98.5% of forests in Forest Management unit Cerklje (GGO Kranj) are private property. With this research we are analyzing the factors, which are influencing on the characteristics of forest management and creating the attitude of the forest owners to the forest. The forest owners in Forest Management unit Cerklje are divided in five size classes by the size of forestproperty. There are properties till 0,99 ha in the first size class, 1-4,99 ha in the second, 5-9,99 ha in the third, 10-29,99 ha in the forth and over 30 ha in the fifth size class. The sample included 65 owners of the forest property. Face-to-face surveys method has been used for the collection of the data. A big challenge of Forestry is to link up owners of the forest properties and thus smaller forest properties change into forests with more effective management. Different shapes of co-operation represent the possibility of even more effective management and exploitation of the production potentials. The analysis has shown that the interest for co-operation of the owners, who own less than 5ha of the forest, is small. Since the possibilities for the modernization of wood production are rewarding, it would be wise to attract the forest owner in more intensive co-operation. The owners are the most pleased with the activities of Slovenia Forest Service, a great deal to the guidance of further management developmentcan be contributed by the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia.