplies, which are currently the largest source of water for irrigation, are limited in our country, so it would be reasonable to think about alternative sources of water for irrigation in the future, such as treated wastewater (TWW). In an experiment conducted from May to September 2020 on 30 lysimeters in the Central wastewater treatment plant of Ajdovščina, we wanted to find out how irrigation with TWW and TWW to which modern contaminants have been added (SWW) affects the yield and quality parameters of tomato fruits. The plants in the control treatment were irrigated with potable water (PW). Lysimeters that were not planted with plants were also included in the experiment in order to determine the influence of the plants present on the parameters of the leachate (pH and electroconductivity (EC)). Fruit harvesting took place from the beginning of August to mid-September. At each harvest date, the number of fruits per plant was counted and their weight were weighed. Fruit sampling for the analysis of quality parameters took place in three periods (August 4, August 28 and September 11, 2020), as we wanted to investigate whether prolonged exposure of the plants to modern pollutants affects the content of sugars, organic acids, vitamin C and carotenoids. Results showed that the use of TWW, with or without the addition of modern contaminants, had no significant effect on yield. Irrigation with TWW and SWW had no significant effect on sugar, vitamin C and carotenoids content compared to the control plants. However, the content of malic acid was higher in the fruit of the plants irrigated with TWW and SWW compared to the control plants, which was irrigated with PW. The results of pH and EC measurements in the leachate showed that irrigation with TWW and SWW did not affect the pH and EC of the leachate from the lysimeters compared to the control treatment. However, a higher EC of the leachate from the TWW and SWW treatments without plants was observed compared to the lysimeters of the same treatments with plants.

Keywords:tomato, irrigation, alternative sources, wastewater, fruit quality, yield

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