
Značilnosti poteka dvojne kariere mladih športnikov dijakov : magistrsko delo
ID Jamnik, Eva (Author), ID Doupona, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dvojna kariera športnikov predstavlja večdimenzionalen pristop, pri katerem športniki hkrati razvijajo svojo športno pot in se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem ali delom. Koncept dvojne kariere odraža prizadevanje posameznika za raznolikost in uravnoteženost v življenju, s ciljem zagotoviti stabilnost, ter se pripraviti na življenje po koncu športne kariere. Športnikom dijakom dvojna kariera predstavlja kompleksen izziv, ki poleg vseh mladostniških težav, s katerimi se srečujejo mladi športniki, zahteva usklajevanje med intenzivno športno dejavnostjo in šolskim izobraževanjem. Športniki dijaki se srečujejo z različnimi izzivi in težavami, pri čemer sta za uspešen potek dvojne kariere ključna podpora in sodelovanje različnih socialnih podpornikov. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti izzive in ovire pri usklajevanju športa in izobraževanja ter vlogo socialnih podpornikov za uspešno uresničevanje dvojne kariere mladih športnikov. V prvem delu smo predstavili teoretično ozadje dvojne kariere mladih športnikov in se osredotočili na vlogo in pomembnost socialnih podpornikov pri uspešni izpeljavi le te. V drugem delu smo ugotavljali značilnosti poteka dvojne kariere s pomočjo intervjujev mladih športnikov dijakov in socialnih podpornikov. V raziskavo smo vključili 10 športnikov, starih 15 do 19 let, ki obiskujejo eno izmed slovenskih srednjih šol/gimnazij in 5 socialnih podpornikov, ki imajo izkušnje s športniki z dvojno kariero. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, kateri so najpogostejši izzivi in težave pri usklajevanju dvojne kariere športnikov dijakov. Raziskava je dala vpogled v ukrepe, ki že obstajajo pri podpori dijakom športnikom v Sloveniji in kakšne so razlike med srednjimi šolami, ki jih obiskujejo športniki dijaki. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da se mladi športniki soočajo z izzivi pri usklajevanju šolskih in športnih obveznosti, pri čemer sta primanjkovanje časa in prekrivanje urnikov bistvena dejavnika. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so pomemben del koncepta dvojne kariere socialni podporniki, pri tem označujemo kot najpomembnejše starše in družino. Pomoč in podpora je mladim športnikom dijakom namenjena v obliki finančne, logistične in čustvene podpre. Za uspešen potek dvojne kariere ter usmerjanje in razumevanje v ključnih situacijah je bila najbolj izpostavljena čustvena podpora, ki pripomore k dobremu počutju, pozitivnim čustvom in s tem vztrajanju na obeh področjih. Ustrezna in učinkovita podpora pa je odvisna predvsem od povezovanja socialnih podpornikov in celostne obravnave mladih športnikov dijakov.

Keywords:dvojna kariera, šport, srednješolsko izobraževanje, socialna podpora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154926 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:194928387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of the dual career course of young high school student athletes
The dual career of athletes represents a multidimensional approach in which athletes simultaneously develop their sports career and engage in education or work. Concept reflects the individual's pursuit of diversity and balance in life, with the aim of ensuring stability and preparing for life after the end of a sports career. For high school student athletes, a dual career presents a complex challenge, which, in addition to all the adolescent problems faced by young athletes, requires coordination between intensive sports activities and school education. High school student athletes face various challenges and problems, with support and collaboration from various social support providers being crucial for the successful dual careers. The purpose of the master's work was to identify challenges and obstacles in the coordination of sport and education, as well as the role of social supporters for the successful realization of a dual career of young athletes. In the first part, we presented the theoretical background of the dual career of young athletes, and focused on the role and importance of social support providers in its successful implementation. In the second part, we searched the characteristics of dual careers through interviews with young high school student athletes and social support providers. In the research, we included 10 athletes aged 15 to 19 who attend one of the Slovenian high schools and 5 social supporters who have experience with athletes with a dual career. The research results have shown the most common challenges and difficulties in balancing the dual careers of high school student athletes. The study provided insight into the measures that already exist to support high school student athletes in Slovenia and the differences between the high schools attended by student athletes. We found that young athletes face challenges in balancing their academic and athletic obligations, with a lack of time and overlapping schedules being crucial factors. Additionally, we found that a significant part of the dual career concept is social support, with parents and family being identified as the most important supporters. Assistance and support for young athletes are provided in the form of financial, logistical, and emotional support. Emotional support, which contributes to well-being, positive emotions, and perseverance in both areas, was particularly highlighted for the successful progression of a dual career and guidance and understanding in key situations. However, adequate and effective support depends mainly on the integration of social support providers and holistic treatment of young high school student athletes.

Keywords:dual career, sports, high school education, social support

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